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To Gel Or Not To Gel That Is The Question?

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Vaheguru Ji Ka Khalsa

Vaheguru Ji Ki Fateh

. Singha, you know am right, so therefore your saying dont combine, sikhi is not a mere thing, you have to combine them all and become a khalsa.

Hardeep Singh, I agree with you we should combine everything and become Khalsa. By this i mean, care for your outer appearance (not gelling beard, and keeping it natural), as well as caring for your inside (naam simran etc). What i meant by saying dont combine them is dont bring them both up in this topic, just stick to discussing one. lets not say our outside doesn't matter if our inside is dirty, just discuss why you think gelling is right or wrong.

Now, you have told us all tying the beard is ok...but u still haven't told us why gelling is.... The topic is about gelling not tying. We can talk about tying in another topic. Its ironic, no one has yet given a reason why they think gelling is ok, maybe they dont want to admit they only do it to impress females.

I dont want to get into a deep discussion either. just tell us why you think gelling is ok, i have told you why i think it is wrong in my previous post.

Vaheguru Ji ka Khalsa

Vaheguru Ji Ki Fateh

I take your point Jasdeep Singh, personally, I dont like the gelled beard it looks awful, neatly tieing it without gel looks better, or even leaving it loose. I tell you something, there are people who gel their beards and dont wash it for a week.

Some of the employment we are in requires you to at least think about safety, though tieing it neatly is kewl, but gelling hmmm, I dont think it looks good.

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tying the beard is more understandable. Gelling it is outright nonsence. but, most hardcore sikhs wont tie their beards either, they would rather quit their job. why? Because they want to keep their beard natural as possible. I respect those sikhs very deeply d_oh.gif If you tie your beard cuz it looks good, then it is just as bad as gelling it.

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Was for a reason, there were some beadbi to the beard, so there for that why I said it because there would have been more random remarks.

sorry ji, but my comments weren't directed at the beard. there's a tv commercial here in america where there's a guy who says "gellin like a felon"... it's a funny commercial, and it's a funny line also i think... that's why i wrote it... sorry for the misunderstanding...

and jasdeep singh, i'm sorry but i disagree with your opinion... i agree that gelling it to the point of it looking like it is part of your cheek skin is not cool... and even any kind of over gelling, but sometimes, you have to keep it from coming untied, so you need to apply a little amount or hairspray sometimes... of course the free flowing beard is the best, but sometimes you need to tie it, for numerous reasons which again, have already been discussed in this post previously...

we're again missing a major point, that the man who started this post, has decided to stop trimming and wants to keep his hair... and nobody really addressed that... we're sitting here fighting about whether gelling is manmat or not... the best answer on this whole topic i believe was given by hardeep singh previously...

kool, it doesnt matter if u gel or not, its ur personal choice, as long as u dont cut it or trim it.

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gelling your beard or not has NOTHING to do with being a chardi kala singh...

only people that make an issue of this is the people who aren't willing to do the harder stuff, which is simran, seva, sangat....

if it was as easy as just keeping your beard flowing...we'd have a lot more gurmukhs...sadly we DON"T...

maybe we're all focusing on the wrong things!!!

comments like guru ji will be pleased with a flowing beard are BS...guru ji will be pleased to see a sikh who keeps his punj kakkar, a sikh who rises early and does ishnaan and does simran, and reads gurbani, then keeps the lessons of gurbani in his mind and heart throughout the day, guru ji will be pleased with the sikh who without thinking is ever ready to do seva for this world, guru ji will be pleased with the sikh that recognizes the creator in this creation....

arguing over gelling...useless..and we wonder why over 80% of villagers in punjab have cut their hair and why most youth don't want to attend gurdwaras...cuz the "singhs" they might look up to for inspiration don't talk about how nice it is to serve humanity, don't talk about wanting to do more simran, don't open their arms others, instead argue of useless things like gelling your beard...

