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What Is Happening With 3ho Sikhs May Be Confusing Youth And 3ho Sikh Beliefs Deviate From Sikhism


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What is happening with 3ho sikhs may be confusing youth and 3ho sikh beliefs deviate from Sikhism

110% Guru Nanak preached unity but he never preached yoga as prt of Sikhism so theses people in a way are disrupting Sikhism. Just go on the website www.mrSikhnet.com for sure and I think www.Sikhnet.com as well under the audio selection and the Yogi Bhajan lectures and see what Yogi Bhajan said about Guru Gobind Singh under the lecture describing guru gobind singh. Just check out the book titled Sikh Identity by Opinderjit Kaur Takhar it descirbes how 3HO Sikhs on page 172 deviate from the Sikh lifestyle with their affinity to Guru Ram Das, seeing vegetarianism as a teaching of the Guru Granth Sahib and by seeing the true Sikh lifestyle as wearing all white clothes all of the time and doing yoga mostly Kundalini Yoga as part of a usually described as compulsory routine in the early morning hours instead of reciting Japji Sahib or doing Nam Simran with your family or by yourself. I know a person and others who have been almost brainwashed by this when cds claiming to give their heart to Guru Ram Das enter our Sikh homes for example the popular Snatam Kaur and others like Guru Ganesha Singh. The Sikh guru is the Guru Granth Sahib when the Chardi Kalaa Jatha said once in a lecture on www.Sikhnet.com that Harbhajan Singh told some youth that their Guru was Guru Ram Das and other that theirs was Guru Gobind Singh at their academy in Harimandhir Sahib called Miri Piri Academy when pictures of Harbhajan Singh the size of a whole wall take up their gymnasium. And talks about unity in the Khalsa Panth give me a break. I hope I feel good that at least some portion of Sikhs are saying that this is not how originial Sikhism is Kundalini Yoga was just made up and never even came from the Himalayas it was made for business. I've asked so many people from india who never heard of a thing of Kundalini Yoga and when you research Kundalini Yoga you find that it was basically unheard in India it was just invented during the Yoga craze like so many other types of Yoga especially in the 90s. But going back to my first post the Yogi Bhajan describes Guru Gobind Singh as if he knew him personally saying he was 5'4 and he describes his exact diet of eating nuts, chapattis and to Harbhajan Singh's great fortune apparently Guru Gobind Singh was a strict vegetarian and could stare at your for hours and meditate for hours and swing his sword around him so fast that he was throw off arrows from a good archer. This is from Harbhajan Singh's lecture describing Guru Gobind Singh. But it is okay to wear white and do yoga as your lifestyle even as your religion but these things are not part of Sikhism and they have confused people like me. I just want other Sikhs to know what is Sikhism and how people are trying to change it and are being successful in confusing our youth and even adults. What is not Sikhism is having such an affintiy to Guru Ram Das calling him the Lord of Miracles as if they are suggesting they think he is the most powerful of Gurus. It is better that people like this call themselves a cult instead of saying their way is the true Sikhism which is just some new age new teachings made up from Harbhajan Singh which have nothing to do with India's history. No incase you are a youth and wondering Guru Ram Das was never in the Lord of Miracles and no he never practiced or knew of Kundalini Yoga.Yoga originates from Hinduism and there are four main Hindu books which describe the four main types of original yoga all these other kinds like Kundalini are just made up and the Gurus never said that yoga poses any spiritual benefits. Please lets solve this little problems in our religion with some leadership that we all can have I admit I swore not to speak my mind but out of emotion I am doing so and I hope no one is offended by it. This is only what I see as the truth and what I know many more voices agree with. Harbhajan Singh even admits in a lecture on www.Sikhnet.com that he had people offering pizzas to Guru Ram Das that are not Sikhism that is Worshiping and we only worship Waheguru. Also in the book mentioned above titled Sikh Identity the author describes how the SGPC president Tohra stated they did not make Harbhajan Singh a Sri Singh Sahib though for a large portion of his life he claimed and even convinced many people that he was a Sri Singh Sahib. So many people believe this because on websites owned by a Gora Sikh like Gurumutsuk Khalsa who would not post my comments on his blog calling them misconceptions though all my points are simple facts they have so many videos all about Harbhajan Singh all titled with such a long name for him Sri Singh Sahib Bhai Sahib Harbhajan Singh and so on. Well I am really looking forward to positive responses from people I hope everyone understands that I clearly see all people as equal and I am just trying to explain how some of the values Gora Sikhs have adopted deviate from Sikhism but I am just using that phrase for reference as all the time in conversations even on the news we have to refer to people as white votes or black votes and so on but not all Gora Sikhs may have adopted these teachings and declare them as Sikhism such as vegetarianism and Kundalini Yoga as a must practiced as a Sadhana in the early morning hours instead of Jap Ji Sahib and Nam Simran though the majority has.

