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Everything posted by dalsingh101

  1. I think parshaad is strictly off limits. We shouldn't play around with that. It has been made this way from the beginning. Just eat a lot less of it if your really worried. Note the average giani needs to take this advice seriously, what with the pot bellies and all that.
  2. I think using olive oil instead of ghee would help big time!
  3. Jagjit is an <banned word filter activated>! The movement has long been infiltrated and there is absolutely no international support for it by the wider global community. The people around today's Khalistan movement are largely illiterate pendus who have absolutely no clue about the issues surrounding running a country. If such morans were given a country it would be an embarrassment to the global Sikh community. With village idiots like this behind the movement, I've given up. For the record I supported the movement for many years. If we can't do any better than this then we don't deserve a country..
  4. People from Sikh Panjabi backgrounds who want to celebrate what is essentially "spring" have every right too! It is true that something else BIG also happened on Vasaikhi with the emergence of the Khalsa. But you cant deny the older celebration either. The fact that some tension occurs between various factions on this day doesn't mean we need to over react and start banning melas. If this logic is followed maybe we should shut down Gurdwaras because committees sometimes fight!!! Live and let live. None of us are perfect. Let go of the judging, it just stems from ego.
  5. I can't believe people have made this an issue!!! Nothing in Sikhi I have ever come across says periods are evil, bad, unclean etc. etc. There is no reason why ladies shouldn't attend Gurdwaras because of them or do seva. Can we just nip this one in the bud, Sikhs are facing really serious issues and we don't need non-issues to waste our time.
  6. You have to be careful. These guys often do stuff like this to try and shock and demoralise people. I have had it the other way around on a few occasions with conversations about so and so's girlfriend converting for him had near me. I'm sure this was so that I would hear it and feel low. Ultimately don't fall for the bait. When we as a society warm to each other and all Sikhs feel this, they will never leave. It is truly God's way of waking us up to some of teh negative side of our society. We just need to act on it. Generally we can be very elitist and closed off. This needs to change to inclusion and non-judging. Thats what I think.
  7. This is a bad time for Human Rights. Even so-called progressive Western countries are now doing what we thought they wouldn't i.e. Iraq - guatanomo bay. I think many countries feel that the Panjab situation has been brought to a heal and that it is better left alone and are thus reluctant to do/say anything. Especially those with large economic interests with this rapidly developing country. What would a minority group of about 1/2 percent mean to them? Especially ones that argue relentlessly amongst each other. But it is still worth a try if you like.
  8. Wire wool paji. It is specifically made to clean up rusty loha like that. I use it myself and it gets rid of rust and stuff. Then, spray some wd40 on it and wipe it dry, this will help it stop rusting and corroding.
  9. Panji, Just a few things for you to consider. When a man is around 18/19 lots of big changes are taking place in his body. Your brother will be pumped full of testosterone which will make him aggressive and independent minded. Also it is not uncommon for guys at this age to go through a rebellious phase. When you try and clip them, they just seem to get worse. I've got some guys at the same age in my family too and it seems real strange when they change like that all of a sudden but personally I think it is natural and in good time they will grow out of it. Nagging will only make things worse. My advice is as his sister just be nice to him and don't be surprised if he reacts aggressively over any little thing right now because he will be inclined to do so. Just pray he manages to stay out of trouble long enough for him to pass through this phase and love and support him like a sister should.
  10. Thanks for that. Saw some pictures I hadn't seen before.
  11. I think perceptions have changed as to what constitutes freedom fighters. Nowerdays the labels terrorist or extremists are thrown around a lot and people seem to want to get away from that quite heavily. Besides with the newer "MTV generation" education in general doesn't seem to appeal to them, let alone history. I'm not saying they aren't going to colleges and unis but rather that an indepth interest in history and culture is missing. Many people also feel these things are in our past and have little relevance to the lives we lead today. In the diaspora, many raised up abroad will relate little to Punjabi politics. But you do still get some Gurdwaras that do have pictures of the events you mentioned in them. But another important point is that the youth of today need the information presented to them differently and not as outdated paintings. This probably contributes quite a bit to their apathy to these things.
  12. I've heard from Amandeep Madra and Paramjit Singh (who wrote Warrior Saints and Sicques, Tigers or Thieves) that this is not a picture of Maharajah Ranjit Singh and Hari Singh Nalwa but some Afghan nobility. I don't think cameras had been developed properly at the time these pictures where supposed to be taken.
  13. i met a guy like this a few times in and around London. When I said Singhs (he had a dastar and full dhari) should not be doing such sooothsaying crap, he said to me "i've been trained in Banares, this is is my job!" It is all a big husltle.
  14. Just the other day I had to rush to work. I had been up till late working on something. On the way (on the tube) I was getting looks (I thought it was for my striking looks!LoL) When I got to work my boss asked me why I had my jumper on inside out............
  15. Some girls from Sikh backgrounds need their heads examined....but this is an old story
  16. He was just a kid when it happened I think. The most respect to him for demonstrating the true Panjabi Ankhila way. People should shut up and not insult him. I don't any of the people who do so, haven't got half the courage he had - mona or not!
  17. Where can i download this from? Help appreciated.
  18. when I was there I swear i saw some signs saying something was going on on the 14th or 16th?
  19. I think we ALL need to chill out a bit. Show some humanity to the people around us regardless of their current state of Sikhi. Try and cause less hurt. Seriously though, it really does hurt me sometimes when I see people who are Gursikhs and other parts of the panth get at each others throats. Someone made a point about Panjabis being prone to get at each other and I think this is true unless they have a clear external force they are trying to defeat. I've got the MOST respect for disciplined and open minded Singhs. They should be the leaders in the panth. But people I think we need to look around and see the talent and resources that we have as a whole. We need this in this day and age. ONE LOVE PEOPLE! Lets not hurt each other. ultimately I think Punjabi Link is saying what he is saying because he has experienced pain at the hands of some hankari folk. Ultimately though, the truth is that Sikhi is a gift for humanity not just Singhs and even nonSikhs can look into it and benefit. Don't lets cut people off who come from Sikh descent but are currently not following rehit strictly. Show some compassion, show some understanding, show some GRACE. WJKK WJKF
  20. We do need to resolve this issue at some stage. Yes someone who is a Gursikh is a greater man 9or woman) than me. But still it is unbecoming to be on the receiving end of arrogance. I've always thought that Gursikhs are models for the rest of us. It is a shame that some burst this bubble. I just feel taking amrit is such a big step. One has to be on another level physically, mentally and spiritually to do it. In the end ALL LOVE to the Sikh community. (and i include everyone in this despite what somne people think).
  21. For all we know the Sikh guy may have been tipsy and started it, but until the facts come out we wont know..... What I was trying to get at is that their are some communities within the white, hindu and muslim population that actually organise attacks on the community through conversions, general brainwashing etc. Kalay are not doing this. Not saying what this guy done was acceptable but i don't think it was an attack on Sikhs, that guy probably wouldn't be able to tell the difference between a <admin-profanity filter activated> and a sikh anyway. I feel sorry for the boys family, I bet they will stop any of their youth going out for a long time after this.
  22. yes it does, it tells you how important the issue is to many people.
  23. "and what does the human race have in common with the jelly babies? everyone hates the black ones." I actually like the black ones, but the red ones are ok too. Actually they are all nice except the orange ones. I was in Ilford that night. Dude lay of black people, they aren't behind any widespread anti-Sikh activity. I know of a few Sikh boys who have done similar stuff themselves so cool it bro.
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