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gelling your beard or not has NOTHING to do with being a chardi kala singh...

only people that make an issue of this is the people who aren't willing to do the harder stuff, which is simran, seva, sangat....

if it was as easy as just keeping your beard flowing...we'd have a lot more gurmukhs...sadly we DON"T...

maybe we're all focusing on the wrong things!!!

comments like guru ji will be pleased with a flowing beard are BS...guru ji will be pleased to see a sikh who keeps his punj kakkar, a sikh who rises early and does ishnaan and does simran, and reads gurbani, then keeps the lessons of gurbani in his mind and heart throughout the day, guru ji will be pleased with the sikh who without thinking is ever ready to do seva for this world, guru ji will be pleased with the sikh that recognizes the creator in this creation....

arguing over gelling...useless..and we wonder why over 80% of villagers in punjab have cut their hair and why most youth don't want to attend gurdwaras...cuz the "singhs" they might look up to for inspiration don't talk about how nice it is to serve humanity, don't talk about wanting to do more simran, don't open their arms others, instead argue of useless things like gelling your beard...

ohmy.gifd_oh.gifd_oh.gif period tongue.gif
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gelling your beard or not has NOTHING to do with being a chardi kala singh...

only people that make an issue of this is the people who aren't willing to do the harder stuff, which is simran, seva, sangat....

if it was as easy as just keeping your beard flowing...we'd have a lot more gurmukhs...sadly we DON"T...

maybe we're all focusing on the wrong things!!!

comments like guru ji will be pleased with a flowing beard are BS...guru ji will be pleased to see a sikh who keeps his punj kakkar, a sikh who rises early and does ishnaan and does simran, and reads gurbani, then keeps the lessons of gurbani in his mind and heart throughout the day, guru ji will be pleased with the sikh who without thinking is ever ready to do seva for this world, guru ji will be pleased with the sikh that recognizes the creator in this creation....

arguing over gelling...useless..and we wonder why over 80% of villagers in punjab have cut their hair and why most youth don't want to attend gurdwaras...cuz the "singhs" they might look up to for inspiration don't talk about how nice it is to serve humanity, don't talk about wanting to do more simran, don't open their arms others, instead argue of useless things like gelling your beard...

i don't think anybody in the world could have said it better than that right there........

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do gursikh women prefer their husbands (or boyfriends) to gel their beards or not......i just need female opinion

i didnt know there wr that many gursikh women on this form!(ex Mr pskhalsa...nd many more who reppyd to this topic) ohmy.giftongue.gif

i can't answer this post cuz im no where close to being a Gurmukh

bhul chuk muaf karni!

keep on debatin ...

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Arguing over gelling...useless..and we wonder why over 80% of villagers in punjab have cut their hair and why most youth don't want to attend gurdwaras...cuz the "singhs" they might look up to for inspiration don't talk about how nice it is to serve humanity, don't talk about wanting to do more simran, don't open their arms others, instead argue of useless things like gelling your beard...

Seriously man, you really need to chillax. When were we arguing over gelling beard or not? The guy who made this thread asked a simple question, and people on here get so UPTIGHT over things, they start to give speeches to people. What the villagers are doing in Punjab, has absoutely nothing to do with this thread, nor this topic. And no, they aren't trimming their beard and/or performing kesh katal, because the Singh they look up to only talk about "gelling beards." They are preforming those kurehits, because they are weak, and the don't have the balls to walk on the streets as a LION. Not everyone can be a lion, LIONS only roar in few, whereas donkeys are with a crew all the time, REMEMBER that. rolleyes.gif If they looked up to the chardi kalaa singhs of India, I guarantee you, there would be nothing but Sikhi in Punjab, but that's not the case, because nobody bothers them to put them on television, or let them do parchaar in the Gurdwaras. Just chill man, and stop thinking everything is an argument.

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singh with dunalli..

you really should start thinkikng on a deeper level...

saying you are right..they don't have the "balls" ... do you?

if you do, ask yourself what makes you different from them?

what's been different about your life than those people?

have you had the influence of gursikhs? gurbani?

did someone take the time out to explain gurbani to you?

did you have some positive sangat???

i don't know the last time you went to india...but my friend...i go to india pretty much once a year...and i have the opportunity to intereact with the locals....lets just say... a lot of them DO have balls....but no inspiration...

don't forget that every single shaheed in sikh history gave shaheedi because they had strength of naam...had the strength of love flowing in their veins...they wren't some punks who thought it was cool to put up pics of others shooting someone...the didn't go around telling people they don't have balls or whatnot...they were naam abhiyaasis... how'd they become naam abhiyaasis??? thru guru's kirpa...thru gurmat....through love of the guru...through sangat of fellow gursikhs...

if you don't know someone's personal situation..it is very arrogant and extremely "un-singh" like to go around making your little calls....

remember guru nanak thought simple living...higher thinking....let's work on the higher thinking here bro...

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