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Bipran Ki Reet

Guest Sheena

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Sri Vaheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Sri Vaheguru Ji Ki Fateh,

Penji/Paji visit this link and you'll get your answer


It's mainly principles of Brahmins/Hindu's.

Bhul Chuk Maaf Karni

Sri Vaheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Sri Vaheguru Ji Ki Fateh,

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There is no such thing as Kalyuj Satyug Traita Duapar, etc.

If you are a Gurmukh then there is no such thing as Kalyug. Why is there Kalyug then? I will post a Shabad at the bottom. It is in Gurmukhi and has the translations. I ask for forgiveness from those who can't read Punjabi. I don't have time to translate. The word Kal or Kalee is mostly used for Vikkars in Gurbani.

Guru Ji also mentions Kaamdhain, Paarjaat Rukh, etc. etc.

mnmuiK fMPu bhuqu cqurweI ] jo ikCu kmwvY su Qwie n pweI ] AwvY jwvY Taur n kweI ]5] mnmuK krm kry bhuqu AiBmwnw ] bg ijau lwie bhY inq iDAwnw ] jim pkiVAw qb hI pCuqwnw ]6] ibnu siqgur syvy mukiq n hoeI ] gur prswdI imlY hir soeI ] guru dwqw jug cwry hoeI ]7] gurmuiK jwiq piq nwmy vifAweI ] swier kI puqRI ibdwir gvweI ] nwnk ibnu nwvY JUTI cqurweI ]8]2] {pMnw 230}

pd ArQ :—mnmuiK—Awpxy mn vl mUMh r`Kx vwlw mnu`K [ fMPu—ivKwvw [ Qwie—QW ivc [ Qwie n pweI—prvwn nhIN huMdw [ Taur—itkwxw, itkx vwlI QW [5[

bg—bglw [ jim—jm ny [6[

mukiq—(fMP vloN) ^lwsI [ prswdI—prswid, ikrpw nwl [ dwqw—hir-nwm dI dwiq dyx vwlw [ jug cwry—cOhW jugW ivc, sdw hI [7[

jwiq pwiq—jwq pwq, jwq Aqy kul [ nwmy—nwm ivc hI [ swier—smuMdr [ swier kI puq®I—smuMdr dI DI, smuMdr qoN pYdw hoeI hoeI (jdoN dyviqAW ny smuMdr irVikAw sI), mwieAw [ ibdwir—cIr pwV ky [8[

ArQ :—(hy pMifq !) Awpxy hI mn dy ip`Cy qurn vwlw mnu`K (Dwrimk) ivKwvw krdw hY, bVI cqurweI ivKWdw hY (pr jo kuJ auh) Awp (AmlI jIvn) kmWdw hY auh (prmwqmw dIAW nzrW ivc) prvwn nhIN huMdw, auh mnu`K jnm mrn dy gyV ivc ipAw rihMdw hY, aus ƒ Awqmk SWqI dI koeI QW nhIN imldI [5[

Awpxy mn dy ip`Cy qurn vwlw mnu`K (Awpxy vloN Dwrimk) krm krdw hY (pr ies qrHW aus dy AMdr bhuq mwx pYdw huMdw hY, auh sdw bgly vWg hI smwDI lw ky bYTdw hY [ auh qdoN hI pCuqwvygw jdoN mOq ny (aus ƒ isroN Aw) PiVAw [6[

(hy pMifq !) siqgurU dI srn pYx qoN ibnw (dMB Awidk qoN) ^lwsI nhIN huMdI [ gurU dI ikrpw nwl hI auh (Gt Gt dI jwxn vwlw) prmwqmw imldw hY [ (hy pMifq ! sqjug kljug AwK AwK ky iksy jug dy izMmy burweI lw ky ZlqI nwh Kwh) cOhW jugW ivc gurU hI prmwqmw dy nwm dI dwiq dyx vwlw hY [7[

