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I got copies of Snake in the Eagles Shadow and Drunken Master (both starring Jackie Chan) and just followed how he learns. You should be able to master complex kung fu in 2 hours using this method.

Seriously try wrestling and boxing. Guru Hargobind Sahib promoted wrestling.

This shin kin and uk nang stuff is useless when it comes to defending yourself when attacked. Boxing teaches you how to punch properly and wrestling teaches you all the ground moves you will ever need. Plus the training for these two arts keeps you very fit.

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Learn about Aikido and Jiu Jitsu.

Someone who has been practising Jiu Jitsu for 4-5 years can beat someone who's been practicing kung fu for 20+ years, I've got videos to prove it  LOL.gif


Waheguru Jika Khalsa, Waheguru Jiki Fateh

Add to what's mention so far in thread (excellent responses btw)

IMO, the best for 1 to 1 is a grappling type martial arts, and JiuJitsu tops them. Even Bruce Lee admits to his weakness to fighting on the ground...which is where most actual street fights ends up.


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I got copies of Snake in the Eagles Shadow and Drunken Master (both starring Jackie Chan) and just followed how he learns. You should be able to master complex kung fu in 2 hours using this method.

Seriously try wrestling and boxing. Guru Hargobind Sahib promoted wrestling.

This shin kin and uk nang stuff is useless when it comes to defending yourself when attacked.  Boxing teaches you how to punch properly and wrestling teaches you all the ground moves you will ever need. Plus the training for these two arts keeps you very fit.


Martial arts isnt something which can be picked up over a video and mastered in 2 hours, set techniques are easy to follow and in your own home infront of a TV you may feel like a Grand Master, however when it comes to real fighting there are much more varialbles involved depending on how skilled your opponent is.

I would suggest that you dont comment on what Nihang Niddar Singh teaches unless you have come to the akhara and witnessed it yourself, what you see on the videos on the website is nothing compared to what the true art is. Its funny how you say boxing is good, and wrestling, when we have semi pro boxers and wrestlers, wing chun, okinowa karate, kickboxers, praying mantis, lau gar practitioners who are regular students at the akhara and they still cannot beat Niddar Singh. Surely if the art was useless they would have been able to see through it with all their years of training and still beat him, eh? :)

You say its useless, most attacks in the streets involve knives, baseball bats, bottles, sticks, in the akhara kids learn how to defend themselves against all these, which boxing or wrestling class teaches you real street self defence? If boxing teaches you how to punch properly, why do most boxers end up with knuckle and hand injuries? Ask any of the girls or guys who have defended themselves from attacks and potential rapes if they thought the self defence at the akhara was "useless"

Anyway thats a totally diff topic altogether

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Apologies again if i rong a long post! i dont mean to!

This is something which i am probably most experienced!! I have done abotu every martial art there has been in my local city, and there has been ALOT!!

I have done Vidiya, i can say this is prehaps the most useful i have done because it teaches you first, self defence techniques, then move onto shastar. When did kung fu and karate for instance, i was taught to defend against one person and stand at angles to them, when i trained in vidiya i was taught the aim is to get behind the person to hold an upper advantage or to the side of them, keep them close restricting their movements etc.

I have done gatkha also, and i admit its good, kept me fit and on my toes, built my reaction speed up beautifully but never learned close quarter techniques which realistically, in this day and age, we have to take as the priority when passing people in the street. not likely people gona be attacking you with 3ft shastars and staffs (no offence intended, jst stating reality). Mite get a bat or something but realistically u need to look out for knifes and fists.

Ok, now the real analysis. Dont learn one martial are, learn a mix. Reasons are simple. like i said, i have done so many differnt arts i can prbably write a book on em!! but none of them suited me. kung fu was probably the best as it resembled so much of shastar vidiya (the higher stages of kung fu, the lower were jst basic, block punch crap). neway!! You need to be trained to be thiyaar bithyaar yeh?

Kick boxing / thai boxing - best for standing up fighting, relies on kicks and punching from distance

Karate - to many fixed positions - even Bruce Lee recorded this

Boxing - great to learn how to punch, but what you gna do if you lose an arm? (ie person knows something also and is able to break it or hurt it?, you may have something in your arm so its out of the fight)

Wrestling / grappling - (not the wwf crap) as in close quarter defense. 90% of fights will end up on the floor, so you definatly need to know this stuff!! We all "Think" we do, but seriously, when i went to my first grappling session a few weeks ago, iv learned i didnt have a clue.

in our city we have set up a new class, more street fighting based lessons, ie, mixed array of arts. We learn to kick from thai boxers with knees and use elbows. Punch from a boxer as they follow through, in kung fu u snap the punch, boxing will teach you to land a bomb on the opponent and finish him - u only want a fight to last a minute if that! Geof Thompsons book, "watch my back" is prob the best for this - im lucky enuf to have him live acros road from me so i can ask him questions like that. try and read the book tho! full of great stuf!

learn to grapple, even if you look like your in a vunrable position, you can be the more dominant, only if you kow what your doing!

martial arts in this country have become like a fashion and money making scheme. you go in, 2yrs down the line ur a blackbelt. dnt mean u can defend urself. jst means u got alot of money for gradings and got memory to show what you know in procedure fighting!! When you hit the street u dnt get the same rules.

Martial arts now days dont accomodate for essential stuf like the abov so if you can, get signed up to a few differnt associations and learn a mix. it will be hard, but will benifit you the most to do so!!!

i will continue to read the listing later, jst bout to get shouted at by the boss for spending to much time on here AGAIN!!! lol

Apologies for any offenses i have made to anyone, every martial are is good, but then its only as good as the person who utilises it properly. Some martial arts are in place to make money, theres no need for stuff like belts, doesnt proove anything!!! jst you have money on your hands!!


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Okay, i did some looking into on the subject of grappling and i'm quite impressed. Apparently the main ones are Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and Thai/Muay Boxing (which really confused me because of the word "boxing" but is actually just a standing-up grappling technique).

Then there is akido (which i saw mentioned here) as a form of Jiu Jitsu and such.

I have also agreed that one should learn a mix of techniques (grappling, far away, close up, any others?)

However I have finnally found my issue: There is no where i can go to learn! I live in MI and no where close by teaches the stuff i wanted to learn. So maybe this summer i'll have to go to NJ or somewhere???

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Okay, i did some looking into on the subject of grappling and i'm quite impressed. Apparently the main ones are Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and Thai/Muay Boxing (which really confused me because of the word "boxing" but is actually just a standing-up grappling technique).

Then there is akido (which i saw mentioned here) as a form of Jiu Jitsu and such.

I have also agreed that one should learn a mix of techniques (grappling, far away, close up, any others?)

However I have finnally found my issue: There is no where i can go to learn! I live in MI and no where close by teaches the stuff i wanted to learn. So maybe this summer i'll have to go to NJ or somewhere???


i take it you from the states?

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naw, naw, trust me the shastar vidya some nihangs know, i haveno idea if niddar knowsit or not, i really dont care cause of the crap he talks, but some nihangs know the illeest stuff

trust me

bring bruce lee, hed get his <admin-profanity filter activated> whoooooped

all martial arts stem fromt hat

thas the oirginal and unspolied version

its not made by guru je

but like before raams times or soemthing

since satjug

all in satjug knew shsastar vidya, u gain the gian as u get brahm gian

then u kno everythin

trust me the vidya is SICK

but i just need a teacher now??

someobody MUST know this

bhula chuka maf

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