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wjkk wjkf

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Everything posted by wjkk wjkf

  1. wjkk wjkf


    should be okay - i got in ok in harrow magistrates - they pat you down and you explain that it's religious etc. - MOST courts are pretty clued up on it. Howevver, it DOES depend on the court and the area - so ring them up before hand. :D
  2. 1) Last Samurai and Gladiator...powerful movies 2) Lord of the Rings...book was also amasing 3) V for Vendetta...really makes you think 4) Rang De Basanti...makes your blood boil 5) Vanilla Sky...simply a weird movie 6) Constantine and The Mummy 7) Disney's Aladdin...classic 8) Sholay....makes me cry everytime 9) Passion of the Christ....Mel Gibson is a legend 10) The Terminal....Tom Hanks is no typical actor 11) Dharm....must watch 12) Taare Zameen Par...cutest kid ever ...there's a lot more but I dunno how to rate them
  3. We have a sheep farm near where we live and people are free to pet the animals etc I showed some sheep to my brother on my way home. He felt that they were quite cute etc. Then I handed him a lamb and he played with it for a while and started to get quite attached to it. When we left he decided that he's love to have kept the animal blah blah blah...Then I turned to him and said....'If I asked you now to chop that wee animals' head off now, could you bring yourself to do it?' Quite taken aback he replied 'No way! Why would you say such a thing!' Then I asked, 'What are you having for dinner tonight?' and then it all came together for him as he gasped...'...Lamb' was his reply. 'When you eat your lamb, you don't see a little baby animal jumping and playing saying 'Baa baa' you see a slab of red meat on the plate....but I see that baby animal...and you wander why I can't bring myself to eat meat....'
  4. lol my thia said that a nihung singh once told him that... 'The triangle was brought in by a Sikh Maharaja back in the day. He brought in this style because although he was Kesdhari, he still drank, ate meat and did other things frowned upon within Sikhi. He felt that he should not cut his hair yet he was in a dilemma because he knew if he did al these things he would disgrace the dastaar gifted to us. So he changed the style from gol/damalla to the triangle one.' I think that's how he told it lol and it probably isn't true but I like it.
  5. Someone asked me why I don't post so much on the forum or spend much time on msn etc. It's simply because I'm trying my best to do what my Panj Pyare asked me to do. Spend less time 'chilling out on the pc' and more time with trying to learn bani off by heart, do more paath and simran. People seem to think that Sikhi is only in Amritvela. Well, it's not - you're supposed to implement it into every aspect of your life. You don't like listening to nindiya? Tell those people to stop and why or leave the sangat of such people. It might seem hard but trust me your heart feels a lot lighter. Some of you guys are right, there are a lot of hypocrites around. But the best thing you can do is be the opposite and practice Sikhi with all your heart - how many of us can put our hand on our hearts and say that we are whole heartedly trying to obey the commands of our Guru? and our Panj? I think the people on this forum should stop moaning for a minute and think about ways to counter the problems in Sikhi and try and achieve them. Why tell everyone what THEY should be doing (I gave up on that a while back). 1 person can have an impact on anything. So if we're all that 'one person' we can have the greatest impact ever. Sorry if I offended Bhul Chukk Maaf...nice post :D
  6. Good read - this family unit, support your children with love etc has come up a lot to me this month...maybe Waheguru's trying to tell me something hahaha I watched a hindi film recently (before you jump down my throat it wasn't the usual bollywood rubbish that's churned out) it was about a young dislexic child - who had to deal with his problems by himself because noone could understand what was up with him....neways it was an amazing film (for once) and I'd have every parent, sibling and child watch it. It's called 'Taare Zameen Par' Quote from film: 'On the Solomon Islands, when the villagers wish to cut a tree down to make room for farmland, they do not physically cut it down. The villagers gather around that tree and together they scream and shout at it in a constant curse. Then, after a few days we see that the tree slowly perishes.'
