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Gursikh Men! And Women

Guest Kaur1

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Guest Kaur1

Ive just come out of a relationship with a Gursikh which lasted for 2years, He had the image of a gursikh wore a Durmalla etc... But never had the heart and mind or respect for others.

For example this singh had many realtionships with many felmales and continued to flirt with other kuriya while commited to the me. However he flirted and done bad sin for example sex. And trust was a issue and ending it and moved on to the next kuri in weeks. Having no respect used me and attends ransbhais and looks a loving person on the outside but the inside is horrible doesn't have no respect and think he knows about sikhi but doesn't if he knew about sikhi he shouldn't go toward the 5 evils in sikhi...

Im not the one to talk as I am not amritary but I am going down that path with guidence because I know what was my past was a bad sin so for me to become pure is to ask for forgivenss from guruji and go down the right path but he doesn't seem to learn...Why I don't no He has destroyed me as i'm finding it hard to come to terms but i still feel hurt when i see him at kirtan programms all happy life no care no sorry nothing. Why do they get involved and do stuff like that? being a Gursikh means to control yourself and having respect. How do It try and forget my past?, How I look forward in live with out the past comming in my mind? I do my paat everyday listen to kirtan...I come from a family that are all amritdary that guide me too but. somethings is hard to dicuss i just try and smile and say its all ok.

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You can register to the forum and im sure there are people here who can help you. Firstly i would say its done and dusted so there is no point on dwelling in the past. You should do Ardas to help get through it. There are many people like him men and women who use people which is a shame. From personal experience time heels everything.

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Here is what I do and tell my kids to do when they bother each other sitting on dining table to get attention and get the other person in trouble.

No, I am being serious.

Think the other person doesn't exit for you. Period. That solves all the mind problems we get through.

Yeah, it would be hard in the beginning to believe that when you would actually see him. But its for your best interst. You are only hurting yourself by putting yourself through it. But situation is not under your control either. So you need to divert your attention.

Pick up on some hobby or build new relationships, or spend some extra time with old friends. The monkey mind has to be busy with something else than this repetitive turmoil of same thing over and over and over and over.

as you are responsible for your karma and you have to stand at dharamRaj's court with your account of good and bad deeds, HE has to too.

So you be responsible only for what you do and leave him upto DharamRaj to deal with him.

As you sow, so you reap

ape beej ape hee khah(u)

so stop getting bothered by what he is doing or have done. The good thing out of all this is that you are no more fooled with his outer-side.

Hope I gave you some peace. That's what we all want at the end of the day. Its very easy and very difficult to get at the same time.

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Guest Unknown

Vjkk vjkf

dear sister Make account and dhass wil get intouch..

Dhass has posted gupt having been through similar to you while back (few yrs ago)

Keep focusing on bani and start doing moolmantar paat as muh as you can..

Hear from you soon sister..

Vjkk vjkf

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Your both at fault here. Indulging in lust and then calling him bad. You should have know better because Gursikhs don't have relations outside of marriage. Also name and shame him. Set him straight and he'll have to go before the Punj Pyare with knowing everyone is well aware of what he did.

If you both were actually serious then it's always best to tell the parents early in the getting to you know better part. This would have put responsibility on his head not to behave immorally.

Something to keep in mind for next time is: If a Sikh is not getting up early in the morning for Amritvela, doing paat in the evening and then stay out late, that's a sign he/she is not following his rehit. A person that doesn't follow the rehit is pretty much empty from the inside and falls victims to the 5 theives because they doesn't have Gurbani.

Do Chaupai Sahib the paat. It's one paat that takes all your pains and stress right off your mind. To clear your head contemplate over Sri Jap ji Sahib. To get that inner strenght to move foward and crush this stress on your mind do Jaap Sahib. Jaap Sahib should be done with in a fast pace. Not too fast where your misprouncing, but so your mind grabs the rhythm and you feel the Gurbani.

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Ive just come out of a relationship with a Gursikh which lasted for 2years, He had the image of a gursikh wore a Durmalla etc... But never had the heart and mind or respect for others.

For example this singh had many realtionships with many felmales and continued to flirt with other kuriya while commited to the me. However he flirted and done bad sin for example sex. And trust was a issue and ending it and moved on to the next kuri in weeks. Having no respect used me and attends ransbhais and looks a loving person on the outside but the inside is horrible doesn't have no respect and think he knows about sikhi but doesn't if he knew about sikhi he shouldn't go toward the 5 evils in sikhi...

Im not the one to talk as I am not amritary but I am going down that path with guidence because I know what was my past was a bad sin so for me to become pure is to ask for forgivenss from guruji and go down the right path but he doesn't seem to learn...Why I don't no He has destroyed me as i'm finding it hard to come to terms but i still feel hurt when i see him at kirtan programms all happy life no care no sorry nothing. Why do they get involved and do stuff like that? being a Gursikh means to control yourself and having respect. How do It try and forget my past?, How I look forward in live with out the past comming in my mind? I do my paat everyday listen to kirtan...I come from a family that are all amritdary that guide me too but. somethings is hard to dicuss i just try and smile and say its all ok.

what an <banned word filter activated> he doesnt deserve ya! u need to move on and 4get about this <banned word filter activated> hel always be chasing girls and never be settled and happy. i too was in a long relationship that brokle up i think about it a lot but u must respect urself and realise that ur way better than the likes of him. u get me?!

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