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Animation on Sahibzades

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So we will have profit building exercise on Sahibzadeys showing them in cartoons.SHAME

How much is DVD priced?

Some days back they were trying to show in Gurudwara and Sangat objected.

I respect Harmeet Singh’s (Sherdil) concerns on how well we can portray our Guru Sahibs in animation and for that reason this movie begins from Sirsa river after Parivaar Vichora which meant no animation for Dasmesh Pita.

I am overwhelmed with the kind of support I see from fellow gursikhs even though many of them have not watched our movie.

Veerji Sherdil I do resent when you nitpick from our website to strengthen your arguments. You quoted “This movie has the potential to arouse interest of business houses to produce similar movies for profit” to prove that we have profit/ commercialization as our motive. Although this statement itself doesn’t imply our profit motives still I would like to put forth another statement from the same web site

“Why sell

It’s our mission to produce more and more great stories of our history in animation format. Promoters have invested from their personal savings and taken heavy loans to produce the current movie.

It requires money to produce more movies. The proceeds from movie shows and sale of DVD/VCD will be utilized to repay the current loans and fund our next movie”

In contrast to what you say none of the Gurudwara we approached refused us permission. Yes at certain places we did a preview show for committee members to clear their doubts. This includes Gurudwara Sahibs at Fremont, Bakersfield and Malton.

DVD price is also mentioned on the web site, US$15.00

From your latest post I notice you are more concerned on animation of Guru Sahibs. Please be assured this movie doesn’t have animation of Guru Sahib and we don’t intend to touch this sensitive topic. As many others on this discussion forum we believe animation is the need of the hour. We have developed the expertise would be honored to do more and more similar animated movies for our kids.

Sukhwinder Singh

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Sikhnet being a supporter of this animation rejected my original post. Replying to GSingh question who says that Christinaity and Hinduism have not suffered? My response to Sukhwinder also


Why have Christianity and Hidusim who have copied animation/dramas not suffered?

Christinaity started as monotheistic and non-idol worshipping faith, but adopting the vaules of personfying jesus, it became an idol worshipping and Polythicistic faith. They revere mary more than God and consider Jesus as God, even when their bible doesnt say that.

Do we want the same to happen to us? When are we going to connect to the Shabad and not pictures/idols/movies. It is a shame on who so ever has done this and people who are blindly supporting it.

Right now the only strict religion which doesn't allow human art endeveour playing with their messenger is islam. We all know how much they are strong in their spirit. Are we sikhs that strong? We don't even have a country. Muslims are much connected to the message of Koran then connected to the Deh of their prophet. We are the ones who are connected more with pictures and animations then with the shabad. And now we even have people making idols and justifying it.

How can someone make such a thing without consulting the panth? People here were lashing on Bhindrawale for not consulting the panth(even when he consulted the sangat),here we see the same who are ready and set to personify/commercialize or history without consulting the panth.

Aren't there other means to make money?Aren't there other good things which we can do if we really care about Sikh history? If it is really panthic why $15, Infact your website says that you do this stuff for commercial purposes. I can get a hollywood movie for less than $15. I would say Why not make a historic movie otherwise,Why animation which is an activated picture? Infact Why not make movie of Bluestar, if it is really a panthic Karaj?

You are today making on sahibzadey, I am sure tommorrow your step would be to make on Punj Pyares, then we will have conflict and confusion in Panth that who is our guru, is shabad our guru or was Deh our guru?

It is wrong because the custody to represent the messenger rests in hands of producer who having a business interest always gives a filmy touch far from truth. The truth rests under his direction to represent it and he can mold it.

When would be realize this?

The art of Humans and art of Waheguru shouldn’t be brought on same table. Art is an instinct to represent which is something in the boundaries of humans and not outside of it.

It will be dangerous to play with it. The thing which we should be concerned more about it Shabad Guru and message. Connect ur kids to Shabad and not Deh. They would forever remain confused and would never connect to message of Bani.

And yes you must agree with the decision of Sangat and we must discuss this if this is going to rake controversy or divide us. What ever the decision would be should be accepted as Guru’s. Why run away from it?

Mr Sukhwinder, you and your crew would be liable for this degradation of Sikhi and for all the questions you would have to answer in the near future.

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Sikhnet being a supporter of this animation rejected my original post. Replying to GSingh question who says that Christinaity and Hinduism have not suffered? My response to Sukhwinder also


Why have Christianity and Hidusim who have copied animation/dramas not suffered?

Christinaity started as monotheistic and non-idol worshipping faith, but adopting the vaules of personfying jesus, it became an idol worshipping and Polythicistic faith. They revere mary more than God and consider Jesus as God, even when their bible doesnt say that.

Do we want the same to happen to us? When are we going to connect to the Shabad and not pictures/idols/movies. It is a shame on who so ever has done this and people who are blindly supporting it.

Right now the only strict religion which doesn't allow human art endeveour playing with their messenger is islam. We all know how much they are strong in their spirit. Are we sikhs that strong? We don't even have a country. Muslims are much connected to the message of Koran then connected to the Deh of their prophet. We are the ones who are connected more with pictures and animations then with the shabad. And now we even have people making idols and justifying it.