(hy pMifq !) gurU dI srn pYx vwly mn`uK vwsqy hir-nwm hI au~cI jwiq hY qy au~cI kul hY, prmwqmw dy nwm ivc auh AwpxI ie`zq mMndw hY [ nwim dI brkiq nwl hI aus ny mwieAw dw pRBwv (Awpxy AMdroN) k`t ky pry r`K id`qw hY [

hy nwnk ! (AwK—hy pMifq !) prmwqmw dy nwm qoN vWjy rih ky hor hor cqurweI ivKwxI ivArQ hY [8[2[

rwmklI mhlw 1 AstpdIAw

<> siqgur pRswid ] soeI cMdu cVih sy qwry soeI idnIAru qpq rhY ] sw DrqI so pauxu Julwry jug jIA Kyly Qwv kYsy ]1] jIvn qlb invwir ] hovY prvwxw krih iD|wxw kil lKx vIcwir ]1] rhwau ] ikqY dyis n AwieAw suxIAY qIrQ pwis n bYTw ] dwqw dwnu kry qh nwhI mhl auswir n bYTw ]2] jy ko squ kry so CIjY qp Gir qpu n hoeI ] jy ko nwau ley bdnwvI kil ky lKx eyeI ]3] ijsu iskdwrI iqsih KuAwrI cwkr kyhy frxw ] jw iskdwrY pvY jMjIrI qw cwkr hQhu mrxw ]4] AwKu guxw kil AweIAY ] iqhu jug kyrw rihAw qpwvsu jy gux dyih q pweIAY ]1] rhwau ] kil klvwlI srw inbyVI kwjI ik®snw hoAw ] bwxI bRhmw bydu AQrbxu krxI kIriq lihAw ]5] piq ivxu pUjw sq ivxu sMjmu jq ivxu kwhy jnyaU ] nwvhu Dovhu iqlku cVwvhu suc ivxu soc n hoeI ]6] kil prvwxu kqyb kurwxu ] poQI pMifq rhy purwx ] nwnk nwau BieAw rhmwxu ] kir krqw qU eyko jwxu ]7] nwnk nwmu imlY vifAweI eydU aupir krmu nhI ] jy Gir hodY mMgix jweIAY iPir Elwmw imlY qhI ]8]1] {pMnw 902-903}

pd ArQ :—soeI—auhI [ cVih—cVHdy hn [ idnIAru—{idnkr} sUrj [ sw—auhI {not :—pVnWv ‘sw’ iesq®I ilMg hY Aqy ‘so’ puilMg hY} [ Julwry—JuldI hY [ jug jIA Kyly—jug (dw pRBwv) jIvW (dy mn) ivc Kyf irhw hY [ Qwv kYsy—QwvW auqy ikvyN (Kyf skdw hY) ? not :—l&z ‘Qwv’ l&z ‘Qwau’ qoN bhu-vcn hY} [1[

jIvn qlb—jIvn dI qlb, suAwrQ [ qlb—loV, ie`Cw [ invwir—dUr kr [ hovY prvwxw—(inAW) mMinAw jWdw hY [ iD|wxw—zor, D`kw, zulm [ lKx—l`Cx, inSwnIAW [ vIcwir—smJ [1[rhwau[

ikqY dyis—iksy BI dys ivc [ qh—auQy, aus QW [ auswir—auswr ky, bxw ky [2[

squ—au~cw Awcrn [ CIjY—iC`jdw hY, (lokW dIAW nzrW ivc) if`gdw hY [ qp Gir—qp dy Gr ivc, ijs dy Gr ivc qp hY, qpsÍI [ nwau—prmwqmw dw nwm [ eyeI—iehI (hn) [3[

iskdwrI—srdwrI, cODr [ KuAwrI—iz`lq, durgiq [ kyhy—kwhdy vwsqy ? iskdwrY—iskdwr ƒ [4[

