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1313 Akhand Path Sahibs For Sarbat Da Palah!

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I have noticed that H4rinder only posts on this topic , you cannot deny that he makes the most valid points as he knows more than any of the others on this forum t hat know Baba Ji.

and from what i have noticed he is only replying to other peoples points so if ppl make an accusation he just tells them what he knows from first hand experience whilst others rely on photos and what they hvae heard lol....meet Babaji to get to understand things more and to feel what a Gursikh Babaji are yeh.

And to some exxtent i am happy this topic has started- its a chance for me to learn more.

But this topic has got everyone including me excited, lol 19pages and yet no one has changed their mind.

Sahib Singh got a little confused but back again.

Someone PM'ed me and told me they became anti sant because of the forum members and now this person is pro sant again.

I just pray this topic does not leave anyone anti sant again but if it does then like the person that sent me the PM they too will see sense b4 they do any nindya.

This forum is great and I have learnt so much but it did turn me anti sant for a while but faith in Guru Ji and doing ardas to know the truth has left me pro sant once again and I pray we are all free from nindya when we leave this body to be judged and when our account is read out to us.

It's your life, do nindya dont do nindya but please dont use the pathetic line that the pro sant people will start to quote Gurbani, because thats actually an argument in our favour considering we believe a true Gursikh can be a sant.

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sall, have you ever come to Havelock Road Gurdwara Sahib, follow SGPC but 8 Akhand Paths together lol,

Akhand Paths done together for sarbhat dont have to be read aloud, they are read in this world to benefit this world, similar to a Sehaj Paath (if u know why some ppl do a sehak paath then u will know that it works out as having the same benefit to have paath being read whether it be aloud or not)

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Sorry you meniton:::

if u know why some ppl do a sehak paath then u will know that it works out as having the same benefit to have paath being read whether it be aloud or not

I clearly don't understand the above point how does it work out in this way, who decided it. Guru Ji clearly mentions: "SHABAD GURU SORT DHUN CHELA" I.E.

Simply translated if one doesn't speak Gurbani aloud there is no way one can concentrate his mind on the Shabad. So how does it work in your quote above it doens't matter aloud or not??

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Article IX - Akhand Path: Uninterrupted-Non-Stop-Completion of the Reading of the Guru Granth Sahib

a. The non-stop reading of the Guru Granth is carried on at hard times or on occasions of elation or joy. It takes forty-eight hours. The non-stop reading implies continuous uninterrupted reading. The reading must be clear and correct. Reading too fast, so that the person listening in to it cannot follow the contents, amounts to irreverence to the Scriptures. The reading should be correct and clear, due to care being bestowed on consonant and vowel, even thought that takes a little longer to complete.

The above are the instructions layed out in the Panthic Rehat Maryada from Akal Takhat. No Sikh claiming to be a member of the Khalsa Panth has any authority to change, alter or go against any of these instructions. Now the question i would like to ask in relation to the above is:

With 1313 akhand paaths going on simultaneously how can they all possibly be clear and correct?

Even if one paath is on the loudspeaker and done with extra care so that it is very clear and correct how bout the rest of the 1300 paaths? How could they ever also be done in a clear correct voice so that the person listening could follow its contents?

If we are in a room with 1000 people having conversations simultaneously common sense would tell us it would be impossible to be able to listen clearly to each conversation and follow what was being said.

In the case of the akhand paath, granted the person may be able to follow what is being said in the main akhand paath, but it would be impossible to hear what is being said in the other ones, and if they cant follow those other 1300 akhand paaths what use remains of doing them?

And the rehat maryada clearly says doing paath in a manner where one cant follow what is being said amounts to outright disrespect of the guru. So does this mean its only disrespect if an average no-name person does this but if some famous personality (baba) does this then it becomes ok?

Anyone who openly supports and encourages others disrespecting teh guru is themselves also disrespecting the guru. It would be interesting to hear on which side the readers of this forum sit.

