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Seen A Darbar Sahib Picture Not Able To Find Plz Help


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Gurfateh !

Here are a selection ;

from CE 1865


from CE 1870


From CE 1875


These are all from around CE 1903


Akalis on the Causeway that leads to the Darbar Sahib


Akalis standing under the Darshani Deori


A Nihang Baba seated in the courtyard between the Darbar Sahib and The Akal Takht


These pictures show the Darbar Sahib without the 'Jangley' or 'dividers' which I believe were brought in around the 1950s/1960s.

Hopefully one of these is the picture you are looking for - If not give a more detailed description of the picture and I'll see if I can find it for you.


Ranjit Singh 'Freed'

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Gurfateh !

Here are some more

Showing the Gothic clock tower built by the British after demolishing the Bunga that stood there - later this tower was demolished to make the Clock Tower entrances we see today



The Kar Sewa of 1923



The visit of the Prince of Wales in 1905








Raagis with Taanti saaj - 1903




The view in 1903 from the Baba Atal Tower


The view from the upper storey of the Darbar Sahib 1903






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An Engraving from 1831


A woodcut from 1874


Ishnan 1903


Baba Atal Tower late 1800s


Amritsar schoolboys 1903


"Fakirs" Amritsar 1903


Postcard early 1900s


Sri Akal Takht early 1900s


Birdseye view 1950s - note the clock towers are not white washed.Also the City comes right upto the parkarma - the bazaars back onto the Akal Takht. Today these historic bazaars have been demolished in the Government 'Galiara' project.


Inscriptions above the doorways of Sri Darbar Sahib

Northern entrance - An expression of gratitude for the blessing from Guru Ram Das to be able to perform sewa of Darbar sahib and a benti for the continued 'BolBala' of the Khalsa , seva by Maharaja Kharakh Singh Kanwar Naunihal Singh and Bhai Sant Singh Giani - dated sambat 1896 (CE 1839)


Southern entrance - The first verse from Vaar Sri Bhagauti Ji Ki - Patshahi 10 ( Chandi di Vaar)


Main (Western) entrance

Mool Mantar - and commemoration of the 'Daya' of 'Sri Maharaj Guru Sahib' in giving the opportunity to perform sewa of Darbar Sahib to Ranjit Singh - dated Sambat 1887 (CE 1830)


Enjoy the pictures !

Gurfateh !

Ranjit Singh 'Freed'

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amazing pictures!

couple of questions

does anybody know when they started inscribing the marble, the floors, the fans, the everything with peoples names and how much they had donated?

interesting to see how so many of the bibia in the pictures kept 'chohnd' (keeping most of face covered from other people using the chunni) back then. i know this habit only dissapeared not to long ago, was this prevalent from guru jis times?

having never had the good fortune to go to the kar seva, does anybody know what they do with the kaar once they clean it out? where does it go?

the nihang singhs with the massive gajke, we dont seem to see so many of these around these days, albeit different styles seem to be more prominent now (or maybe its just me!). but freed has the dumala decoration changed much over the years from guru jis time to the current period? the same for the actual dumalla itself. from a lot of the pics u have posted the older ones seem to be generally thinner and perhaps generally taller?? again is there any basis for this, or just me being silly?

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    • Ik i'm a few (13) years late but basically: Get a single Mal-mal dastar (around 3-5 metres) and starch it. You just whisk 2 ladles of starch (Kershaw's, cornstarch or maida) with around 5 cups of water until it's completely smooth and mix it on low heat flame for around 20 mins until it goes clear and think like water. When this cools off, take a clean but damp turban and soak it into the starch and make sure you coat the whole dastar evenly You leave it out to hang dry in the sun/air. Once dry u can store it in a cool, dry place until you wanna tie it (for about 4 months) Take the dastar, sprinkle some water all throughout the turban to make it slightly wet and just soft enough to tie. Then you and another person hold the dastar at each end to make a stretched rectangle (two people holding one corner in each of their hands). Fold it in half width-wise 3 times. Tie the turban like this quite loosely. The starch will make it tighter as it dries BUT TIE IT STAIGHT ONTO YOUR HEAD. NO MINi-TURBAN BENEATH IT. JUST TIE YOUR FLATTENED JOORA ON TOP OF YOUR HEAD AND THE DASTAR DIRECTLY ON TOP Secure it with pins and wear it on your head until it has dried from the water you sprinkled before the pooni. After it has completely dried (give it around 3-4 hours just to make sure) you take it off your head DO NOT UNWRAP IT TAKE IT OFF IN IT'S SHAPE and the next time you need to wear you can just place it on your head over your flattened joora instead of tying this. You can do this for around 5 months after you first tied it until you have to ever tie it again.
    • I tie a Punjabi style dastar with starch. Why do people hate this so much? Once when I was tying my dastar my neck seized up and the apna doctor said staying in that position daily for more than 5 mins is dangerous. He recommended a starched pagg like his dad. And I respect my pagg more than my life. I put it on the top shelf of my cupboard whenever it isn't on my head, recite Waheguruji da naam whenever I am tying my joora, fifty and when i place the Dastar on my head and I mata thek and kiss  it before I do. And when I do tie it (every 4 months when the starch starts to weaken) I make sure that I pooni and tie it with much love and whilst reciting paath. I get that if someone treats their turban like a hat (eg: throwing it on the floor, cramping it or just disrespecting it) then this is unacceptable but just cos one puts their pagg on their head rather than tying it each time doesn't mean they treat it as such. (and let's be honest, starched or not we've all put our dad's pagg on our head like a hat when we were kids as a joke and meant no disrespect. Intention is everything). Ik Singhs who get angry tying their pagg and start doing maa/phen di gaaliyan, and when they take it off they just throw to the side and wait to tie it again next time. (Also, I'm from a Jat Sikh family so pls don't try to make this about "starched paggs are tarkhan/caste based" or anything stupid like that). PS: I do remember that stupidness in the 90s/early 2000s UK when Sikh men used to have a tiny starched paggs and were completely clean shaven or had a little goatee like Herbie Sahara/ Vijay from achanak. Now THAT was stupid and deserves all the hate but I just mean the concept of a starched dastar whether it's Punjabi Style, Kenyan style or whatever
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    • It doesn't matter. What the nihangs did 100 years ago has no relevance today. Because people fight differently now. As a karate black belt, 90% of what we learn is useless, cos it revolves around how people fought 100 years ago. Today, most teenage boys likely to cause fights (at least in the uk) do boxing. But when boxing was really popular, people used to throw punches, hence why the "man to man fist fight" image was there. But now that UFC is popular, people do all sorts like grappling, knees and all (even with no training).  And also, I highly doubt anyone ever attacked a nihang Singh unarmed back then, just by seeing their saroop with shastaraan. What they did do, however, was Loh Mushti but that was more of a sport than a combat system. They definitely would have trained in basic fighting like wrestling and strikes but not a system. Because any good fighter knows that trying to find a "code" to fight by is stupid. But in terms of unarmed fighting, it was rare and probably revolved around disarming an armed attacker (do NOT even attemp to learn that, you will get killed and there's no point even trying to learn).   If you're interested for historical/ preservation purposed then great, but if you want to learn it for self defense or fighting tactics then pls don't, because what worked then won't work now and Nihangs were probably quite limited in hand to hand combat training cos they're armed to the teeth, deterring any unarmed attacker and killing one if they tried to fight
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