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PANTHIC.ORG | Published on October 25, 2006

Brampton, Canada (KP) � On Sunday October 22nd, Inder Ghagga and his Toronto accomplices suffered a shameful defeat upon the issuance of a sandesh from Sri Akal Takht Sahib stating the boycott and summons of Ghagga and associates, and the cancellation of their anti-Panthic seminar.

It seems nothing appears to be going right for Inder Ghagga. Not long ago, he was chased off a stage at an east coast US Gurdwara, and then he suffered a humiliating defeat in a debate, the video having been widely circulated worldwide via the Internet. Now Sri Akal Takht Sahib has banned him from utilizing any Gurdwara or Panthic stage.

Adding insult to injury, a function that was to be held at the Premier Banquet Hall in Brampton in honor of Ghagga was cancelled at the last minute reportedly by the property owners out of respect for Sri Akal Takht Sahib's sandesh. In light of the Panthic boycott, the management of the Premium Banquet Hall denied the pseudo-scholars access to their facilities. This announcement of the refusal by the Premier Banquet Hall was made on Rangla Punjab radio a day before the event was to take place.



Panthic Sangat outside the Premier Banquet Hall, the venue for Ghagga's cancelled Seminar

Panthic organizations had anticipated a large protest if the function had taken place. Buses were already hired from various locations to bring the Sikh protestors to the aberrant function. Nevertheless, even after cancellation, and despite the rainy weather, several hundred Gursikhs, old and young, men women and children showed up at the parking lot of Premier Banquet Hall on Sunday, sending a clear message to the Ghagga/Kala-Afghana lackeys that the Sangat stood in support of Sri Akal Takht Sahib and Panthic norms.

In light of the situation, a statement was later issued by the five-member committee that was constituted by the Panthic organizations. View press statement by the pro-Panthic five-member committee.

Ghagga supporters, out of desperation and frustration, initially charged that the sandesh from Sri Akal Takht Sahib was a counterfeit document produced locally by the Toronto Sangat, but then as expected, began to criticize the sandesh and the authority of Sri Akal Takht Sahib.

The sandesh from Sri Akal Takht Sahib ordered a boycott of Inder S Ghagga along with is supporters Gurcharan S Jeeonwala, Manjit S Sihota, Karamjit S Gill, Amandeep S Kang, Gurmit Sinh, Parminder S Parmar, and Jasbir S Mangat. Ghagga has been asked to stop his anti-Sikh propaganda, appear before Sri Akal Takht Sahib and ask for public forgiveness. Until then, the Sikh Sangat is instructed to continue the ban against them.

Even the much extolled Sikh Missionary College of Ludhiana has distanced itself from the man who is following in the footsteps of Gurbaksh Kala-Afghana to avoid possible excommunication from the Sikh Panth. According to the Tribune, a emergency meeting was held at Chandigarh where the college management stated that �Ghagga was not a student of the college and so was not its alumnus�. Ghagga had no connection with Sikh Missionary College (Ludhiana), whatsoever.

In the ongoing battle against pseudo-scholars such as Ghagga and their attempt to distort Gurbani and the Sikh tenets, the Panth must join together to ensure the roots of Sikhi remain strong despite the efforts of those who would seek to undermine it.

Statement issued by Panthic Organizations :


Reference and Related News:


<a href="http://www.panthic.org/news/125/ARTICLE/2839/2006-10-21.html">'>http://www.panthic.org/news/125/ARTICLE/2839/2006-10-21.html">http://www.panthic.org/news/125/ARTICLE/2839/2006-10-21.html

Panthic Organizations Launch Protest Against Ghagga Group


Panthic Singhs respond to Jeeonwala/Ghagga Letter (Gurmukhi)


Inder Ghagga loses debates to Panthic Singhs in Toronto


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Here are some videos showing professor of this college debating on Gurmat principles

with Tapoban singhs in Canada.

These videos will show the depth of knowledge of these fake professors ( Inder ghagha is 10 class but writes himself a professor)

One can judge the knowledge of Gurmat such persons posses and what with they teach small kids.






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Okay i will agree, "Ghagha is preaching against sikh Gurus and he is an excommunicate person for that".

