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Sant Baba Takhur Singh Ji Khalsa Bhindranwale


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Love between Gurmukhs

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Sant Baba Thakur Singh Ji Khalsa used to have a very unique relationship with Sant Baba Jarnail Singh Ji Khalsa. It was a relationship based completely on love.

Sant Ji always used to consult Baba Ji on many different matters. When Baba Ji and Sant Ji would speak very few could comprehend what they were talking about. Baba Ji and Sant Ji lived on a separate plane reserved specially for those beloved Gurmukhs who had already reached the feet of Dhan Dhan Guru Nanak Dev Ji Maharaj.

One time during the Dharam Yudh Morcha, Sant Ji had a very serious look on his face. He kept pacing up and down a room he was in as his mind was lost in thought. There were several Singhs who were sat on the floor. They clutched their weapons in their hands as they awaited the orders of Sant Ji.

Just as it looked like Sant Ji was about to speak, the doors of the room opened and Baba Ji walked into the room. As soon as Sant Ji saw Baba Ji his face lit up as he began to smile. Sant Ji in that single moment seemed to forget everything as he hurried towards Baba Ji.

When Sant Ji got close to Baba Ji he quickly bent down to touch Baba Ji’s feet. As Sant Ji did this he felt someone touch his legs. Sant Ji immediately lifted his head up to see who it was. As he did this he was greeted with Baba Ji’s eternal smiling face. Both Brahmgyanis stood there for a few seconds looking and smiling at each other with their hands firmly pressing against each other’s feet. Neither Baba Ji nor Sant Ji wanted to be the first person to let go. In the end as they both stood up straight, they held each others hands and embraced one another.

May Maharaj do his kirpa and bless us with such love for each and every person in this world.

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

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vaheguru ji ka khalsa, vaheguru ji ki fateh.

I would just like to congratulate the new members of the khalsa panth. I was told that the amrit sanchaar was done according to full gurmat maryada and that the maryada given to the abhikalis was extremely strict, the stricktest i have herd ever. the program was amazing. dhan dhan baba thakur singh ji khalsa. cant wait for the next taksal program, plz make it quick

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it was also nice to see panthic ekta at the program as individuals from all organisations were present. nice to see that they all respect such a great gursikh. bhai balbir singh jee did amazing katha, on what baba jee has given the world. the way salok mahalla 9va was read was soo beutiful. the whole amosphere of darbar sahib was sooo uplifting. cant wait till next taksal program.

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THE programme was amazing. the Asa Di Vaar was wicked on saturday Amritvela. Katha by Balbir Singh throughout the weekend was very inspiring.

Congratulations to all those who gave their heads to Maharaj and took the amolak gift of Amrit on Sunday.

please post some more pics of the event on here. it was wicked...... i dont wat else to say, the whole smagum was just amazing.

Taksali Singh......waiting for ur reply, post sum pics of the event too.

Bhul Chuk Maaf

Dhan Guru, Dhan Guru Piaare.

Dhan Dhan Baba Thakur Singh Ji Khalsa



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Fateh, Hukamnama from the bhog of the Akhand Paath:


soriT mhlw 5 ]

sorat(h) mehalaa 5 ||

Sorat'h, Fifth Mehla:

guir pUrY ikrpw DwrI ]

gur poorai kirapaa dhhaaree ||

The Perfect Guru has granted His Grace,

pRiB pUrI loc hmwrI ]

prabh pooree loch hamaaree ||

and God has fulfilled my desire.

kir iesnwnu igRih Awey ]

kar eisanaan grihi aaeae ||

After taking my bath of purification, I returned to my home,

And mMgl suK pwey ]1]

anadh ma(n)gal sukh paaeae ||1||

and I found bliss, happiness and peace. ||1||

sMqhu rwm nwim insqrIAY ]

sa(n)thahu raam naam nisathareeai ||

O Saints, salvation comes from the Lord's Name.

aUTq bYTq hir hir iDAweIAY Anidnu suik®qu krIAY ]1] rhwau ]

oot(h)ath bait(h)ath har har dhhiaaeeai anadhin sukirath kareeai ||1|| rehaao ||

While standing up and sitting down, meditate on the Lord's Name. Night and day, do good deeds. ||1||Pause||

sMq kw mwrgu Drm kI pauVI ko vfBwgI pwey ]

sa(n)th kaa maarag dhharam kee pourree ko vaddabhaagee paaeae ||

The way of the Saints is the ladder of righteous living, found only by great good fortune.

koit jnm ky iklibK nwsy hir crxI icqu lwey ]2]

kott janam kae kilabikh naasae har charanee chith laaeae ||2||

The sins of millions of incarnations are washed away, by focusing your consciousness on the Lord's feet. ||2||

ausqiq krhu sdw pRB Apny ijin pUrI kl rwKI ]

ousathath karahu sadhaa prabh apanae jin pooree kal raakhee ||

So sing the Praises of your God forever; His almighty power is perfect.

jIA jMq siB Bey pivqRw siqgur kI scu swKI ]3]

jeea ja(n)th sabh bheae pavithraa sathigur kee sach saakhee ||3||

All beings and creatures are purified, listening to the True Teachings of the True Guru. ||3||

ibGn ibnwsn siB duK nwsn siqguir nwmu idRVwieAw ]

bighan binaasan sabh dhukh naasan sathigur naam dhrirraaeiaa ||

The True Guru has implanted the Naam, the Name of the Lord, within me; it is the Eliminator of obstructions, the Destroyer of all pains.

Koey pwp Bey siB pwvn jn nwnk suiK Gir AwieAw ]4]3]53]

khoeae paap bheae sabh paavan jan naanak sukh ghar aaeiaa ||4||3||53||

All of my sins were erased, and I have been purified; servant Nanak has returned to his home of peace. ||4||3||53||

wats urs lot vichaar on the Hukamnama????

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