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Do 2 Senchi Sahibs Really Make A Saroop Of Sggs?

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Question for the sangat.

Do 2 senchi’s together really make a saroop of SGGS?? Is it as straight forward as that, bcuz if the beadbi roko squad raided ek niwas due to senchi sahibs being on their premises than whoever keeps volumes of senchi sahibs together technically has a saroop of SGGS then??? That means families and households, gurdwaras and shops who have volumes of senchi sahibs together and treat them like pothis are doing the same beadbi as ek niwas?

On my wonders to Southall this holiday period I came across senchi sahibs being sold in the ABC music centre on the broodway. Apart from murtis, the shop also selld bollywood and bhangra cds as wells as sleazy bollywood dvds. So as per the beadbi roko squads, techinically, ABC music centre have saroops of SGGS on their premises???? Can the beadbi experts pls analyse?

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listen yeh, even a gutka sahib is our guru becus it is bani, "bani guru, guru hai bani", if u see beadbi happenin then you shud act upon it, house holds that keep sanchiya keep them in a respectfull way either on a mini palki or on a sucha shelf high up and covered with rimalas, but if houses are keep sanchiya where alchol, meat tabaco is consumed then that is beadbi and there paap, you carnt expect singhs to go to every house in the uk and check, if you kno where there is beadbi happenin then you are just like us, why carnt you act upon it, i went to the yuba city nagar kirtan with a couple of singhs yeh, and we came across a store where they were selling gutka sahibs in a box with other books in them, and ppl were jus picking them up with juta hands, so we did benti politley to him, to take the gutka sahibs out and keep them seprate in sucha rimala, and he agreed with us. so why didnt you act when u saw beadbi happening in southall, same with gurdwaras, they keep sanchiya either in sachkand or in a sucha place.

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listen yeh, even a gutka sahib is our guru becus it is bani, "bani guru, guru hai bani", if u see beadbi happenin then you shud act upon it, house holds that keep sanchiya keep them in a respectfull way either on a mini palki or on a sucha shelf high up and covered with rimalas, but if houses are keep sanchiya where alchol, meat tabaco is consumed then that is beadbi and there paap, you carnt expect singhs to go to every house in the uk and check, if you kno where there is beadbi happenin then you are just like us, why carnt you act upon it, i went to the yuba city nagar kirtan with a couple of singhs yeh, and we came across a store where they were selling gutka sahibs in a box with other books in them, and ppl were jus picking them up with juta hands, so we did benti politley to him, to take the gutka sahibs out and keep them seprate in sucha rimala, and he agreed with us. so why didnt you act when u saw beadbi happening in southall, same with gurdwaras, they keep sanchiya either in sachkand or in a sucha place.

i didnt act becuz of my own shortcumings and lack of understanding!!. we are not all as brave, heroic & inteligent as we shud be.... anyways, so is it beadbi to have all the volumes of senchi sahibs in your house then and NOT treat those senchi sahibs like a saroop of sri Guru granth sahib ji? a sucha shelf is not somewhere we wud expect to see guru granth sahib ji is it? what about if people keep all the volumes of senchi sahib rapped in rumalas like a gutka sahib. is that right or shud they be treated as if they a saroop of sggs with the same protocol?

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Really difficult one. The Ek Niwas issue was never about Saroops or senchis. It was a quick reaction to the Ek Niwasis doing prakas of senchis. The singhs didnt even think about the existing loopholes. What will we do next if Ek Niwas have a internet link of Gurbani websites in their Mandir?? Or if the start prakas of Dasam Granth, Sarbloh Granth or even Bhai Gurdas's Vars??

We really need to start VICHAR instead of telling everyone that they should do something about beadbi. One’s views will differ from another’s. One might think covering Gutkas with rumaallas are ok while another might think that selling bani is beadbi regardless of rummalas.

Without Vichar we will take saroops from one person who is committing beadbi in a way where we end up doing beadbi aswell. Without vichar we will always end up with short term solutions that do nothing for the betterment of the Panth. Instead we create and fall into more and more loopholes.

Like Ek Niwas, SGGS was taken in the rain without proper covering. Was a hukamnama taken from the senchis when they reached the Gurdwara? If so then some would see this as beadbi because a hukamnama in a Divan should only be taken from a complete saroop, like a Sehaj Path bhog can only happen from a complete saroop. Without vichar we will never get the answers to these questions.

R4G needs a protocol and a code of conduct, if it believes in Akal Takht Maryada then its important to understand and put this into practice. R4G doesn’t and cannot re write maryada so it fits its issues at hand. They have to identify the shortcomings and get response and resolve from Akal Takht.

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really we shud treat all bani as SGGS, but ppl have there own sharda for bani

I understand we shud have more respect for our gutka sahibs and bani on computers or bani printed on wedding cards and posters. But we don't do parkash & sukhasan of gutka sahibs or our computers, this is only done for SGGS, becuz we have a set protocol.

Now when the senchi sahibs were taken out of ek niwas after the protest it was done becuz the singhs said technically all volumes of senchi sahibs together are a full saroop of SGGS. so if that holds, then everyone who keeps all the volumes of senchi sahibs in their homes, shops and gurdwara storerooms are keeping a saroops of SGGS. they don't do parkasah & sukhasan of those senchi sahibs, they dont have a bed for those senchi sahibs, so is that not beadbi too? DTF sell senchi sahibs along with other items, ABC music store sell the senchi sahib volumes for £150 and it's in a special case. The senchis are open for anyone to view and touch and there's even bhangra music in the bakground.

what i am trying to get to is that is there one rule for one situation and another for the other situation??

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OK, not many responses so far. out of curosity who on this forum keeps volumes of senchi sahibs at home and how do you keep the senchi sahibs? do u treat the senchi sahibs together as you would a saroop of sri Guru Granth sahib ji, i.e. sukhasan, parkash, bhog, degh, peradaars, chanani, chaur sahib etc or do you treat them as you would a gutka sahib i.e. just a rumalla.


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Guest s133k_s1kh
OK, not many responses so far. out of curosity who on this forum keeps volumes of senchi sahibs at home and how do you keep the senchi sahibs? do u treat the senchi sahibs together as you would a saroop of sri Guru Granth sahib ji, i.e. sukhasan, parkash, bhog, degh, peradaars, chanani, chaur sahib etc or do you treat them as you would a gutka sahib i.e. just a rumalla.


As far as i knw Parkash, Sukhasan is only done to SGGS. Senchian are kept in a clean place wrapped in rumalla.

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