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Book By Bhai Jarnail Singh Journalist

Mehtab Singh

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Vaheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa Vaheguroo Jee Kee Fateh

Guru piyaareo, few days ago I had a brief chat on Facebook with Bhai Jarnail Singh journalist from India. Bhai Sahib is the same person who was in the news last year for throwing his shoe on India’s Union Minister of Home Affairs P. Chidambaram as a sign of protest against the government’s failure to do justice with regards to the anti-Sikh carnage of 1984. I chatted to him last year as well and wanted to come up with a plan to procure Bhai Sahib’s newly released book on the 1984 anti-Sikh carnage. The book has been released in Punjabi, English and Hindi. From what I was told by Bhai Sahib, the English and Hindi copies have been sold in large volumes, and several non-Sikh readers have very much appreciated it. However, Bhai Sahib was disappointed to point out that it is Sikhs who have not shown enough enthusiasm as the Punjabi copies haven’t sold as much. I wanted to know if Bhai Sahib has tried to sell the book abroad, but Bhai Sahib said he doesn’t have contacts to be able to do so.

Guru piyaareo this is the same Singh soorma who put his life and career at risk only to gain justice for the Sikh community. He has spent his entire savings in getting thousands of copies printed but no one is coming forward. Last year I tried to get an order placed for the local Gurdwara Sahib I go to, and there were people who were interested. However nothing materialized, and so this time I want to contact only a few people who are reliable and can make things happen. Bhai Sahib has been given words of support by many, but according to him 98% of them haven’t proven to be of genuine support. The worst thing right now would be if such a soorma is left alone disheartened. Please come forward to help. You may want to speak to your local Gurdwara committees if they want to place an order and procure the book written by Bhai Sahib. It may then be sold or distributed at the Gurdwara Sahib itself. This is the least we can do to make sure that the few true soldiers left who are fighting this battle for justice are not left neglected to fight it out all on their own. We do realize that it was the honor and dignity of our entire Panth that was attempted to be tarnished in 1984, not just the victims who suffered. However, Gurdwara committees may not always be the most ideal ones. In that case you can try to gather a few selected Amritdhari GurSikhs who feel the pain of the Panth and want justice for the victims

As of now, myself and another veerjee have decided to order 100 books (50 in English, 50 in Punjabi). I have contacted Bhai Jarnail Singh ji about this and have been told that the English ones are $15.00 per and Punjabi ones are $12.00 per copy, and this includes shipping charges as well.

Please let me know if and how you want to proceed. If you use Facebook and Bhai Sahib is in your friend list, you can contact him directly, otherwise please let me know and I shall have you get in touch with him to discuss further. This is only if genuine support can be provided and not mere words of encouragement. The time for talking has passed on, and now the hour calls for action. If anyone wants to make unwanted/immature comments, please don't bother to post in this thread as I want responses only from those who are willing to come forward rather than sit back and pass comments. We sit in the west and ask for a separate Sikh homeland, but if we can't even come forward to help a GurSikh who is trying to educate the world about what/how much the Sikhs have suffered, then lets ask ourselves, are we really sincere about a separate Sikh homeland?

bhull chukk maaf

Vaheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa Vaheguroo Jee Kee Fateh

- Mehtab Singh

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Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh!

Great, I've never heard of this Singh or his books before, if there are copies I'd purchase at least one english or punjabi copy. There's quite a few local Sikh organizations I can contact them and see if they are willing to cooperate! I sent a friend request. He is a true soorma who stands up against zulam by informing the masses!

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh!

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They will sell on EBAY im sure!!!

dtf or dfs or wotever on soho road mioght be interested. try giving them a ring. theres a sikh shop outside karamsar in illford, id also get intouch with them. and british organisation of sikh students. id also email all online sikhi shops. try and get websites such as sikh sangat and sikh roots to promote the book too.

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  • 1 month later...

Guru pyaareyo, Bhai Jarnail Singh jee's books which daas and another GurSikh veerjee had ordered from Bhai Sahib have arrived. There are 50 in English and 50 in Punjabi. If anyone in USA or Canada wants a copy, please send me a private message as I will need to know the following

* How many copies you want in English/Punjabi.

* Your name (as it is in postal records), address and phone # so that I can mail them to you

* promise that you will encourage others to read this book, that you will spread awareness about what the Sikh qaum had to suffer in 1984, thereby pave the way for ordering more copies from Bhai Sahib

These books were misplaced by Fedex. For the past 1 month we were breaking our heads with them to find out where they got lost. Today by some choj of Choji Preetam Kalgidhar Pita Jee, and His beant kirpa, the books came home themselves!!!!

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Bhai Sahib was in Mumbai few months back and I listened to what he had to say.

Even I bought the English version , so the numbers in favour of English over Punjabi is ok, as most of the youth bought the English version. Its an average book over all, with somethings getting repeated over and over.

The only thing I dint like was it has foreword by Khushwant singh, who has voiced his views multiple times against Sani Jarnail Singh Ji and that sends a wrong message to English reading audience in general.

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