AwKu guxw—(prmwqmw dy) gux AwK [ kil AweIAY—(jy) kiljug (BI) AwieAw mMn ilAw jwey [ kyrw—dw [ iqhu jug kyrw—iqMnW hI jugW dw [ rihAw—rih igAw hY, mu`k igAw hY [ qpwvsu—inAW, pRBwv [ dyih—(hy pRBU !) qUM dyvyN [ q pweIAY—qW (ieh gux hI) pRwpq krn jog hn [1[rhwau[

kil—(iehI) kljug (hY) [ kl vwlI—klh vwlI, JgVy vDwx vwlI [ srw—Srh, Dwrmk kwƒn [ inbyVI—inbyVw krn vwlI, &Yslw dyx vwlI, inAW krn vwlI [ kwjI—JgiVAW dy &Ysly krn vwlw hwkm [ ik®Snw—kwlw, kwly idl vwlw, v`FI-^or [ krxI—au~cw Awcrn [ kIriq—prmwqmw dI is&iq-swlwh [ lihAw—(lokW dy mnW qoN) lih gey hn [5[

pUjw—dyv-pUjw, dyviqAW dI pUjw [ piq—pRBU-pqI [ sq—au~cw Awcrn [ sMjmu—ieMid®AW ƒ rokx dw jqn [ jq—kwm-vwsnw ƒ rokxw [ kwhy—kIh lwB ? ivArQ [ suc—pivq®qw [6[

kil—ieh hY kiljug [ prvwxu—(jyhVy "iD|wxw krih" auhnW dy dbwau hyT) mMny jw rhy hn [ rhy—rih gey hn [7[

eydU aupir—ies qoN syRSt [ Elwmw—iglw, Srm-swrI [ qhI—auQy [8[

ArQ :—(hy pMifq ! Awpxy mn ivcoN) ^ud-ZrzI dUr kr (ieh ^ud-ZrzI kiljug hY [ ies ^ud-ZrzI dy Asr hyT jrvwxy lok kmzorW auqy) D`kw krdy hn qy (auhnW dIAW nzrW ivc) ieh D`kw jwiez smiJAw jWdw hY [ ^ud-ZrzI qy dUijAW auqy D`kw—hy pMifq ! iehnW ƒ) kiljug dy l`Cx smJ [1[rhwau[

(ijs Asl kiljug dw izkr AsW kIqw hY aus) kiljug dw pRBwv hI jIvW dy mnW ivc (KyfW) Kyfdw hY iksy ^ws QwvW ivc nhIN Kyf skdw (ikauNik sqjug qy®qw duAwpur Awidk swry hI simAW ivc) auhI cMd®mw cVHdw AwieAw hY, auhI qwry cVHdy Aw rhy hn, auhI sUrj cmkdw Aw irhw hY, auhI DrqI hY qy auhI hvw JuldI Aw rhI hY [1[

iksy ny kdy nhIN suixAw ik kiljug iksy ^ws dys ivc AwieAw hoieAw hY, iksy ^ws qIrQ kol bYTw hoieAw hY [ ijQy koeI dwnI dwn krdw hY auQy BI bYTw hoieAw iksy nhIN suixAw, iksy QW kiljug mhl auswr ky nhIN bYT irhw [2[

jy koeI mnu`K Awpxw Awcrn au~cw bxWdw hY qW auh (sgoN lokW dIAW nzrW ivc) if`gdw hY, jy koeI qpI hox dw dwhvw krdw hY qW aus dy ieMd®uy Awpxy v`s ivc nhIN hn, jy joeI prmwqmw dw nwm ismrdw hY qW (lokW ivc sgoN aus dI) bdnwmI huMdI hY [ (hy pMifq ! BYVw Awcrn, ieMd®y v`s ivc nwh hoxy, pRBU-nwm v`loN n&rq—) ieh hn kiljug dy l`Cx [3[

(pr ieh ^ud-ZrzI qy kmzorW auqy D`kw suKI jIvn dw rsqw nhIN) ijs mnu`K ƒ dUijAW auqy srdwrI imldI hY (qy auh kmzorW auqy D`kw krdw hY) aus dI hI (ies D`ky-zulm dy kwrn Aw^r) durgiq huMdI hY [ nOkrW ƒ (aus durgiq qoN koeI) ^qrw nhIN huMdw [ jdoN aus srdwr dy gl ivc Pwhw pYNdw hY, qW auh auhnW nOkrW dy h`QoN hI mrdw hY [4[

