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now what i have to say IS going to be offensive...

and im tellin you all now that its not going towards the girl who was mentioned in the first post...cuz hers was marriage...

so ya..what i have to say IS offensive...

but i dont care at this point...cuz what i have to say is true...and ive seen/read/heard too many things like this

to be perfectly honest..

girls in our community who do this sort of are idiots

there retarded, i swear

why cant they friggin find a good sikh guy to marry...there are plenty out there

they dont cuz they're really stupid

they just let their OWN <admin-profanity filter activated> fall into these damn traps

does anyone FORCE them to go out with some Muslim???

i didnt think so...

what do these idiots offer the girls, which Sikh guys dont offer????

what is it???





ha!! ...thats plain stupid...

no girl gonna get respect from a muslim guy...

they just use the girl for sexual means...and then they say "oh ya, so im leaving you now to marry a pure girl from back home."

ahahaha...thats when the girl goes "oh damn..hes been playing"

damn right hes been playing...

its the girls fault...

if she got raped, its diff.

but a lot of girls put themselves into this trap

then when they need help, they cry for help

who told them to do this crap in the first place???

their moms???

their dads???

their bros???

their sis'???


ahahaha...they just want a guy to mess around with..same for the guys

what can u do there just idiots...meh

and as for the girl mentioned in the fist post; im really sorry to hear of such a thing..i mean, she got married to him, and she was sold..thats so low...

i suggest her to get into Sikhi and become a good Sikh girl...and then marry a good Sikh guy...

she wont have any probs as long as shes faithful to God.


i dont hate Muslims...its just that...there are certain things they do which we cant cope with...






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thanks for the replies. especially khalsa girl!!

when i first heard about this i was disgusted. i thought to myself why dont these girls learn. what makes it worse is this girl was a intellegent, beautiful girl who has been sold.

the girls that told me this is 16 btw. it must be terrible for that to happen especilly as her older sis is meant to be leading by example to her younger sis.

i have no idea why she married this guy. i dont think it was for money as the family are well off.

i dont no the full story. but im think she meant sold. ie into prostitution or something as i dont know what she meant by selling. she comes from chigwell which is an affluent area. so i dont know how she got mixed up in this kind of thing.

Where is the girl who has been "sold" now? Did she just return to tell her parents that and then go back and be "sold"? I think if you're keen to help you need to find out what exactly the situation is first, as there's not much support you can offer anyone if you don't really know the facts, and perhaps if no one is willing to share to that degree, its better to think twice about what you want to do.

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Guest s133k_s1kh


Hmm... my response here might trigger a bigger debate. So i'll try my best to be chose the words carefully.

1.) KHALSA GIRL said that the girl was stupid that she married a muslim guy. But was a girl a TRUE SIKH???

had she been one all this wouldnt have happened.

2.) What made her marry the guy??....she wasnt having the SANGAT of good people and whatever

happened she just fell for it. Like KHALSA GIRL quoted its not just the girls, same is applicable to the

guys. I have seen many cases like this, but the question i ask from you guys is DO THESE PEOPLE HAVE


3.) ye and i really didnt get what the person meant by " She Has been SOLD". I dont knw where this girl is

from but sellin a human is somethg not uncommon. these kinda thgs do happen in backward areas in

India. But in these backward areas i havent heard of inter faith marriages either. So this girl is definately

residing outside of India. Personally i dont think there is anythg like that possible no.gif .

4.) I have come across many posts here that intentionally or accidently convey a message that muslims are

bad. BUT ARE ALL SIKHS GOOD??...GURUJI never taught to detest any race or religion. this was just a

general thought that came to my mind.



Tejbir Singh


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if a good sikh girl marries a GOOD muslim boy.

do u really think that their son will wear a turban ? or even told about the GURU'S ????

ask if they will go to the gurudwara to listen to kirten.

i dont think so..

it still make me physically sick to see sikh girls with muslim boys..........

when will sikh girls understand ?

allways when its too late.

u know the score........every one knows the score but these idiots girls still go for it !!!!!!!!!!

but at the end of the day when they have had their lesson, only then they relise the truth...

i hope young sikh girls debate on this .............

KHALSA_GIRL_1 YOU ARE SO TRUE................ :TH: :wub:

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Hey i think here its not a matter that whoz fault is this ... there is a need to help that girl.. yeah i think her step was wrong, but why did she took this step . dont know . We should find out more bout that girl and help her. sikhi teaches us to help others .. Bhai Ghanaiya ji is best exmpl. of this he helped the wounded muslim soldiers too. and this seva changed heart of many muslim soldiers . i think if we will help that girl it can change her mind and soul and of others too

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