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Warning About Project Naad - Yet Another Attack On Gurmat

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Dear Sangat Ji,

Recently someone made the Sangat aware of how ProjectNaad.com (who claim to promote Sikhi) showed open support and sympathy for Dera Jhootaa Sauda and the cult leader Raam Raheem.

See link: http://forums.waheguroo.com/index.php?showtopic=24830

Wish to inform you that on another forum, someone has brought to attention that Project Naad has posted on SikhNet.com in regards to an article about the evolution of the word Khalsa. Project Naad have made yet another attack on Sikhi and distorted the Sikh faith in the garb of being Sikh Parchaariks. Please be cautious.

Below is the post from the concerned Singh:

QUOTE: 'BandaSingh' @ Jul 9 2008, 11:39 AM

On SikhNet there is an article published that is written by Virinder S. Grewal, Williamston, MI. He has written about the evolution of the word "Khalsa." You can read the article on link below: http://www.sikhnet.com/inspiration/the-evolution-word-khalsa

The article itself is written by a "wannabe" Sikh scholar who (typical to the Kala Afghanas and Pashuara Singhs of this modern world) has written in a very abrupt tone and what I see as insulting to Sikhi.

The author writes in his "conclusion":

In my opinion, Sikhs of today are lost in a labyrinthine maze of rituals and priest-craft, and submerged in superstitions. They hold views that could neither be proved scientifically nor justified logically. They cannot even be cognized inwardly, much less realized. Their wishy- washy religion is high on hope. It promises but cannot deliver in performance or in proof.

To call Sikhism a "wishy-washy religion" sir, is a direct attack on the fabric of our faith. Furthermore, to continue on and claim that "It promises but cannot deliver in performance or in proof " is to go beyond any acceptable level of discussion.

Simply born into a Sikh family doesn't make you a Sikh, just as being born to a Physician mother and Lawyer Father doesn't make you one either.

According to Guru Gobind Singh Ji, "Rehat bina neh Sikh kahaavai" and "Rehat pyaaree mujh ko, Sikh pyaaraa nahi".

If we aren't strong enough, or don't have enough will power to live our short lives according to the tenets of Sikhi, then Sir, I respectfully suggest, according to the Guru's own words, that we don't have any right to call ourselves Sikhs.

PROJECT NAAD responded with the following to the author's article:

This is so beautiful

Submitted by projectnaad on Mon, 07/07/2008 - 4:50pm.

Thank you sir for doing such beautiful research. Original Sikh philosophy is truly amazing and completely different to the aweful sectionist ideas that have been created over the last 100 years and labelled as sikh. The point in question where a Khalsa refers to an outward image is a perfect example of these warped ideas.

Would the ProjectNaad group be able to use some of your research to create a leaflet on "Becoming a Khalsa"?

Blessings to you ji


ProjectNaad response

Submitted by projectnaad on Tue, 07/08/2008 - 12:34am.

I am sure the original author wil provide a more complete response but we thought we could provide a response too.

The author of the article when using the terms "wishy washy" is not making an attack on sikh dharma as he is himself a follower of sikh philosophy. We need to understand the importance of what the author is saying. He is simply referring to the way that some sikhs keep on creating sectionist views of what is a sikh and what is a khalsa without first understandng sikh philosophy and recorded ithias.

Guru Gobind Singh Ji indeed did say "Rehat pyaari mujh ko, Sikh pyaara nahi". But this can be understood in terms of the internal qualities that makes a human live as a spiritual being. If you dont accept this definition and assume that only those with 5 K's and bana are Sikhs then what would we make of 9 our of the 10 gurus who did not have the outer rehat? Also what would we make of Patanjali who is the author of the yoga sutras and one of the 6 hindu philosophies and who lived 1000's of years before Guru Nanak? Bhai Gurdas Vaars refers to Patanjali as Gurmukh aka Khalsa

Now fo the Amrit ceremony Guru Gobind Singh Ji did not change charan Pahul to Amrit sanchar because charan pahul stil exists amongst the tradition orders of sikh dharma including udasis sikhs, sevapanthis, nirmalas etc. Guru Gobind Singh created an additional amrit ceremony now called Amrit Sanchar. People who have taken the Amrit ceremony are called Amritdharis and IF they maintain their love for sikh philosophy then they are ALSO Khalsa. The author at no point suggested that those who have taken Amrit are not Khalsa, he has simply stated that the term Khalsa is not limited to those who have taken Amrit and that would be in tune with sikh philosophy.

Just a few comments on the followig quotation:

"Let all embrace one creed and obliterate differences of religion.

Let the four Hindu castes who have

different rules for their guidance abandon them all,

adopt the one form of adoration, and become

brothers. Let no one deem himself superior to another.

