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The Police


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This article is not directly related to Sikhi none the less it is an extremely important subject as the way the Police discharges it duties has very serious consequences for us.

So how do you rate the Police force where you live and why?

I will kick off the debate as living in the UK I know feel the Police at the best of times are incompetent. An example being the recent conviction of a serial rapist and murderer who was able to commit these offences as the Police made 'mistakes' on an earlier investigation.




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police are fken <admin-profanity filter activated>

99 % of them are tyrannical in peel and surrounding area in tornto

there are SOME gud ones

but so many of them are racist to points u wont belive

somehwat are fault since we act to much like kalai

i dunt kn WHY our people do that now, but cops still are some of the worst down here

dont ever let police tell u wat to do or boss u around. sikhs live by our own laws.

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by "our laws" i sure as heck hope you're referring to guru nanak dev ji's "three golden rules"....which if you practise truly, i doubt anyone would even notice you enough to bother you....... cops included..

it's not a coincidence that those regions populated by large groups of the same ethnicity tend to have higher crime rates... they become anarchist and think that their rules apply above the law of the land because there's so many of them.. whether it be scarborough, markham, richmond bc, surrey, or, as time goes on ,more and more for brampton too...

yes, sikhs play by their own law... which i hope you agree are:

1) vand ke chhakna

2) kirt karni

3) naam japna

last i heard, even racist, tyrannical cops have a hard time arresting someone for working honestly or doing community service

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japmans trust me when uve seen it firsthand and wintess it happened to others ull see that peel is one of the most racist and tyrannical cops in ontario

singhs have always lived by their own laws

we never listedn to the mughals rule, we nevr really listen to the raj after either

we have a set of rules from our ten patshahs, we have political rules as well as spirtual, and i will bow down to them before any gov. IF the gov law is in agreement with wat we belive, gud. If not, we never have obeyed int he past and wont do now

if gov starts intruding in on my rights as a human, or my privacy, i got no problem rasing my arms to protect my self nd my people. obiovusly in canada, the gov is on the majority gud with us. They have good relations with out communirty, and wehave really not much reason to fight or nething like that

but we shud always stay armed and follow guru je rules first and foremost, and we shud NEVER stand for tyranny or abuse no matter whee we are

cops are just theyre to keep the public safe anywayz. they shdunt abuse their "power". Iv eseen it myself to many sikhs just act subordinate to cops, like cops are somehow someone very important who we must listen to

we shud never let cops think they have more power, then they will abuse it

theyre are some gud cops, ive seen somein my life, some really gud ones

and as times progress theyre will rpob be more

and btw we shud alawys live together in large numbers, and always rmeebr our culture and religions

we shud always stick together and thas where our power is, thru sticking together and remebering who we are

we shud always carry pourselves with pride and some aankh, and dont let cops think they run us

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you guyz wont imagine.. i can understand that many 'sikhs' are unlawfull in countries like uk and canada, where they have huge populations... but here, with just 9-10,000 sikhs in a country with 10 million inhabitants, allmost nobody knows who sikhs are... and the only one who know, they know from the bloody fights with gunz that the pardhans here do... in our area police is fine.. but the sikh majority province limburg... i'm not sure bout there... many people have wrong views about them... mainly due to the illegal persons and gurdwara fights... sikhs are in belgium since not more than 25 years but police already entered a dozen times in gurudhars... with shoes as its part of their uniform...

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