  7. o dang it .... i forgot about this bandar thread...phass gayi :homer
  8. waheguru ji ka khals awaheguru ji ki fateh hey guys, been workin on my comic for a while now - only problem is I've been using a mouse, and not only do I find it hard with a mouse but loooong. I'm in real need of a Wacom if anyone has one which i could borrow or buy off of them. This comic is unlikely to be finished by Vaisakhi otherwise.... pleaaaase!!! :s waheguru ji ka khalsa waheguru ji ki fateh!
  9. woah....kicks u right in the stomach that one does
  10. hahaha OK Pahji....lol I gotta get used to knowing sangat in Slough now...I just got no phone credit and stuff and I find Sikh Sangat an easier way to communicate cos I'm on the computer at college all day.
  11. lol anyone? and Harmeet Pahji I cant work out if your serious or not? Is it really spare?
  12. Kool I'm going Camp on Saturday so I'll definately arrange something with Bhai Sahib then. Can't wait! lol I'll ask especially for UR time, Singh seeing as you have to be selfish jokes
  13. Yeh Bhai Charanjeet Singh Ji teaches Santhiya but I was told it's a daily class - but I can't make the class. I was just hoping there would be a weekend one or something..I'll ask him if i can do Sundays or something lol
  14. Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki fateh! Quick question - Does anyone know where I can get a 'Panj Granthi' Gutke in West London/ Slough Areas? Been meaning to ask this for a while. Help would be appreciated Jio's! :s Waheguru ji ka khalsa Waheguru ji ki fateh!
  15. Are there any santhiya classes of the same nature in West London / Slough area - which aren't everyday lessons but weekly or twice weekly ones? Perhaps weekends?
  16. That makes 2 of us lol 2nd's gonna be a busy day!
  17. wow! cool! Question...where's Woodville Halls? And can anybody come?
  18. Well said pehnji. I went to Punjab last year in Oct-Nov- to try and get an idea of the things which must change or where the greatest amount of help is needed. I travelled all over Punjab. What I saw in Amritsar was drugged up kids n men lying on round-abouts in the shade. Obviously a HUGE divide between rich and poor (mostly due to caste problems), Sometimes water shortages in areas or unsanitary water, BUT the thing which hit my heart more than anything was...in some Gurudwara's because there is not enough sangat anymore, there aren't donations towards them - the Gurudware are falling into disrepair and the sevadaars barely have enough to eat and cloth themselves. They do more seva for Guru Ji and the animals in the area than I've ever seen in my life. What I concluded from my journey was people in Punjab aren't uneducated, but simply ignorant. They mostly think that they know better. The richer will go Gurudwara only on a special occassion, while the poorer do more seva with so much pyar every day. My thia goes to Punjab every year, and with him he takes money (doesn't even have to be much) to BUY the clothes and food FOR the sevadaars. A lot of the young kids are turning to drugs because they feel noone is bothering with them. I don't think that my Thia will simply give them the money because he's worried that they'll buy drugs. SO he gets them things they need. He also spoke to them about the wrongs of drug abuse and some of the kids due to their respect and pyar agreed that what they do is wrong and that they will try to stop. What's needed out there is more seva and parchaar. Trust me - a Singhni is a rare sight in Punjab and I know that a lot of the kids were inspired by just seeing one. SO having a load of us SIkh Youths out there to tell the kids 'Yeh we're for the "glorious" West but we havent forgotten who we are!' THe parents know how things should be but they don't bother implementing these ideals into their kids because becoming an Engineer or TOP in class is more important. I stayed up until 2 in the morning telling the kids about why I chose to wear a dastaar and keep reht. Most of the kids are more knowledgable when it comes to Hindu Gods like Hanuman and Krisna because they inspire them (plus they have movies and cartoons). The little girls now refuse to cut their hair and my lil cousin lol wants to be a Nihung,. He's growing his hair and wears a patka! All it takes is a little effort and inspiration and things can change. THe problem is I've spoken to the Sangat that moan constantly on this forum a billion times and I worked out there's no point in waiting for one of them to do something. SOMEONE has to make the first step. SunnyBond Pahji to some extent you're right. We're miles away from the problems and are unlike to make a difference from over here. SO we should go THERE when we can and do our bit. Over here we have the resources to do SO much, like I said it just takes some effort. This new year they spent MILLIONS of GREAT BRITISH POUNDS on FIREWORKS!!!! Is it really worthwhile? I may have gone on a bit but I think you get my point. But most of you will probably read this and say ' yeah she has a point!' but leave it at that - and carry on sitting behind your desks taking about it lol like me. :s
  19. myrw mnu locY gur drsn qweI ] maeraa man lochai gur dharasan thaaee || My mind longs for the Blessed Vision of the Guru's Darshan. My interpretation of darshan is that it's more like Guru Ji's erm...presence. It's not necessarily physical....I might be stabbing in the dark here cos I'm just a Moorakh but why would Guru Ji show us a physical form when They are beyond any such thing? I think we are always in Guru Ji's Darshan it's just when we realise this and remember do we get blessed to 'feel' or 'see' with our senses. I dunno if that made sense lol Bhul Chukk Maaf...
  20. Duir msqik ijn kau iliKAw sy gurmuiK rhy ilv lwie ]1] rhwau ] dhhur masathak jin ko likhiaa sae guramukh rehae liv laae ||1|| rehaao || Those whose have such pre-ordained destiny written on their foreheads-those Gurmukhs remain absorbed in the Lord's Love. ||1||Pause| waheguru
  21. mwieAw BuieAMgmu srpu hY jgu GyirAw ibKu mwie ] maaeiaa bhueia(n)gam sarap hai jag ghaeriaa bikh maae || The poisonous snake, the serpent of Maya, has surrounded the world with its coils, O mother! ibKu kw mwrxu hir nwmu hY gur gruV sbdu muiK pwie ] bikh kaa maaran har naam hai gur garurr sabadh mukh paae || The antidote to this poisonous venom is the Name of the Lord; the Guru places the magic spell of the Shabad into the mouth. I think we got bigger problems than black magic to worry about (5 chor). But anyways... as Guru Maharaaj Ji says...only the Shabad will help us to deal with 5 chor and so I'm gonna say I think Guru Ji's Bani would take black magic anyday. :s
  22. isrIrwgu mhlu 1 ] sireeraag mehal 1 || Siree Raag, First Mehla: Dwqu imlY Puin Dwqu kau isPqI isPiq smwie ] dhhaath milai fun dhhaath ko sifathee sifath samaae || As metal merges with metal, those who chant the Praises of the Lord are absorbed into the Praiseworthy Lord. lwlu gulwlu ghbrw scw rMgu cVwau ] laal gulaal gehabaraa sachaa ra(n)g charraao || Like the poppies, they are dyed in the deep crimson color of Truthfulness. scu imlY sMqoKIAw hir jip eykY Bwie ]1] sach milai sa(n)thokheeaa har jap eaekai bhaae ||1|| Those contented souls who meditate on the Lord with single-minded love, meet the True Lord. ||1|| I don't wish to be one of those people who simply take Gurubani out of context to explain my point. However, I have to say, from reading Gurubani this message seems to come to me quite a lot. That as long as we are trying with all our hearts to meet Waheguru without thinking about anything else, Waheguru will indeed let us. I'm not going to say that you should simply concentrate on what's easy, but I think at first this is acceptable to concentrate on something which helps you - until you can control your mind to be able to simply concentrate on Waheguru shabd alone. I hope that wasnt confusing and I hope I haven't offended anyone etc. in my reply
  23. I'd actually like to know more about Bibeki..ness... How do u become bibeki? What does a Bibeki do that's different to normal reht keeping? I've never come across Bibeki's before :H:
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