Let none pay heed to the Ganges, and other

places of pilgrimage which are spoken of with reverence in the Shastras,

or adore incarnations such asRama, Krishna, Brahma, and Durga,

but believe in Guru Nanak and the other Sikh Gurus. Let men of

the four castes receive my baptism, eat out of one dish,

and feel no disgust or contempt for one


Firstly there are not 4 castes there are multitudes of them. There are 4 varnas though so I would suggest that the author of this article in not too hot on indian religion. The above also seems at complete odds with sikh philosophy and could be manufactured because the word VaHeGuRu refers to Vasudev, HariKrishna, RamChander and Gobind in the form of Nanak. SO if one of the key mantras in sikh dharma is composed from the first letter of the sages that have come to India then the above statment must be rejected.

In Sikh philosphy you can be a Muslim or a Hindu or a Buddhist and still be a Sikh if you believe in its philosophy. Bhai Mardana was a Muslim-Sikh. His 17th descendents are still Muslim-Sikhs i.e. they still love sikh philosophy and do keertan from SGGSJ. This is the greatness of sikh dharma

Also lets keep in mind that the author quoted letters written by the master and close people and NOT by supposedly 3rd party sources.


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Author of Article wrote:

In my opinion, Sikhs of today are lost in a labyrinthine maze of rituals and priest-craft, and submerged in superstitions. They hold views that could neither be proved scientifically nor justified logically. They cannot even be cognized inwardly, much less realized. Their wishy- washy religion is high on hope. It promises but cannot deliver in performance or in proof.


As you sow, you shall reap. The more effort and heart you put into living Dharam, the more will benefit. To call Sikh Dharam "wishy washy" shows utter ignorance. Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji is pure clarity and provides the individual with ability to experience the Truth.

When Guru HarKrishan Sahib Ji physically passed away, he said that next Guru is "Baba Bakala". Where many innocent and ignorant followers began to pay homage to 22 men who set thrones and presented themselves as Guru in the village of Bakala, only Bhai Makhan Shah had the great fortune of recognising the Truth - recognising the True Guru, who was Guru Tegh Bahadar Ji.

The Guru is there, but those who insult Sikhi are so blinded that they are like those who were bowing down to the 22 imposters. Whilst the Gurmukhs recognise the Power and Glory of Gurbani and the Guru's Path.

Project Naad writes:

Thank you sir for doing such beautiful research. Original Sikh philosophy is truly amazing and completely different to the aweful sectionist ideas that have been created over the last 100 years and labelled as sikh. The point in question where a Khalsa refers to an outward image is a perfect example of these warped ideas.


Please refer to Bhai Balpreet Singh's essay on Sikh Identity. Your doubts and confusion will be cleared.


Project Naad writes:

Guru Gobind Singh Ji indeed did say "Rehat pyaari mujh ko, Sikh pyaara nahi". But this can be understood in terms of the internal qualities that makes a human live as a spiritual being. If you dont accept this definition and assume that only those with 5 K's and bana are Sikhs then what would we make of 9 our of the 10 gurus who did not have the outer rehat? Also what would we make of Patanjali who is the author of the yoga sutras and one of the 6 hindu philosophies and who lived 1000's of years before Guru Nanak? Bhai Gurdas Vaars refers to Patanjali as Gurmukh aka Khalsa

Firstly all the 10 Gurus were ONE. There is One Guru.

ਇਕਾ ਬਾਣੀ ਇਕੁ ਗੁਰੁ ਇਕੋ ਸਬਦੁ ਵੀਚਾਰਿ ॥

"There is One Bani; there is One Guru; there is one Shabad to contemplate."

The Sikh Dharam was revealed over a period of 239 years. The complete picture of a Sikh was painted by the One Guru who manifested and revealed through 10 bodies. All the Gurus practiced and propagated BANA and BANI. Please search Sikh history and Guru Granth Sahib Ji.

Project Naad writes:

Now fo the Amrit ceremony Guru Gobind Singh Ji did not change charan Pahul to Amrit sanchar because charan pahul stil exists amongst the tradition orders of sikh dharma including udasis sikhs, sevapanthis, nirmalas etc. Guru Gobind Singh created an additional amrit ceremony now called Amrit Sanchar.


Can you back any of your claims with authentic and Panth parvaan sources.

Gurbani says:

ਨਾਨਕ ਅੰਮ੍ਰਿਤੁ ਏਕੁ ਹੈ ਦੂਜਾ ਅੰਮ੍ਰਿਤੁ ਨਾਹਿ ॥

"O Nanak! There is only One Amrit; there is no other Amrit at all."

Project Naad writes:

...The above also seems at complete odds with sikh philosophy and could be manufactured because the word VaHeGuRu refers to Vasudev, HariKrishna, RamChander and Gobind in the form of Nanak. SO if one of the key mantras in sikh dharma is composed from the first letter of the sages that have come to India then the above statment must be rejected.


Vaheguru consists of four words, ALL of which refer to the Almighty Lord - not any deities or venerated Kings worshipped as gods by people.

