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Uk : Becoming The Next France?

Carpe Diem

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Read news below - its a report on BBC news front page that schools will be allowed to ban full face veils.....


Schools allowed to ban face veils

Schools will be able to ban pupils from wearing full-face veils on security, safety or learning grounds under new uniforms guidance set to be issued.

In February, a 12-year-old girl failed in her High Court attempt to overturn her Buckinghamshire school's niqab ban.

Ministers promised revised guidance for England taking that into consideration.

It says efforts should be made to accommodate religious clothing but stresses the importance of teachers and pupils being able to make eye contact.

We feel very strongly that this was a matter of principle that there shouldn't be barriers to communication between students and teachers

The issue of religious dress has become an increasingly complicated one for schools in recent years, with a handful of high profile cases going to court.

But it is the victory by the Buckinghamshire school, which cannot be named for legal reasons, that has prompted the updated guidance.

The school argued the veil made communication between teachers and pupils difficult and thus hampered learning.

Teachers needed to be able to tell if a pupil was enthusiastic, paying attention or even distressed but full-face veils prevented this, it said.

This position was upheld by the High Court - which refused to grant a judicial review - and is expected to form a key part of the guidance.

Guidance welcomed

Schools need to be able to identify individual pupils in order to maintain good order and to identify intruders, it is expected to say.

"If a pupil's face is obscured for any reason the teacher may not be able to judge their engagement with learning or secure their participation in discussions and practical activities," it adds.

The head teacher of the Buckinghamshire school, who also cannot be named, said it would be very useful to have some clear guidance from the DfES.

"It's not right that schools should have to be arguing this out case by case," she told the BBC News website.

"Obviously there's a trade-off between schools retaining autonomy over school uniform decisions, on the other hand we will have some very clear guidance from the DfES within which to work."


She said she did not regret the school's decision to fight the case.

"We feel very strongly that this was a matter of principle, that there shouldn't be barriers to communication between students and teachers.

"We also feel the young people in our school should be educated on an equal basis and be prepared for their role as adults in a modern society in which we expect there to be equality between men and women."

The Muslim Council of Britain has not yet responded to the guidance, but in a 72-page document released in February the organisation stopped short of endorsing niqabs for girls.

It did, however, urge schools to take into account Muslim pupils' needs to dress modestly and avoid tight-fitting or transparent garments.

Financial hardship

The DfES guidance also instructs schools to be sensitive to the cost implications of their choice of uniform which should be available at high street shops.

A recent letter to all schools from the Office of Fair Trading says they can be prosecuted for engaging in exclusive agreements with specific retailers.

The guidance also reiterates schools' right to discipline pupils for not wearing the proper uniform.

But they should carefully investigate the reasons behind this and be sensitive in cases of financial hardship.

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Read news below - its a report on BBC news front page that schools will be allowed to ban full face veils.....


Schools allowed to ban face veils

Schools will be able to ban pupils from wearing full-face veils on security, safety or learning grounds under new uniforms guidance set to be issued.

In February, a 12-year-old girl failed in her High Court attempt to overturn her Buckinghamshire school's niqab ban.

Ministers promised revised guidance for England taking that into consideration.

It says efforts should be made to accommodate religious clothing but stresses the importance of teachers and pupils being able to make eye contact.

We feel very strongly that this was a matter of principle that there shouldn't be barriers to communication between students and teachers

The issue of religious dress has become an increasingly complicated one for schools in recent years, with a handful of high profile cases going to court.

But it is the victory by the Buckinghamshire school, which cannot be named for legal reasons, that has prompted the updated guidance.

The school argued the veil made communication between teachers and pupils difficult and thus hampered learning.

Teachers needed to be able to tell if a pupil was enthusiastic, paying attention or even distressed but full-face veils prevented this, it said.


Muslims are known to thrust islam on their own lot. If their religion is so important, then why send kids to such schools.

If they choose to send their kids to such schools, then they should be prepared to abide by the general rules.. i mean this is taking islam too far... and they do not realise that by doing all this, they are only bringing their own generations to harm, because they will lag behind, wot with lack of proper attention et all.

Another point.. if a kid of any other religion was to attend a muslim school, would they even permit entry.. they got some cheek man.. to try and change rules in other countries!!

Wonder why their kids are permitted entry in schools abroad.. lol

Bhul chuk maaf karnee ji!

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vaheguru ji ka khalsa vaheguru ji ki fateh

I was thinking about this in relation to the France situation. Hopefully the UK won't go so far as to ban turbans. There would be an uproar if the government tried, highlighting how impractical the idea is.

I noticed this phrase:

"We also feel the young people in our school should be educated on an equal basis and be prepared for their role as adults in a modern society in which we expect there to be equality between men and women."

For Sikhs, both men and women are encouraged to wear Dastaars etc, whereas in Islam there's no such equality. Our Guru Sahebaan didn't encourage the wearing of veils.


vaheguru ji ka khalsa vaheguru ji ki fateh

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Guest Hardeep_S_Khalsa

Thats good schools are doing this, its not practical for children walking around with veils. Its not practical having all your face covered, so you can only see: eyes, noise and lips.

The turban is doing no harm, so their should be no reason for not being allowed to wear it. Its not different to a hat, children are allowed to wears hats in schools and colleges.

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vaheguru ji ka khalsa vaheguru ji ki fateh

I was thinking about this in relation to the France situation. Hopefully the UK won't go so far as to ban turbans. There would be an uproar if the government tried, highlighting how impractical the idea is.

I noticed this phrase:

"We also feel the young people in our school should be educated on an equal basis and be prepared for their role as adults in a modern society in which we expect there to be equality between men and women."

For Sikhs, both men and women are encouraged to wear Dastaars etc, whereas in Islam there's no such equality. Our Guru Sahebaan didn't encourage the wearing of veils.


vaheguru ji ka khalsa vaheguru ji ki fateh


They should, logically, not have problems with turbans or dastaars because neither of these conceal the identity of a person and therefore no challenges to their security or whatever..

bhul chuk maaf karnee ji!

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