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Itchy Scalp

Guest G.Kaur

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۹β ۣ๘۩ KAUR ۹β ۣ๘۩, what oil would you suggest?

penje, i think u should try coconut oil, might stink tho :lol: lol, but try it, im sure it will help. :TH:

This is a great solution! but make sure it is PURE coconut oil and free from any added chemicals. For those who suffer from any skin conditions palmers coco butter is a great miracle.

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Penji I got the same problem, all types of eczema and skin rashes on the body even the scalp are usually affected by 2 main factors, stress and diet. As per the stress avoid stressful situations people say countring helps naam simran, bani, simran, just remain achint care free and chill out more then usual and relax.

As per diet here is a definte list of avoid, avoid all nut bearing products, even coco powder coco is a type of nut so defo no chocolate, chocolate is always a cause of dandruff skin rashes and stuff. dandruff skin rashes are a form of allergy so allergy drugs are usually what are prescribed like lortadine it can kick in and avoid the scratching, flaring and bleeding.

Cow milk, Milk causes alot of skin problems.

Eggs, cause problems (don't know if you are veggi to the max, but it may a good time to, chicken also causes skin problems).

certain berries, blue berry strawberry. all types of food that in panajbi they say gives garami inside, Hot foods like dairy, chocolate and nuts.

Some people may suggest cutting your hair as a cure, it is stupid, its only going to make it show more.

Milk may be a keyfactor, try eliminating certain aspects out of your diet see how you feel give it a reasonable amount of time to kick in stress, workload anxiety are keyfactors to it.

read into allergies and conditioning behind it, even dust mite, and certain cushions can cause it so keeping home in a certain condition, pets can cause it, rodents and bad conditoning, there many key factors behind it beside hair products, there is this 1 shampoo made out bees wax special really intensive really does the trick.

But as they say Stress is started of all illnesses, diseases and problems.

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It's been a couple of months since I wrote in this topic so I think I should keep you updated about what has happened since last.

I tried tar shampoo and the dandruff disappeared but the itching did not. I was recommended a shampoo called Alphosyl Shampoo 2 in 1. I think I'm allergic to the tar shampoo because my body had an allergic reaction to it. It displayed itself on my body by red markings everywhere on my body and itching on my arms and legs.

I have finally found a private hair clinic that has been able to help me. I been going for treatment for 2½ months and it has helped me immensely. The products they use are based solely on plants extracts. The product is liquid based and you apply it in ur hair and leave it for 8-10 hours. And then you wash your hair with the shampoo also provided by the clinic.

I can see a remarkable difference with my hair now.

When you have this affliction you have to be careful of what you eat. Soda drinks, candy, sugar, tomatoes, oranges are main negatives because food that are rich in sugar or are acidic tend to worsen ones condition.

Lastly I'd like to say that for those of you who see yourself with this condition I highly recommend you seek help from a private clinic if all else fails.

I had this persistent Dandruff problem too a long while ago.

Used Clinic Special (Black), probably its a tar based shampoo which helped to temporarily get rid of dandruff.

I had heard from a naturopathy site that washing scalp alternatively with warm water and cold water was helpful. I tried it and that was immensely helpful.

When taking a shower one must alternate between burst of hot shower and cold shower directly on head/scalp. Leave the hot shower running for 30 secs and then alternate with cold for 30 secs. Do this a few times. This direclty increases blood circulation in the scalp.

Brush comb your hair 100 times each morning and evening with a simple kanga-type comb.

Apply Brahmi Amla oil to the hair atleast once a week. Massage the hair and scalp vigorously for atleast half an hour and allow the hair to soak the oil in for atleast 8 hours.

Shampoo the hair with a mild shampoo before applying oil on the hair. Scalp should be squeaky clean before the oil is applied.

And yes, I forgot to add this.

Hair should always be combed before taking a bath. This clears out the dead cells and lint in hair helps in getting hair clean.

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