(hy pMifq ! qyry kihx Anuswr jy hux) kiljug dw smw hI Aw igAw hY (qW BI qIrQ vrq Awidk krm kWf dw rsqw C`f ky) prmwqmw dI is&iq-swlwh kr (ikauNik qyry Drm Swsq®W Anuswr kiljug ivc is&iq-swlwh hI prvwn hY, qy) pihly iqMn jugW dw pRBwv hux mu`k cukw hY [ (so, hy pMifq ! prmwqmw Agy ieauN ArzoeI kr—hy pRBU ! jy b^SS krnI hY qW Awpxy) guxW dI b^SS kr, ieh hI pRwpq krn-jog hY [1[rhwau[

(hy pMifq) kiljug ieh hY (ik muslmwnI hkUmq ivc D`ky-zor nwl) JgVy vDwx vwlw ieslwmI kwƒn hI &Ysly krn vwlw bixAw hoieAw hY, qy inAW krn vwlw kwzI-hwkm v`FI-^or ho cukw hY [ jwdU tUixAW dw prcwrk) AQrbx vyd bRhmw dI bwxI pRDwn hY [ au~cw Awcrn qy is&iq-swlwh lokW dy mnW qoN lih gey hn—iehI hY kiljug [5[

pqI-prmwqmw ƒ ivswr ky ieh dyv-pUjw iks ArQ ? au~cy Awcrn qoN ^wlI rih ky ies sMjm dw kIh lwB ? jy ivcwrW vloN rok-QMm nhIN qW jnyaU kIh sMvwrdw hY ? (hy pMifq !) qusI (qIrQW qy) ieSnwn krdy ho, (srIr ml ml ky) DoNdy ho, (m`Qy auqy) iqlk lWdy ho (qy ies ƒ pivq® krm smJdy ho), pr pivq® Awcrn qoN ibnw ieh bwhrlI pivq®qw koeI mu`l nhIN r`KdI [ (Asl ivc ieh BulyKw BI kiljug hI hY) [6[

(ieslwmI hkUmq dy D`ky zor dy hyT) SwmI ikqwbW qy kurwn ƒ pRvwngI id`qI jw rhI hY, pMifqW dIAW purwx Awidk pusqkW rih geIAW hn [ hy nwnk ! (ies zor D`ky hyT hI) prmwqmw dw nwm ‘rhmwn’ AwiKAw jw irhw hY—ieh BI, hy pMifq ! kiljug (dw l`Cx) hY (iksy dy Dwrimk ivSvws ƒ D`ky zor nwl ‘iD|wxy’ nwl dbwxw kiljug dw pRBwv hY) [ hy pMifq ! hr ieko krqwr hY hI ieh sB kuJ krn vwlw jwx [7[

hy nwnk ! jo mnu`K prmwqmw dw nwm jpdw hY aus ƒ (lok prlok ivc) ie`zq imldI hY, nwm jpx qoN vDIk cMgw hor koeI krm nhIN hY (pMifq qIrQ vrq Awidk krmW ƒ hI slwhuMdw rihMdw hY) [ (prmwqmw hryk dy ihrdy ivc v`sdw hY, aus dw nwm BulwieAW ieh sUJ nhIN rihMdI qy mnu`K hor hor Awsry q`kdw iPrdw hY) prmwqmw dwqwr ihrdy-Gr ivc hovy qy Bu`lV jIv bwhr dyvI dyviqAW Awidk qoN mMgdw iPry, ieh doS jIv dy isr AwauNdw hY [8[1[

It is too much to post here. I don't want to make the post long so I will give some links.


Oh and if you can't read Punjabi but can understand it. Please Dnload the audio

http://www.sikhbulletin.com/mp3/ Please Dnload audio #23

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i will help you

here is the sabad you have posted above

guru sahib says that kaljug is here.....doesnt he.......in straight words

Agm Agocru drsu qyrw so pwey ijsu msqik Bwgu ]

agam agochar dharas thaeraa so paaeae jis masathak bhaag ||

The Blessed Vision of Your Darshan is unapproachable and incomprehensible; he alone obtains it, who has such good destiny recorded upon his forehead.