I could not attach the audio lecture by Yogi Bhajan describing Guru Gobind Singh as it was too large I would encourage people to listen to it one time so that they know what are the lies and falsehood that is being preached as no one has records of what GGS ate or how tall he was once again it if found under www.mrSikhnet.com audio/video section then click educational then Sri Singh Sahib then go down and click describing Guru Gobind Singh.

Sat Sri Akal

:lol: :D

More Info which may interest you:

There are some websites which may interest you:



http://www.kundaliniyoga.org/ - blocked by Parental Controls in Windows Vista



Also Rick Ross New Jersey Institute www.rickross.com






Yogi Bhajan's businesses are numerous:


Fact: 3HO Sikhs have many Sikh related services and products and some may be questioned by Sikhs.

A lot of the 3HO/Sikh music can be found here:


"Guru" Ganesha : http://www.guruganesha.com/


If you strongly feel that this group is misinforming Sikhs then do not hesitate to speak out. If you know someone who has a Punjabi TV show please ask them to spend a few minuetes educating the community on how to practice Sikhi in its original form and not to submit ourselves to Yogi's or holy men.

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Hmm....I have also Heard lectures of Yogi Bhajan Singh and must say that he is quite charismatic as an orator ...and he really advocates on Sikhi pronciples like no other and his created adherents are more devout and self satisfied than any normal Indian Sikh I will find on the street. But this question has crept in my mind more often, are his preachngs in agreement with the teachings of the Guru . The concepts that he claims abt Yoga re very true at least with Yogic sciences as I have happened to verify them on various resources. those who have followed his Yoga teachings swear by him to the core......If u do a wikipedia....he has stated that more than a yogi he is Sikh and always remain one. So im unclear about his intentions...but from what I could understand he wanted to more Good than anything else. He freed so many hippies of the 70s era of Drug addiction and got them into path of God Beleivng I see so many Gora people in Gursikh form and that really makes my heart swell with Pride....so with a little bigger perspective I dont feel like accusing him of anything wrong.

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I have learnt alot, from mrsikhnet.com and all the videos on that website. I think Yogi Bhajan is great. Most of his videos he isn't even doing yoga but talking to people giving really helpful lectures. And i don't see anything wrong with yoga, it helps people calm down and not be stressed, he helped alot of people, i think he had good intentions, didn't seem like he was trying to put down Sikhs. He helped expand them. Plus that website has got alot of good life changing videos, that make you wake up and realise. And even has stories on the Guru's. I don't see anything wrong with what they are doing. Not like they are teaching that Sikhs are bad.

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wow, that was almost impossible to read. formatting and punctuation would go a long way to further your cause bhen/veer ji. :)

while i tend to agree that 3ho (a yoga organization, not a Sikh organization) is confusing yoga and sikhi... several of your "points" are not quite accurate.

regarding those who have high respect for Guru Ramdas- i'd say about 90% of Amritsari Sikhs hold Guru Ramdas dear (with photos, etc) because he founded their great city. you'll often hear them say "dhan guru ramdas" as an exclamation of sorts. just like some sikhs will say "dhan guru nanak"... just having an affinity to Guru ji in one form or another isn't really a big problem for me.

regarding kundalini being "made up"- it's mentioned in Gurbani a few times, by Guru Nanak Dev ji, Guru Arjan Dev ji, and Bhagat Kabir ji. usually negatively (when it's attached to yoga), but in the sense of Sikhi, read the following:

ਕੁੰਡਲਨੀ ਸੁਰਝੀ ਸਤਸੰਗਤਿ ਪਰਮਾਨੰਦ ਗੁਰੂ ਮੁਖਿ ਮਚਾ ॥

The Kundalini rises in the Sat Sangat, the True Congregation; through the Word of the Guru,

they enjoy the Lord of Supreme Bliss.

i'd guess that this means that the shabad guru, the sat sangat, this is the TRUE yoga.

raja yoga, the "king" of yogas, is the only yoga approved by Guru ji.

