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Everything posted by _anon_

  1. hmmm im not convinced how do you know these are the glasses? are they in perfect condition? where were they found? that sounded like im interrogating you, sorry =]
  2. ^ i wont =] dont worry im not new to this, just wondering whether eating something before running would be beneficial.
  3. should i eat breakfast before or after i go running in the morning? (bearing in mind im trying to lose some weight). also, what should i be eating? im out for around 40-50mins on a daily basis so i need something substantial but not too filling/heavy. just need some advice about what to eat and when. thanks! admin- sorry if this is in the wrong section.
  4. improves slightly when u open it in windows media almost finished now anyway
  5. event was really good, decent turnout anyone got pictures/audio?? EDIT: 1 minute too late! thanks bhaji
  6. all i can hear is buzzing, voices r quiet. i live in london aswell oh well.
  7. its too quietttt laptop volume and the radio volume is full
  8. yup all sorted :D itll be gone by the end of may tho lol got another one:
  9. yeh for the last 18months theyve been taxing me even tho im 18yrs old n in full time education! :D cant wait till april!!
  10. parents r lethal. jus do what they say and youll lose fewer brain cells the other day she picked up the belna because i left a few pairs of shoes in the hallway and she tripped over them for the tenth time lol the situation made worse by the fact that she was in a very bad mood
  11. and i have double thanks loll congratulations!! kirpa =)
  12. they could do either. they could give you an offer/reject you straight away or wait a while. i think. i didnt have any interviews so im nt too sure. jus brush up on ur technique-eye contact, sitting straight etc. you'll be fine :s
  13. emotions change frequently if ur truly feeling bairaag then wouldnt it be a state because it doesnt just come and go i suppose you could have bairaag for wordly things which would be an emotion and then bairaag for waheguru through gurbani, which could be a state. ive never felt bairaag, im just guessing so feel free to correct me anyone else??
  14. stop beadbi of Maharaaj and Dasam Bani become shastardhari, wear a dastaar not patkeh dont fail to get up for nitnem (if u do uve written a bedhaava-chalee mukhtee maha singh) pantic ekta jathebanida, issues within the panth-bibia converting are our children going to be sant sipahi or 'teletubbies' im sure ive missed out several points.
  15. once i came back home reallyyy late in the morning mum totally freaked out, i got inside the house she waved and smiled at the car droppin me off then all hell broke loose seriously, she grabbed one of those massive umbrellas and hit me repeatedly n realllyy hard gave me a fat lip n bruises everywhere lolll this other time my bibi chucked a can of beans at me coz i put salt in the tea instead of sugar and gave it to our guests. i was only 7!! haha
  16. attachment. the remaining four which i have problems with stem from this.
  17. ^I admit that sounds wayyyy too familiar.
  18. nail varnish remover!! containing acetone
  19. amazing had to do it in small chunks- its so indepth but yeah it was
  20. i admit i walked home in the rain even tho i had an umbrella. i love the rain :s yeh sure u can have 2, vand ke shako n all that =]
  21. i admit i just made some chocolate cakeeee recurring theme?
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