(The value of gurbani lies not merely listening to it like some mantar-tantar but by understanding its meaning and incorporating them into ur life)

Please provide clear direct answers to the above question and do not just disregard them n go around them by saying that this is great sewa and we should just accept it as is. If you can provide me with sound logical reasoning behind this pakhand and prove its not just a pakhand but has real meaning and use and is not against the panthic maryada then i will be the first to support you. If you are unable to provide any reasoning, other than this baba is great, so everything he does is great than i would suggest you step back and look at this whole situation with an honest impartial eye.

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Please provide clear direct answers to the above question and do not just disregard them n go around them by saying that this is great sewa and we should just accept it as is.  If you can provide me with sound logical reasoning behind this pakhand and prove its not just a pakhand but has real meaning and use and is not against the panthic maryada then i will be the first to support you.  If you are unable to provide any reasoning, other than this baba is great, so everything he does is great than i would suggest you step back and look at this whole situation with an honest impartial eye.


Let me make you happy:





wacko.gif Guroo Pyareo, please, why do we keep on criticising?

It's obvious that the problems arise because of ones views on Sant Mahapursh, be it pro-Sant or anti-Sant. If this was Bhai Sahib.....Singh these stupid BIASED conversations wouldn't arise.

Just because someone has been accused with false allegations many times, by the same stupid cheap paper (that was never read) and there is still NO proof what so ever, only allegations, but this Sant is still in Chardee Kalaa and is still carrying on with the sewa that has been given to them by Vaheguroo - and it is beacuse of this that some of my fellow fathers, mothers, brothers and sisters cannot comprehend in their minds that why is this so?

Lets just stick together and respect the sewa that is being done, if anyone has any problems with Sant Baba Maan Singh, I think it's best they go to India and speak to them personally or when Baba Jee comes to Canada or UK, they will get their chance then (hopefully unless they mysteriously dissappear).

d_oh.gifVaheguroo Jee Kaa Khalsa, Vaheguroo Jee Kee Phateh!!! d_oh.gif

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Let me make you happy:





wacko.gif Guroo Pyareo, please, why do we keep on criticising?

It's obvious that the problems arise because of ones views on Sant Mahapursh, be it pro-Sant or anti-Sant. If this was Bhai Sahib.....Singh these stupid BIASED conversations wouldn't arise.

Just because someone has been accused with false allegations many times, by the same stupid cheap paper (that was never read) and there is still NO proof what so ever, only allegations, but this Sant is still in Chardee Kalaa and is still carrying on with the sewa that has been given to them by Vaheguroo - and it is beacuse of this that some of my fellow fathers, mothers, brothers and sisters cannot comprehend in their minds that why is this so?

Lets just stick together and respect the sewa that is being done, if anyone has any problems with Sant Baba Maan Singh, I think it's best they go to India and speak to them personally or when Baba Jee comes to Canada or UK, they will get their chance then (hopefully unless they mysteriously dissappear).

d_oh.gifVaheguroo Jee Kaa Khalsa, Vaheguroo Jee Kee Phateh!!! d_oh.gif


Please provide clear direct answers to the above question and do not just disregard them n go around them by saying that this is great sewa and we should just accept it as is.  If you can provide me with sound logical reasoning behind this pakhand and prove its not just a pakhand but has real meaning and use and is not against the panthic maryada then i will be the first to support you.  If you are unable to provide any reasoning, other than this baba is great, so everything he does is great than i would suggest you step back and look at this whole situation with an honest impartial eye.


M.S Nijjar jio,

It does not matter whether it was a bhai sahib or sant... Yes alligations are against him... but putting that aside we are talking about the 1313 akhand paats.... no need to say that he is a great and so on etc... we have to look wheether or not if this goes against gurmat or not.... how can u say that baba jee is right and guru khalsa panths maryada is wrong... so therefore are you concluding that maan singh is much more higher stage then akal takht and guru khalsa panth??? is mann singh your guru????


I dont understand what you mean by saying everything he does is great.... Everything he is doing is against sikh reyat maryada and how does that make him great.... the only thing that is great and is perfect is SHRI GURU GRANTH SAHIB JI!!!!!!! Get rid of your blind sharda and look at the big picture!!!!

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