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Ragi Darshan Singh Gone Mad

Inder Singh

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Tec9, the english translation is all off track...If I am not wrong you have pasted the whole bit from Pritpal Bindra's translation. He is another buddy of Kala Afghana.

Still ..

1. There is no mention of a prostitute here as Darshan is claiming.

2. Nowhere the Raja thinks that if he establishes a relationship with the rich woman then the one who will be born will be called a Pimp, as Darshan claims.

And Darshan is a sinner by concocting his own story by putting Guruji's name in it.

Where is the above translation wrong: Its not the Raja that is beaten up by the public. Read the punjabi text. Raja makes

rich woman's brother caught by public and he himself escapes from there unharmed.

Moral of the story: Raja maintaines his high character even after being lured by a woman who is not his wife. Thats how the character of a man should be.

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None of the Charritars are about Guru Ji, the raja in the post above is not Guru Sahib and it isn't 'Anoop Kaur' - again, check the original Gurmukhi. The word 'sikh' is not exclusive to Sikhi. Darshan Lal has lost the plot.

Tec9 - read the original in Gurmukhi, and understand that it is written in a particular style of poetry and interpret it accordingly. Do you think all the Sikhs from 1699 to today that read Dasam Bani everyday are idiots?

What is your intention?

ਸੁਨਤ ਰਾਵ ਕੋ ਬਚ ਸ੍ਰਵਨ ਤ੍ਰਿਯ ਮਨਿ ਅਧਿਕ ਰਿਸਾਇ ॥ ਚੋਰ ਚੋਰ ਕਹਿ ਕੈ ਉਠੀ ਸਿਖ੍ਯਨ ਦਿਯੋ ਜਗਾਇ ॥੫੯॥

सुनत राव को बच स्रवन त्रिय मनि अधिक रिसाइ ॥ चोर चोर कहि कै उठी सिख्यन दियो जगाइ ॥५९॥

some fools do not know head and tail of these charitras and write nonsense without reading. Word Sikh has multiple meanings. In this charitra sikh means servant.Read above sikhan( plural of sikh) has been used for lady's servants.

First thing to consider is that it is a pakhyan, and pakhayn always means story coming out of existing story.That throws case of uneducated ragi out of window.

pakhyana is written at end of every charitra.Dumbs like ragi and his silly followers should read it before talking nonsense.

ਇਤਿ ਸ੍ਰੀ ਚਰਿਤ੍ਰ ਪਖ੍ਯਾਨੇ ਤ੍ਰਿਯਾ ਚਰਿਤ੍ਰੇ ਮੰਤ੍ਰੀ ਭੂਪ ਸੰਬਾਦੇ ਇਕੀਸਵੋ ਚਰਿਤ੍ਰ ਸਮਾਪਤਮ ਸਤੁ ਸੁਭਮ ਸਤੁ ॥੨੧॥੪੩੯॥ਅਫਜੂੰ॥

इति स्री चरित्र पख्याने त्रिया चरित्रे मंत्री भूप स्मबादे इकीसवो चरित्र समापतम सतु सुभम सतु

pakhayan= story coming out of existing story. Story is not a real happening

mantri= Minister

bhup= King

sambade= Dialogue

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also In My Opinion,

Very Very Very Very Very Briefly Veechar,

Charitar is Full of Lessons for Today in a Very Advanced Poetry Form!

First: Every Sikh is From Anandpur! So the Lesson is YOU THE SIKH are the Raja!

Look even in life. Sikhs are Known as "Sardaar Ji". Even in Schools, etc. Good Sikhs always have some sort of a 'following'; their friends respect them for their high morals, and they have lots of friends who respect them! The Sikh is the King!! The peers, friends, those that respect, those that listen to the Sikhs' advice, Is the King! Good Sikhs even in circles are well liked, respected, and even have influence! The RAJA IS NONE OTHER THAN YOU!!

Second: When Sikhs do Gurmat Bhagti, They get Very Good Looking. They Get a Glow, an attraction. They get 'famous'. People are naturally attracted to them. So they get flirted with, invited, etc! The Lesson is DON'T GO, THEY HAVE SECRET PLANS TO MAKE YOU LOSE YOUR DHARMA FOR THEIR LUST!! In Kaljug! Females will be Very Sexually Aggressive! (you can already see this in society. Its gonna get worse). So the lesson is ALWAYS KEEP YOUR DIGNITY!! DON'T EVEN PUT YOURSELF IN A SITUATION THAT YOU CAN BE DISGRACED!!! SO THE LESSON IS; DON'T GO!! (This lesson is 100% for both Singhs and Kaurs!! Never Never Go to Invitations of the opposite sex! Especially Alone! Live Dharma!)

