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Which Uni To Go To?

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wjkk wjkf

hello to everyone its been a while since i was on here....any way here's my dilemma 5 months until i hopefully :) start uni but im a bit confused about which one to go to. iv narrowed it down to 2 and they are UCE ( birmingham) and keele ( not many have heard of that one)

I'm in wolverhampton and don't really want to move away because of the money so i wil commute by car. Keele is about 45 minutes from me and UCE about 30 minutes. If i go to keele i will be spending quite a lot of money on petrol a week but i dont really want to catch 2 buses and a train to get there.

Keele is a better uni overall ( according to rankings) than UCE. But i'm just worried what the people are like at UCE as in are there many people like me who don't go out and drink etc etc.

any help or anythin would be much appreciated rolleyes.gif

wjkk wjkf

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What course are you doing? i have mates who have gone to UCE and Keele and they both really enjoy it. Personally, i think you should go to the university which is best for your course, and i would recommend either as they are both good universities, but if distance would be an issue for you UCE would be better, and as for the ppl you'll meet at uni, i can't give u a definate answer cos it varies, but im slightly swayed to Keele as from what ive been told the environment is completely different to UCE in the context your looking at.

i recommend you check them both out and decide yourself.

hope thats ne help, forgive me if ive said anything wrong.


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I would recommend you go 2 keele as it has a better rep, thats what i wuld do if i hav 2 choose between them 2. but its up 2 u, like sum1 said be4, check out which is best for you course. but ull prob end up gettin a better degree at keele, not putting down uce or anything, but then keele is like in the middle of no where, well its not in a big city like uce. hmm guess ur jus going to hav 2 decide which is better 4 u.

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Penji go to keele, UCE is a dump lolz not joking, my mate use to go keele and it is a very nice university you'd enjoy going there. UCE is just useless, if you want to go university in Bham obviously Birmingham Uni would be first choice as it is top uni with high standards and obviously i go there hehe :)

Obviously choice is yours and money is a issue cus as a student it going to be tough espically if you aint got a job, and if your commputing going to cost you anyways.

But end of day way i see it is people say theres loads bad stuff happen at uni's but end of day if your going to study then you will be fine hunna so if you do decide UCE over keele then don't worry you can come see me lolz


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Come to Punjab and got to Punjabi University, Patiala. You'll never leave that university tongue.gif .

Punjabi University Zindabaad

Jithe hajje vi munde paggan bann de ne,

lambian guttan waliya bibian chunni naal sir dhak diya ne,

jithe gabru bhangra paunde ne

te mutiyaara tiyan manaundiya ne.

uh hai Punjabi University, Patiala

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Depends on you. The school can have the most worse reputation. But, it always depends on the person to gradurate.

I've faced an experience with a fellow indian who came to new york in 02 and his daughter went to the high school outside of our neighborhood. It's on the avenue. Now, this school was the WORSE. Probably, a 5% graduration. This school got it's name in the NEWSPAPER and on TV because of this girl. She started going to it and everyone in our building told her she should actually take the train or bus to go to a better school but she said no she's fine. Even after telling her, she one day came home and she had notes in her hand telling her parents that she was a fine student and finally the teachers got a break and got a good student for once. This school is REALLY bad. I mean god, I do not want to explain it.

But anyway, a school with a 5% grad rate on the NEWSPAPER and TV, that means this student was extordinary, that she was but only book smart.

Anyway, my point is EVEN in 1 1/2 year when im gonna be done with high school and gonna be going to college, im going to the college good for me. If it's a college 15 miles from me that is 4 years and has my course then ill go there no matter the reputation. But, if its in California, I will go to california to go to school.



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--Beggars cant be choosers--

(or summink like that)

You should feel chuffed at the fact that you got into ANY uni let alone 2?! lol what you do.. er.. Look at the Sikh Sangat..

I mean who cares abt rankings.. you shouldnt put ur trust in them.. trust me..

Just look at the city in general - will you be happy for X years u gna be there? Personally, without sangat - no.

Keele is near Manchester (in a land far far away..)

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