What about all deras sampardas jathai...... preaching own form of sikhi? not following basic Akal takhat maryada?

what should happen to them?

I don't endorse ghagga or anyone im just saying everyone is shouting out akal takhat mahan hai but how many are

practicing its maryada?

in some gurdwara we got jots burning, in some we got babais pictures some we got kachi bani being sung, where in maryada does

it say this, and many others should be done or practiced infront of guru sahib?

kitai apnee ap dee maryada amrit sanchars vich shamal karee jandai?

its all worth thinking about!

Again I do not endorse ghagha in ANY way!

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Again I do not endorse ghagha in ANY way!

The matter is not between individual sikh (as yourself) and panth. The issue is between the people who run such institution and that panth. Have it on the official letterhead of Missionary College saying that they won't deal with outlaws such as kala afghana, ghagga etc.. then only we will consider it as real HOWEVER we all are 101% sure that they never ever will agree to shun or even disagree wid ideology of agents like ghagga etc. Original intentions of mostly every new students who enroll at this institution is good but after going thru their ideology, the outcome product is very bad.. All they do is shak, shak, shak and think that sikhi is 101% down the drain.. their attitude will be all negativity and start preaching what they learn from teachers like ghaaga, kala afghana etc..

Test any missionary with below simple questions and judge em from their answers.. You will be shocked to hear their twisted answers..

1) How did Baba Deep Singh got shaheed?

2) Do you believe in Janam Sakhian?

3) Did Cobra snake ever gave shade to guru nanak dev ji?

4) What is Naam Simran?

5) Importance of Dumalla or Shaastars in sikhi?

6) Is Parkarma important?

7) Maryada of akhand patt, lavaan important etc?

In social issues like 1984 attack and other stuff..they may agree with us and find a common ground but in spirituality they are just totally different cult as i believe..

Problem lies on the other side too.. All they do is whine (just like i did) but never think of taking any solid step. If missionary teach wrong things to sikh kids in their school then why not open up another school and teach right things. All i hear is.. "Oh no, its panth's job to worry about it not us.. i don't have sources, i can't do it alone.." Well then we are simply wasting our time.. Stand up and act like its your sole responsibility...

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Test any missionary with below simple questions and judge em from their answers.. You will be shocked to hear their twisted answers..

We should avoid lumping everyone who has studied at a missionary college into a single minded group. Not all missionary colleges are anti-Panthic.

We need to differentiate REAL Missionaries from the modern false ones.

Original missionary colleges such as the Shaheed Missionary College in Amritsar (run by the SGPC) and the Missionary College in Ropar have produced many good parchariks.

These colleges do not have an anti-Dasam Bani agenda like the Ghagga's Gurmat Gian Missionary College in Ludhiana, and Surjit Sinh's Missionary College in Delhi.

Bhai Pinderpal Singh and Bhai Sahib Singh of Ludhaina are just two examples of successful pro-Gurmat kathawachaks who are products of the REAL missionary colleges.

Anti-Panthic personalities such as Ghagga, Jachak, Surjit and others are actually PSUEDO-missionaries who are giving REAL missionary colleges a bad name.

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Hanji, i meant by missionary college of Ludhiana which also operatives and opened many small one room branches around punjab and delhi. I believe that the Amritsar Missionary institution is the oldest one in state and most reliable system. Being endorsed by SGPC is another plus.. Such schools should be updated in its structures and make it look like more appealing for youth to join em. Everybody is joining ldh missionary because of false hope that one day they will migrate to foreign countries on the basis of pracharaak visa etc..Actually its not false hope as this school did send some of their pracharaks to countries like dubai, us and other south asian countries..

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bhai pinderpal singh had his religious reeducation from Jawaddi taksal. Al missionary schools except run by sgpc teach their students against bani of dasam granth. How can they produce good preachers when the syllabubs is bad. moreover they do not consider gurbani as mantra. Not believing in bani being mantra they do not believe in mystic aspect of sikhism. there lies the major difference.

the Missionary College in Ropar have

Is it Ropar or anandpur sahib? All colleges except run by sgpc are managed by ludhiana based colleges and their syllabus is not approved by sgpc. they

all have anti dasam grath agenda. only exception is the one at amritsar.

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