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Dont Want Khalistan


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hearye.gif WERE just not ready for a sikh homeland just yet...i think its to do with the attitude of the majority of people in punjab and round the world.

ie.. drink drugs crime sexism and the general behaviour of our people is the cause for concern. what are we going to be doing in khalistan anyway... most probably whats happenning now... AAPNA PUNJAAB HOVAY - KAR DE SHRAAB HOVAY....

no.. if we want khalistan.. it has to be for be for the KHALSE...

there has to be some sort of rules, codes of conduct... i would want my sister mother or daughter to walk safely in the middle of the night, without threat of attack...from some drunk a.s.s drugged up punjabi!!!!


bul chuk maaf karna.. :wub:

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wjkk wjkf

i kind of agree with you and until all of punjab is ready to be part of a ture khalistan we shall not be able 2 achieve it.

Sadly many of us are still stuck in jathebandhees with a lack of unity what would there be 2 stop khalistan being split into several different parts a little while after it was ahieved no.gif ??

wjkk wjkf

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Does the above not happen in all other countries?

Does that mean the country shoudl cease to exist?

A country starts from somewhere, and even if it's the bottom, when the Khalsa is free to rule without any interference, I'm sure Maharaj Ji will do full kirpa on everyone. If Sikhs are not ready for a Sikh homeland now, after so much carnage, massacre, so much killings, raping, looting - when will they be?

Pretty sad Sikhs still arn't ready for it, even after having a history of carnage, atrocities and blood.

Bhull Chukk Maaf

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Guest Narinder Singh

Sikhs in Punjab don't deserve Khalistan, they don't deserve freedom, freedom is fought for, its not spoon fed.

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa

Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

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Does the above not happen in all other countries?

Does that mean the country shoudl cease to exist?

A country starts from somewhere, and even if it's the bottom, when the Khalsa is free to rule without any interference, I'm sure Maharaj Ji will do full kirpa on everyone. If Sikhs are not ready for a Sikh homeland now, after so much carnage, massacre, so much killings, raping, looting - when will they be?

Pretty sad Sikhs still arn't ready for it, even after having a history of carnage, atrocities and blood.

Bhull Chukk Maaf


i agree with lion(LK)King... when we have control and not having to deal with punab police, GOA and other problems, we can focus to brieng the country up. I think's it's better to deal with these problems now rather than wait till then though.

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i feel this whole topic is disrespect for khalistani shaheeds

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Sat Sri Akal!

Firstly, most people have lost their Sikh identity. Panjab is the classic example. I'm from the UK and it is also evident here. Many people go about saying they are Sikh's yet partake in intoxicants. Some of these so-called Sikh's also have a kesh etc.

But lets talk about the reality of Khalistan. Dasmesh Pita, Guru Gobind Singh said DO NOT lose this precious gift of Khalsa, once lost, it will never be regained. This is evidant in today's world. Many Sikh's (including those who have taken Amrit, do not abide by the Rehat so Khalsa has been lost today. But a further reality is that let's say that Panjab gets independance and becomes the nation of Khalistan. As soon as this happens, India will wash it's hands of Panjab/Khalistan as it is a seperate country. As soon as this occurs, Pakistan will attack and take over. India will not come to the aid of Khalistan as it is a seperate nation. What I ask the people who demand Khalistan, will you do then? Are you going to fight the Pakistan Armed Forces with your Kirpan's? Some of you will say we will use modern weaponary, but who has stockpiled such weapons? Don't forget, modern warfare has advanced greatly since 1984. The Pakistan Armed Forces are equiped with modern firepower, tanks and aircraft. What would today's Khalistani's equip themselves with?

I don't believe in achieving a seperate nation. It won't happen and even if it did, it would never last because true sikhs are a minority in todays world, we have too many idiots and supposed sikhs in our society today. The fight should be to declare Amritsar a holy city where the manufacture and sale of intoxicants is prohibited as it is in other holy cities in India. Our primary concern should be that Sikh's worldwide follow the true path and not some hocus-pocus superstitious one.

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh!

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