Third: Always Come Out of Trickeries, or Situations with Your Good Reputation in Tact! This is Important! ALWAYS BE alert!! DON'T GO! AND ALWAYS PROTECT YOUR HONOR!! Never NEVER GIVE IN!! NEVER FORGET THE LESSONS OF YOUR GURDEV!!! OF YOUR POORAN GURU!!!!

In this Charitar! THE SIKH, SARDAAR, GETS THE LESSONS!! 1) Don't Go! Don't Trust! Don't ever go to any other womans' invitation under any circumstance (it could be from school, work, etc! Do not go to any invitation by a Woman!!! ESPECIALLY ALONE!!!) 2) By Chance! WHICH SHOULDN'T HAPPEN EVEN!! Make sure you keep your High Morals of Khalsa Dharam in Tact!! And ALWAYS come out with Khalsa Dharma in Tact!! NEVER NEVER NEVER KUREIT!!! 3) Save Your Honor!! Save Your Reputation!! Save Your Dharma!!!!! This is Dharma! Akaal Purakh Saves the HONOR of His Bhagats!! Always Come out With YOUR Honor!! YOUR HONOR REPRESENTS AKAAL PURAKH!! YOUR HONOR REPRESENTS KHALSA DHARMA!!!!

More lessons even. The King/Sardaar is Intelligent, Articulate, and a better strategist!!! They think they are cunning to get YOU to do bad!! NO!!! I AM SMARTER TO GET OUT WITH MY HONOR IN TACT!!!!


Many Many Many Good Lessons in The Charitar to SAVE FROM KUREIT!!!! AND SAVE HONOR!!!!

(Darshan Ragi and His Gangs are TOTAL ANPARHS!!!!)


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Darshan Sinh in a new press release has said that the CD's submitted to the Akal Takhat were doctored by some right wing Hindu group to defame him...

Liars have no stand.So is ragi darshan as he changes his statement every day.

He was called for clarification on JUS TV.There he agreed that he said what was shown one week before.

See below. This is the video his followers are not allowing it to remain on youtube. Thye have pulled it down 5 times from you tube by phoney copyright complaints. truth hurts.


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Darshan Sinh in a new press release has said that the CD's submitted to the Akal Takhat were doctored by some right wing Hindu group to defame him...

Yes I am sure. The right wing Hindu group who wants to prove that Sikhs are Hindus will make every effort to make a CD where Gurujee says He doesn't worship any devi/devta.

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When British took ove Punjab after wars, they analysed sikh scriptures to know what provided such a martial spirit to sikhs.

They considered Dasam granth as a Granth of sikh political strategy. This was indicated in the report of British officers posted

in Punjab.

In this report stories of charitropakhayan were declared as stories of political wisdom. In one of the reports citing many sikh refrences

The Deputy comminionaer of Amritsar wrote

“There are various allusions to royalty in the Sikh Scriptures. Good advice is given to King,Such as exhortations to justice and diligence(Charits 204,Book of the 10th King),Guru Govind addressed 12 admonitory Hikaiyats or stories to the Emperor Aurungzed which form the concluding portion of the Grunth of Guru Gobind Sing.The writings (who in number)called”Rajnit”contain advice for the Kings as well as for the subjects”. (Extract from letter No.989,dated 3rd October,1873 from D.C.Amritsar to Director Public Instruction,Punjab)

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Darshan Sinh in a new press release has said that the CD's submitted to the Akal Takhat were doctored by some right wing Hindu group to defame him...

These idiots dont know the difference between a CD been 'doctored' and a CD been 'edited'

A doctored CD would be a monkey face on darshan's voice or vice versa.

The info that I have gathered is that the Jathedars have received unedited CD of what he said.

They have also seen his discussion on JUS Punjabi. Also does he deny that it was his voice?

He said what he said in the CD. Now he doesnt have any answer to his blasphemy and he is coming up with excuses...

I still cant understand what happened to him in two years http://patshahi10.or...ertan&Itemid=66

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