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Video Of Tv Discussion: Prof Darshan Singh Engages In Guru Nindya

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The cat is out of the bag. I know what you are saying or do not have the courage to say.

This is a propaganda tactic adopted by gurnindaks to fool ignorant sikhs . When the heat is hbrought on them they use this tool.

Maybe you find it necesssary to put others down to make a point but I honestly don't see a need for it, I don't remember anyone making such a statement for it to be called a propaganda, unless you are tagging me as a anti-sikh.

Inder Singh Saab: As I mentioned I am unable to access certain sites at work and haven't had the chance to go through the article by Kapoor Singh but will do.

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The cat is out of the bag. I know what you are saying or do not have the courage to say.

This is a propaganda tactic adopted by gurnindaks to fool ignorant sikhs . When the heat is hbrought on them they use this tool.

Maybe you find it necesssary to put others down to make a point but I honestly don't see a need for it, I don't remember anyone making such a statement for it to be called a propaganda, unless you are tagging me as a anti-sikh.

Inder Singh Saab: As I mentioned I am unable to access certain sites at work and haven't had the chance to go through the article by Kapoor Singh but will do.

sardar sahib

Please go through video first and then you can raise your questions for clarifications.

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Any updates on the response by low life Darshan Ragi.

I have gathered that there is a massive backlash against traitor ragi.

Hoodlums who created hooliganism have apologized saying that they were misled by uneducated

ragi.Their actions inside studio were on camera and most probably have gone in law enforcement

records for any future break of law.

Most probably there will be a meeting of gurudwara representatives of the area to plan how to rein

in this rogue ragi.

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Dr Jodh singh balsts Ragi darshan singh on his balsphemy



I have gone through your e-mail and specifically Prof. Darshan Singh's explanation of the 21st Story of Charitropakhyan in the Dasam Granth. The story teller no where mentions the name of Guru Gobind Singh. The minister of the king is telling the story of some wealthy lady of a moneyed person who has gone mad in the so-called lust for the other wealthier person who is also a pretty moneyed man. He is taken to that lady who tries to seduce him with her actions and offers of bodily pleasure. The man refuses and tries to convince her that such improper relationship is not desired to be made by anyone. He rather quotes many examples from ancient Indian history and folklore. He gives the examples of Inder, Chander, Ravan, Kauravs, who all perished because of this lust. However she was bent upon fulfilling her lust but the person before her never relented. She raises the shouts of 'thief, thief' listening which people gathered and the Raja (wealthy person) ran away. The wealthy person was surrounded and that wealthy lady started crying "brother, brother" to which people understood that her brother was the thief. They got hold of him and beaten him hollow. He was sent to Jail and ultimately that lady consumed by passion and lust also had to go to sleep. Thus that Raja like wealthy person came to his residence and the brother of that passionate lady was sent behind bars. Nobody could understand the mystery and her brother was taken as a thief. How Darshan Singh has explained that wealthy person as Guru Gobind Singh only he knows and whom he is telling the prostitute God knows. Nowhere in the text, word bharua has been used. Nowhere the word Vesva has been used in this story 21-23 of Charitropakhyan.

The Raja was that wealthy person who has been shown as beaten and not the Guru or such person. If we accept this story in toto then as is given in the beginning one will have to accept Guru Gobind Singh as a follower of Tantar Mantar and the Goddess Bhagwati which is far far away from his ideology and life style. Darshan Singh has already exposed himself before the Sikh Sangat who very well knows that for whole his earlier life Darshan Singh was minting money by singing the bani of complete Dasam Granth and now since going against the Dasam Granth is giving him lot of money he is against it. Here in India we know many scholars who have changed their loyalty when the blow of the wind and sometime they rejected the authorship of Dasam Granth and soon after with they got some money from some Sant they readily accepted Guru Gobind Singh as the author of Dasam Granth.

However I want to add one thing more that this from Story No.21 the Sikh Panth has picked up the one deadliest breeches (bajjar kurahit) of the prohibition of sexual relationship with other than one's own spouse.

With deep regards,

Yours sincerely,

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Any updates on the response by low life Darshan Ragi.

I have gathered that there is a massive backlash against traitor ragi.

Hoodlums who created hooliganism have apologized saying that they were misled by uneducated

ragi.Their actions inside studio were on camera and most probably have gone in law enforcement

records for any future break of law.

Most probably there will be a meeting of gurudwara representatives of the area to plan how to rein

in this rogue ragi.


Darshan Ragi is getting what he deserves. All his supportor should be made aware of his slander.

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Any updates on what is taking place on this topic. Has the low life Darshan Ragi been called to Akal Takht for his unmentionable slander of Dhan Dhan Dhan Sri Guru Gobind Singh Sahib ji.

If you have younger kids please don't show them the video where Darshan Ragi is slandering Guru Sahib.

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