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If Vaaheguroo Has Written Our Life...

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Vaaheguroo Jee Kaa Khaalsaa, Vaaheguroo Jee Kee Fateh Khaalsaa Jeeo!

This has become quite a big issue with me and some of the sangat that I hang around with. It's a very big question in my opinion:

If Vaaheguroo has written our life already, then why do we have to live it when HE already knows EXACTLY WHAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN in the next second, he knows exactly what we are going to do, what we are thinking and whether or not we are going to Sach Khand. So why does he want to see something that he has already seen happening? Why does Vaaheguroo want to see a play when he already knows exactly what is going to happen?

I have asked some people and they said that he doesn't know EVERY SINGLE LITTLE THING, but then this shows that he is not perfect... If he was perfect then he would know exactly what is going to happen to us and what we are going to do...Why does he want to see it when he knows what is going to see???

Is it that he likes to see our reaction to when maayaa is placed in front of us? If this is the reason, then why does he wants to see our reaction when he ALREADY KNOWS what our reaction is going to be?

He has created this play...but however hard we try to get to sach khand and become one with Vaaheguroo, if it is not written for us to go there then why do we do people say that Sikhi is the way that you can get to Sach Khand and that it is possible for EVERYBODY to get to sach khand? if vaaheguroo has written for me to go back to the churasi lakh joon then why are we told that everybody has the chance to get mukhti (freedom from this life)?

If he has already planned our life and knows every single thing about it, why do we have to live it? If he doesnt know everything and wants to see what happens then that shows he is not perfect... I feel like crying!!! It's such a big issue and so many questions that I have been asked I have been unable to answer because of this issue! Sorry i dont mean to shout but its really really upsetting.

Please Khaalsaa Jee, can somebody, anybody give me their knowledge about this and help me and hopefully it will help some of the sangat.

Bhul Chuk Maaf Karnaa Khaalsaa/Sangat Jee...

Gurkirpaa Jee

Vaaheguroo Jee Kaa Khaalsaa, Vaaheguroo Jee Kee Fateh Khaalsaa Jeeo!

Vaaheguroo Jee Kaa Khaalsaa, Vaaheguroo Jee Kee Fateh

Waheguru is the painter. The canvas is the universe. Although the painter knows what he is about to paint, he still has to paint it to express it to himself. This is just what he does as a game. The painter has each and every line, pattern, colour alread in his mind (i.e. god knows everything) but he still paints it as this is what he does as self expression. He then beholds his work. We are the pictures (actors) our destinies are determined by the painter. When you look at things this way, you realise there is no me, no my destiny, your destiny or whatever, everything is god.

We are him (his reflexes in his hands etc). There is no us. When your picture has been completed then you look at god and he looks at you. In fact, it is only god looking at himself like a reflection.

Lol. Sorry for the last part. Its a bit poetic and stylish fun. Not sure if its hundred per cent correct but it sounds good i think (lol).

But i hope this helps you

Take care my friend

Vaaheguroo Jee Kaa Khaalsaa, Vaaheguroo Jee Kee Fateh

wow great answer, ive heard it before tho, wheres it from?

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we are all, when it comes down to it, made of the same stuff, jus vibrating at different frequencies

becoming one with God is like tuning a saaj--tune it right and believe me, the effect is beautiful

God is sargun nirgun--everything and nothing in simple terms

sun samaadh, or void

being the creator, waheguru vibrates not at all, and at every level, through their creation

to become one with God, i guess u gotta change ur own vibrations to match theirs

. . .that made no sense whatsoever



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Waheguru ji ka khalsa waheguru ji ki fateh!

let me take this time to first CONGRATUATLE U=) blessed!

ur questions are great questions...and they are asked by all of us who are on the path at sme point in life... thus me saying the above^^^

and yes frustrated is how some of us feel. but know tht when these questions come..instead of getting frustrated...just know that deep down with in u(in all) lies answers to them. there isn't any question that doesn't have an answer=) it is just a way of universe/god to help us(its/himself )move further thn where we are.

i am a fool so know that what i write isn't 100% correct..cuz im learning too.

let me try to write down what my sangat has taught me...and hope their knowledge will help u too.

This has become quite a big issue with me and some of the sangat that I hang around with. It's a very big question in my opinion:

it's not an issue if u dont make it out to be....but since u have already labeled it as an issue....it needs to be cleared. it really isnt an issue with in sikhi. Guru sahib has answered all of our questions....but we havent understood the message as of yet. we dont have clear understanding of what guru sahibs trying to teach us...thats why these types of questions come to us...as an obstacle ...to make us dig deeper to understand the TRUTH! its a blessing:) if u look at it. so dont get frustrated :)

just thank him for bringing u to this point.

KSingh has given a great exmaple to help us understant the beauty of this whole game=)

i will write more...if u still feel bit=(...

i have to run (dinner time)

akal sahai

and bhul chuk muaff karni

waheguru ji ka khalsa waheguru ji ki fateh

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Future is not written. We can control our actions, influence outcomes etc. But at some level, waheguru is behind everything, controlling even the fluttering of the leaves in the wind. So everything is in his Hukam, possibly b/c we all exist in Him and cannot exist outside of him. To really get an in depth answer, you need to ask someone who's achieved the stage written about in Japji sahib ' Nanak, hukmai jai bujai, ta haumai rahi na koei'. (never mind my messy transliteration)

so you'd need to speak to a sant or someone near there.

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Khaalsaa jee, thank you sooooo much! vaaheguroo's done his kirpaa through u lot, that's helped me a lot to understand this. Dhan Dhan Guru Khaalsaa Panth!!!

(Just because I have understood this matter doesnt mean that other people on this forum that are also trying to understand have understood it, what i'm trying to say is you dont have to stop talking about this topic just because i have understood it..lol)...thanks a lot khaalsaa jeeo!!!

I'm so happyyyyyyy wooooo!



p.s. it was also posted in another forum, their answer made sense too, tapoban site...


if that link dnt work den chek dis on out, u shud be able to find it on the list thingy...


Vaaheguroo Jee Kaa Khaalsaa, Vaaheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!

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