ਤੂੰ ਗੁਰ ਪ੍ਰਸਾਦਿ ਕਰਿ ਰਾਜ ਜੋਗੁ

By Guru's Grace, practice Raja Yoga, the Yoga of meditation and success.

so saying yoga is not taught by or approved by Guru ji is not accurate. it's just that physical yoga without NAAM is useless. but Raja Yoga, which is meditation on naam, is encouraged.

saying "3ho sikhs" is also misleading... 3ho is a nonprofit yoga organization. many of them wear turbans and white clothes, but not all of them are sikhs.

most "3ho sikhs" are followers of "Sikh Dharma International". their maryada is slightly different than ours, but saying they don't do nitnem or naam simran is not true. they're sikhs, just like the rest of us. they read gurbani, they even do katha in english so people can understand it (shocking idea).

i've met some, and they're not nearly as weird as i thought they would be. :)

i guess the important thing is to seperate the "3ho" from the "sikh" to avoid confusion.

Hmm....I have also Heard lectures of Yogi Bhajan Singh and must say that he is quite charismatic as an orator ...and

i have heard that when listening to him talk, people start to believe anything he says. they feel attracted to him, they want to be around him.

this is siddhi- powers gained from doing yoga.

it's clearly anti-gurmat.

but since he's dead now, i guess it doesn't matter too much.

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I want basically everyone who reads this to give a reply so that we can see what people think about this rarely discussed issue which is slowly changing our religon and confusing our youth. Somehow when Sikhs where never told to wear white clothing it is never mentioned in the Guru Granth Sahib children are starting the think that wearing all white is the true way of practing Sikhism. So regardless of you opionion hopefully it is positive please leave a reply if you read this post and if you want to. I hope I educated at least some people on this topic.

Thank You

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I want basically everyone who reads this to give a reply so that we can see what people think about this rarely discussed issue which is slowly changing our religon and confusing our youth. Somehow when Sikhs where never told to wear white clothing it is never mentioned in the Guru Granth Sahib children are starting the think that wearing all white is the true way of practing Sikhism. So regardless of you opionion hopefully it is positive please leave a reply if you read this post and if you want to. I hope I educated at least some people on this topic.

Thank You

what's wrong with white clothing? is it anti-gurmat to wear white? don't 99% of raagis wear white kurta pajama?

and where in SGGS ji does it tell us what colour clothing to wear anyway?

if you want to take down 3HO, there's WAY better things to worry about than white clothes. <- just my opinion! :)

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I think they're great.

Strict in Maryada, active in spreading Gurbani, free from casteism, free from the shackles of some of the Indian traditions that go against Gurmat etc.

So what if they do Yoga - at least it keeps them fit and healthy.

I disagree with some of Yogi Ji's teachings and ideas but have a lot of respect for anyone who can go to a place like California and get the locals to learn Gurmukhi, read and understand Gurbani and become Amritdhari Sikhs!!

Many of them go to work wearing Bana - you don't even see that in India. There are small difference in certain aspects, but they are irrelevant in the whole scheme of things.

There have been Punjabi Sikhs in East Africa since the 1880s. You will not find a single local who has become a Sikh - in fact you'll have trouble finding an Amritdhari Sikh fullstop. We've been in the UK for almost 100 years - most of the 'apne' youth can't even speak Punjabi let alone read Gurmukhi. Yet we criticise someone who has effectively done Parchaar and made a difference in the lives of 100s of people because some of his views are different to mainstream Sikhi.

Before criticising other Gursikhs, ask yourself, "what have I done for Sikhi"?

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