How can someone make such a thing without consulting the panth? People here were lashing on Bhindrawale for not consulting the panth(even when he consulted the sangat),here we see the same who are ready and set to personify/commercialize or history without consulting the panth.

Aren't there other means to make money?Aren't there other good things which we can do if we really care about Sikh history? If it is really panthic why $15, Infact your website says that you do this stuff for commercial purposes. I can get a hollywood movie for less than $15. I would say Why not make a historic movie otherwise,Why animation which is an activated picture? Infact Why not make movie of Bluestar, if it is really a panthic Karaj?

You are today making on sahibzadey, I am sure tommorrow your step would be to make on Punj Pyares, then we will have conflict and confusion in Panth that who is our guru, is shabad our guru or was Deh our guru?

It is wrong because the custody to represent the messenger rests in hands of producer who having a business interest always gives a filmy touch far from truth. The truth rests under his direction to represent it and he can mold it.

When would be realize this?

The art of Humans and art of Waheguru shouldn’t be brought on same table. Art is an instinct to represent which is something in the boundaries of humans and not outside of it.

It will be dangerous to play with it. The thing which we should be concerned more about it Shabad Guru and message. Connect ur kids to Shabad and not Deh. They would forever remain confused and would never connect to message of Bani.

And yes you must agree with the decision of Sangat and we must discuss this if this is going to rake controversy or divide us. What ever the decision would be should be accepted as Guru’s. Why run away from it?

Mr Sukhwinder, you and your crew would be liable for this degradation of Sikhi and for all the questions you would have to answer in the near future.


What you doing to stop degradation ? You ever stopped Gurdwara putting those disco type lights around the palaki ? or outside the Guru ghar. These disco lights are similar to what you find at Blackpool and other seedy areas like Las Vegas etc.

Someone makes the effort to do something positive and all peopel can do is mock and criticise. I applaud the efforts of this group and urge them to do more animations about Sikhs like Jassa Singh Ahluwalia, Shaheed Baba Gurbax Singh Ji (Baba Banda Bahadur), Shaheed Baba Deep Singh Ji, Bhangi Sardar, Sukerchakia Misl etc etc,

I tell you what you get a copy of this animation, get a group of young children. Divide the children into 2 groups. Show one group the animation and the other you can teach yourself. After lets see which groups is more enlightened about the subject. I think the group who watch the animation will have grasped more in the hour or two than the other group.

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I'm sorry if this was already stated, but i read the first page and just wanted to say that I personally know the person who is making this. A very nice fellow and yes all the money he makes will be used to help him make another movie.

I mean come on, the poor guy just invested a lot of money to help sikhi, not let all the money go to waste!

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Good stuff but in terms of accuracy...their bunga should have been blue unstead of kesri, their turban style does not correspond to the times in which they lived and their clothes should have been jame with the opening on the side. That's just me being fussy!!! A positive step though on the pah of educating Sikh youngsters!!!

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Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh!

Saadh Sangat Jiyo, why are you all wasting time fighting over this? Don't you all have anything better to do? It has become apparent that this is no longer as much about disrespect and stopping disrespect as it is about proving oneself right and 'winning'. Perhaps all of us need to slow down, try to understand each others' views, and if still disagreeing, then-no offense-shut up and move on. Because, honestly, if you know you're not going to agree with the other person, and you know that they will not change their views and agree with you, then just stop wasting your breath on that person, and strengthen your own faith and belief. Work on improving your own Gursikh qualities. Listen to Guru Ji:

"Parh ehu akhar bujjiyai: Murkhey naal na lujjiyai." d_oh.gif

There are many things to consider about the movie, there isn't just ONE thing for either side.

FOR the movie:

- It helps in educating children of young ages.

- Adds diversity to the types of records of Sikh history.

- Will attract non-Sikhs, of Indian and/or other ethinicity.

- Proves that Sikhs are capable of thinking outside of the box.

And I will have to be back later for the cons. Sadly, seems as though there are more... unsure.gif

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

From a clever penji :doh: lol

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Waheguru ji ka Khalsa; Waheguru ji ki Fateh

Let results do the talking. Following is one of numerous emails I have recieved since the movie was released in North Amercia and UK. Having said that I request all gursikhs to pray for us that such adulations don't go to our head and may Guru ji bless us with more sewa with our feet firm on ground.

VaheGuroo Ji Ka Khalsa

VaheGuroo Ji Kee Fatehh!

Veer ji, My family saw this movie and my 7 year old and 2 year old daughters didn't moved or spoke while watching movie. They were so attracted to it that the DVD that I bought for them to watch later is always running and both the girls are sitting together which only had happened while watching cartoons or something but this movie did attracted my girls to the extent that older one is starting asking me questions about Guru Gobind Singh ji and Gangu.

Usually kids watch Spiderman or Batsman and pretend to be one but this movie have forced them to atleast think about their Kesh and Sahibzades sacrifice.

This is amazing change in my daughter that she even said that she will start wearing dastar and will take amrit as am amritdhari but the movie have influenced kids thinking so much that I can not believe it. What I was trying to tell them is what they already know just by watching this movie.

May waheguroo do his kirpa and give you and your group strength to produce such dharmik animation movies forever.

Stay in Chardikalaa jio!!

VaheGuroo Ji Ka Khalsa

VaheGuroo Ji Kee Fatehh!!

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