Awip ik®pwil ik®pw pRiB DwrI siqguir bKisAw hir nwmu ]1]

aap kirapaal kirapaa prabh dhhaaree sathigur bakhasiaa har naam ||1||

The Merciful Lord God has bestowed His Mercy, and the True Guru has granted the Lord's Name. ||1||

kiljugu auDwirAw gurdyv ]

kalijug oudhhaariaa guradhaev ||

The Divine Guru is the Saving Grace in this Dark Age of Kali Yuga.

ml mUq mUV ij muGd hoqy siB lgy qyrI syv ]1] rhwau ]

mal mooth moorr j mughadh hothae sabh lagae thaeree saev ||1|| rehaao ||

Even those fools and idiots, stained with feces and urine, have all taken to Your service. ||1||Pause||

qU Awip krqw sB isRsit Drqw sB mih rihAw smwie ]

thoo aap karathaa sabh srisatt dhharathaa sabh mehi rehiaa samaae ||

You Yourself are the Creator, who established the entire world. You are contained in all.

Drm rwjw ibsmwdu hoAw sB peI pYrI Awie ]2]

dhharam raajaa bisamaadh hoaa sabh pee pairee aae ||2||

The Righteous Judge of Dharma is wonder-struck, at the sight of everyone falling at the Lord's Feet. ||2||

sqjugu qRyqw duAwpru BxIAY kiljugu aUqmo jugw mwih ]

sathajug thraethaa dhuaapar bhaneeai kalijug oothamo jugaa maahi ||

The Golden Age of Sat Yuga, the Silver Age of Trayta Yuga, and the Brass Age of Dwaapar Yuga are good; but the best is the Dark Age, the Iron Age, of Kali Yuga.

Aih kru kry su Aih kru pwey koeI n pkVIAY iksY Qwie ]3]

ahi kar karae s ahi kar paaeae koee n pakarreeai kisai thhaae ||3||

As we act, so are the rewards we receive; no one can take the place of another. ||3||

hir jIau soeI krih ij Bgq qyry jwcih eyhu qyrw ibrdu ]

har jeeo soee karehi j bhagath thaerae jaachehi eaehu thaeraa biradh ||

O Dear Lord, whatever Your devotees ask for, You do. This is Your Way, Your very nature.

kr joiV nwnk dwnu mwgY ApixAw sMqw dyih hir drsu ]4]5]140]

kar jorr naanak dhaan maagai apaniaa sa(n)thaa dhaehi har dharas ||4||5||140||

With my palms pressed together, O Nanak, I beg for this gift; Lord, please bless Your Saints with Your Vision. ||4||5||140||

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    • I was searching igurbani.com which gives correct pronunciation of Gurbani. I can’t remember all of it at once. I guess it relies on more practice, like more Sehaj Paths. The meaning becomes clearer. I have noticed slight variants in it. This could be because it’s written in old Punjabi.  
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    • Bro, reciting a shorter Chaupai Sahib is hardly "anti-Dasam". It's fine to argue that the longer Chaupai is more traditional, but the short one isn't anti-Dasam. That's like claiming shorter Rehras is anti-Guru Granth Sahib ji just because there are fewer selections from Guru Granth Sahib. It might not be traditional, but it's not anti-Guru Granth Sahib. I prefer the longer versions, but let's not exaggerate. Every tradition has a slightly different Rehras version. Nanaksar vs Taksal vs Nihangs and so on. The basic template for Rehras is at the beginning of Guru Granth Sahib ji. Later, Chaupai Sahib was added and Anand Sahib always follows as the end of a process. Then some sangats added more saloks to start Rehras and others were added at the end. Some additional selections from Dasam Bani were also added, but it wasn't the same ones for every sangat. The important thing is to not hate on each other for these variations.
    • Umm, so you're upset that this jatha did Chaupai the same way it's being done at Harimandar Sahib for 100 years? Shouldn't you be upset at the manager of Darbar Sahib? I'm not saying that Sikhs who are aware of certain issues shouldn't do the longer Chaupai, but there are only so many battles you can fight. Instead of calling some jatha traitors because they're doing the (for better or worse) "standard" Chauapai published by the SGPC, it would be better to change things from the central point. You can't fault the average Sikh for picking up the average Gutka and doing paath.
    • It's the same here in Toronto. Alot of the gudwaras here are political orientated and get tons of funding from the government-probably want them stay hush hush with all the BS that has been happening with India.  These guys are skewing gurbani. A complaint was sent to a ragi singh a couple of days ago in regards to a hukamnama. 
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