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"guru Granth Sahib Full Of Contradictions?" Disproved


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And guru Govind Singh says Allah & Abhek (Ram) are the same and the Koran and Hindu scriptures are the same (Akal Ustat vs 16:86).

ਕਰਤਾ ਕਰੀਮ ਸੋਈ ਰਾਜਕ ਰਹੀਮ ਓਈ ਦੂਸਰੋ ਨ ਭੇਦ ਕੋਈ ਭੂਲਿ ਭ੍ਰਮ ਮਾਨਬੋ ॥

करता करीम सोई राजक रहीम ओई दूसरो न भेद कोई भूलि भ्रम मानबो ॥

Karta (The Creator) and Karim (Merciful) is the same Lord, Razak (The Sustainer) and Rahim (Compassionate) is the same Lord, there is no other second, therefore consider this verbal distinguishing feature of Hindusim and Islam as an error and an illusion.

ਏਕ ਹੀ ਕੀ ਸੇਵ ਸਭ ਹੀ ਕੋ ਗੁਰਦੇਵ ਏਕ ਏਕ ਹੀ ਸਰੂਪ ਸਬੈ ਏਕੈ ਜੋਤ ਜਾਨਬੋ ॥੧੫॥੮੫॥

एक ही की सेव सभ ही को गुरदेव एक एक ही सरूप सबै एकै जोत जानबो ॥१५॥८५॥

Thus worship the ONE LORD, who is the common enlightener of all; all have been created in His Image and amongst all comprehend the same ONE LIGHT. 15.85.

ਦੇਹਰਾ ਮਸੀਤ ਸੋਈ ਪੂਜਾ ਔ ਨਿਵਾਜ ਓਈ ਮਾਨਸ ਸਬੈ ਏਕ ਪੈ ਅਨੇਕ ਕੋ ਭ੍ਰਮਾਉ ਹੈ ॥

देहरा मसीत सोई पूजा औ निवाज ओई मानस सबै एक पै अनेक को भ्रमाउ है ॥

The temple and the mosque are the same, there is no difference between a Hindu worship and Muslim prayer; all the human beings are the same, but the illusion is of various types.

Read what has been highlighted in red. Gurujee has also stated the illusion others are caught in.

ਅਲਹ ਅਭੇਖ ਸੋਈ ਪੁਰਾਨ ਅਉ ਕੁਰਾਨ ਓਈ ਏਕ ਹੀ ਸਰੂਪ ਸਭੈ ਏਕ ਹੀ ਬਨਾਉ ਹੈ ॥੧੬॥੮੬॥

अलह अभेख सोई पुरान अउ कुरान ओई एक ही सरूप सभै एक ही बनाउ है ॥१६॥८६॥

Allah of Muslims and Abhekh (Guiseless) of Hindus are the same, the Puranas of Hindus and the holy Quran of the Muslims depict the same reality; all have been created in the image of the same Lord and have the same formation. 16.86.

Gurujee is saying that the Hindu and Muslim scriptures are the same. Where is He equating them to Gurbani?

Namdev quotes the Gita as though an authority (p874 Namdev).

BYrau BUq sIqlw DwvY ]

bhairo bhooth seethalaa dhhaavai ||

One who chases after the god Bhairau, evil spirits and the goddess of smallpox,

Kr bwhnu auhu Cwru aufwvY ]1]

khar baahan ouhu shhaar ouddaavai ||1||

is riding on a donkey, kicking up the dust. ||1||

hau qau eyku rmeIAw lYhau ]

ho tho eaek rameeaa laiho ||

I take only the Name of the One Lord.

Awn dyv bdlwvin dYhau ]1] rhwau ]

aan dhaev badhalaavan dhaiho ||1|| rehaao ||

I have given away all other gods in exchange for Him. ||1||Pause||

isv isv krqy jo nru iDAwvY ]

siv siv karathae jo nar dhhiaavai ||

That man who chants ""Shiva, Shiva"", and meditates on him,

brd cFy faurU FmkwvY ]2]

baradh chadtae ddouroo dtamakaavai ||2||

is riding on a bull, shaking a tambourine. ||2||

mhw mweI kI pUjw krY ]

mehaa maaee kee poojaa karai ||

One who worships the Great Goddess Maya

nr sY nwir hoie AauqrY ]3]

nar sai naar hoe aoutharai ||3||

will be reincarnated as a woman, and not a man. ||3||

qU khIAq hI Awid BvwnI ]

thoo keheeath hee aadh bhavaanee ||

You are called the Primal Goddess.

mukiq kI brIAw khw CpwnI ]4]

mukath kee bareeaa kehaa shhapaanee ||4||

At the time of liberation, where will you hide then? ||4||

gurmiq rwm nwm ghu mIqw ]

guramath raam naam gahu meethaa ||

Follow the Guru's Teachings, and hold tight to the Lord's Name, O friend.

pRxvY nwmw ieau khY gIqw ]5]2]6]

pranavai naamaa eio kehai geethaa ||5||2||6||

Thus prays Naam Dayv, and so says the Gita as well. ||5||2||6||

Bhagat Naamdev Jee is glorifiying surrender to SatGuruJee. Where is he glorifying the Gita? He says that even the Gita asks one to surrender to the true Guru! Note how he speaks against worshipping deities, so how can he say that Gita is an authority? As per my limited knowledge on Gita, I am not sure if Shri Krishan told Arjun to worship deities.

Ravidass quotes the sage Vyas as though an authority (p658 Ravidass).

ibAws ibcwir kihE prmwrQu rwm nwm sir nwhI ]2]

biaas bichaar kehiou paramaarathh raam naam sar naahee ||2||

After deep contemplation, Vyaas spoke of the supreme objective; there is nothing equal to the Lord's Name. ||2||

Where is this saying that Vyaas ji was looked upon as an authority by Bhagat Ravidas Jee? This dude needs to know what the definition of "authority" is. No wonder he is trying to discredit the authority of Sahib Sri Guru Granth Sahib Jee, because he doesn't know what is the meaning of the word authority.

Punjabi Link veeray, the retard who sent you this garbage needs immediate medical treatment. If an <banned word filter activated> like me can easily find flaws in his arguments, I don't think you should bother about anything he says.

My knowledge in Gurbani is peanut-sized. May the sangat and Gurujee forgive me for any mistake I may have made, and may some other Guru pyaare who have tons of more gyaan please correct me wherever I am wrong.

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Kūkar kūṛ kamā­ī­ai gur ninḏā pacẖai pacẖān.

Those who practice falsehood are dogs; those who slander the Guru shall burn in their own fire.

Guru Nanak Dev Ji

Siree Raag



Ko­ī ninḏā karė pūrė saṯgurū kī ṯis no fit fit kahai sabẖ sansār.

If someone slanders the Perfect True Guru, he will be rebuked and reproached by the whole world.

Guru Raam Daas Ji

Raag Gauree


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Thank you Mehtab Singh, You have properly answered and shown that the 'contradictions' were all false.

Very good answer to what seems to be a cut and paste list that these guys are probably posting in many places.

Guru pyaareyo, I am not sure if it was a perfect reply. Please highlight any errors or shortcomings if you find them.
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Thank you Mehtab Singh, You have properly answered and shown that the 'contradictions' were all false.

Very good answer to what seems to be a cut and paste list that these guys are probably posting in many places.

Guru pyaareyo, I am not sure if it was a perfect reply. Please highlight any errors or shortcomings if you find them.

bhai sahib uve done an excellent job


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