ਜੁਗਹ ਜੁਗਹ ਕੇ ਰਾਜੇ ਕੀਏ ਗਾਵਹਿ ਕਰਿ ਅਵਤਾਰੀ ॥

ਤਿਨ ਭੀ ਅੰਤੁ ਨ ਪਾਇਆ ਤਾ ਕਾ ਕਿਆ ਕਰਿ ਆਖਿ ਵੀਚਾਰੀ ॥੭॥

"In each and every age, God creates kings, who are sung of as His Incarnations. Even they have not found God limits; what can I speak of and contemplate? ||7||"

Vasudev - Hari - Raam - Gobind = Names used to refer to the Timeless Lord throughout history. But, you are distorting this by making it look as if Guru Sahib was using the name of the Hindu devi devte. "KRISHAN" and "RAM CHANDAR" are no where equated to Guru Sahib or Akaal Purakh.

ਕਬੀਰ ਰਾਮੈ ਰਾਮ ਕਹੁ ਕਹਿਬੇ ਮਾਹਿ ਬਿਬੇਕ ॥

ਏਕੁ ਅਨੇਕਹਿ ਮਿਲਿ ਗਇਆ ਏਕ ਸਮਾਨਾ ਏਕ ॥੧੯੧॥

"O Kabeer! Use the word 'Raam', only to speak of the All-pervading Lord. You must make that distinction. One 'Raam' is pervading everywhere, while the other is contained only in himself (i.e. "Raam Chandar" who was king). ||191||"

Project Naad writes:

In Sikh philosphy you can be a Muslim or a Hindu or a Buddhist and still be a Sikh if you believe in its philosophy. Bhai Mardana was a Muslim-Sikh. His 17th descendents are still Muslim-Sikhs i.e. they still love sikh philosophy and do keertan from SGGSJ. This is the greatness of sikh dharma


Bhai Mardan Ji received Charan-Pahul and was given Rehat (i.e. to wake up Amrit-vela & Jap Naam, Not to consume tobacco or any nashaa, and not trim any bodily hair) - refer to Bhai Mani Singh Ji's Bhagat-ratnaavalee and also Janamsaakhis. Therefore, Bhai Mardana Ji was "born" in a Muslim family but embraced Sikhi through initiation.

If Bhai Mardana Ji's descendents smoke tobacco, cut their hair and don't Jap Naam (or even recieved GurMantar from Guru) then how can they equate themselves as being Sikhs like Bhai Mardana Ji?

In 1699 the Khalsa Panth was given Guru-status. The Guru Khalsa Panth has passed to Panthic Sikh Rehit Maryada which clearly states the definition of a Sikh:


Gurbani states:

ਸੋ ਸਿਖੁ ਸਖਾ ਬੰਧਪੁ ਹੈ ਭਾਈ ਜਿ ਗੁਰ ਕੇ ਭਾਣੇ ਵਿਚਿ ਆਵੈ ॥

"They alone are a Sikh, a friend, a relative and a sibling, who walks in the Way of the Guru's Will."

Bhai Gurdaas ji states:

ਇਕੁ ਗੁਰੂ ਇਕੁ ਸਿਖੁ ਗੁਰਮੁਖਿ ਜਾਣਿਆ॥

"The Gurmukh understands that there is one Guru and there is one Sikh (i.e. there are not different types or degrees of being a Sikh)."

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ProjectNaad is run by the UK nangs/niddar lot sanathanists, just thought I'd inform sangat

any evidence to back that up????

on personal observations yes (to an extent), the owner of project naad param singh has openly admitted on a facebook discussion board that he takes inspiration from the sanatan way of thinking.

as you can see, his quoted articles tend to reflect this

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ProjectNaad is run by the UK nangs/niddar lot sanathanists, just thought I'd inform sangat

any evidence to back that up????

on personal observations yes (to an extent), the owner of project naad param singh has openly admitted on a facebook discussion board that he takes inspiration from the sanatan way of thinking.

as you can see, his quoted articles tend to reflect this

ohlet me see the site thennn

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ProjectNaad is run by the UK nangs/niddar lot sanathanists, just thought I'd inform sangat

any evidence to back that up????

on personal observations yes (to an extent), the owner of project naad param singh has openly admitted on a facebook discussion board that he takes inspiration from the sanatan way of thinking.

as you can see, his quoted articles tend to reflect this

ohlet me see the site thennn

Yes I have also seen it promoted on several Sikh facebook groups,

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It seems that the problem with our community is that we simply dont like philosophy because as a collective we have such a poor grasp of the subject ...let alone sikh philosophy.

If you want to have a discussion regarding the definition of the word "Khalsa " then by all means joing the discussion on sikhnet. But dont be cowards and run to other forums to gossip behind our back and make rumours about what we are and are not.

We are not run by Nihangs, Sevapanthis, Nirmalas or Udasis but we repect ALL of them. We are alarmed at the amount of philosophical fundamentalism that has crept into the community and it looks like this is not something that is going to go away easily. It is truly disgusting to see the low levels of tolerance that so called members of the "Khalsa" show.




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