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BNP BBC1 the truth behind Brit national party

Guest rsingh

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The BNP campaign at the moment is to attack the muslim religion/community in the UK and win popularity with whites in the areas where there is a large muslim presence.

We cannot and must not agree with any of the BNP policies, however, they mentioned about how muslims are targetting Sikh girls and the Sikh & Hindu community as a whole. They are obviously using the Sikh community as political tool. Islamic conversions were mentioned etc. all the stuff we already know about..

Anyway as this documentary is fresh in people's minds it may be a good time to send the Al-Muhajiroun links to the media and show the other side of the story. We are not being pro-BNP in anyway, but just presenting two sides to the story.

We are not stirring trouble, but the public deserve to know that race hate literature is sent out by both groups.

Al-Muhajiroun are just as bad as the BNP!!

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Guest rsingh

Did u here how they are using Sikhs to gain votes by playing muslims and sikhs against each other. u know what they did with there party broadcast, got a hindu dressed like a sikh speaking panjabi saying Ill vote BNP.

i dont like the BNP but what they where saying was true, the thiungs groups of muslims are doing, etc.

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so whats new here then, the bnp have been trying to get the sikhs on their side for a long time, the bnp dont attack sikhs because of the major fights that broke out long time ago between the skinheads n sikhs, the singhs gave them a good beating.

where i live the bnp leaders try to come to paki areas saying that sikhs are calling us up because we are getting hassled by the pakis

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In my opinion bnp are pretty good because they are teaching these muslims a lesson. Also why should asylum seeckers come to this country and get every thing handed over to them on a plate and let again we have to live our life that crap. I understand bnp and bnp are good. We even got couple of singhs and sikhs who are members of bnp. I think its good they get chucked out because look how the come to our mela openly and dance with our sikh girls. Yeah they should get chucked out of this country. I think BNP are doing a good job but all this stuff is gonna stop because they are getting arested. I am sorry if i offended someone but you can't offend me because after they nearly converted my sister i have the rights to be anooyed with them and now my sister has taken amrit and has found the beautiful like as being a amrit dhari

Bhull Chick maaf karni

Hardeep Singh Khalsa

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Guest rsingh

k i hear what ur saying, but and this is a big BUT u gota look to the future today they get kicked out and tomoro it will be you.

no offence but they have there own agenda. even in the docu u can see them admiting trying to get sikh votes to get elected using the muslim thing and then saying "we dont want NO PANJABI, gujrati, or crape, every one would speak english." there out for there own thing. they dont give a crape bout u.

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In my opinion bnp are pretty good because they are teaching these muslims a lesson.
u think BNP are doing a good job, harrasing old people, threatening children jus because there skin colour doesnt match theirs
Also why should asylum seeckers come to this country and get every thing handed over to them on a plate and let again we have to live our life that crap.

typical propoganda, and people like you fall for it, the fact is a lot of asylum seekers are very highly qualified as doctors, surgeons etc but they are not allowed to work, and if they do work u got ppl like u sayin theyre stealing our jobs, either way ur not happy

I am sorry if i offended someone but you can't offend me because after they nearly converted my sister i have the rights to be anooyed with them and now my sister has taken amrit and has found the beautiful like as being a amrit dhari
they nearly converted your sister, so a

group you have anger towards therefroe you want the whole lot of them kicked out of the country

I think its good they get chucked out because look how the come to our mela openly and dance with our sikh girls

well i cant see much sikhi in these girls if they are dancing around at a mela with anybody, so y does it bother u if pakis dance with them.

and ill tell u something, what you are wanting is never going to happen, because bnp will have 2 b in power in order to kick 'them' out, and when they do that who do u think will b next in line? also the asian community are a big part of britains economy, it would b there loss

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i saw it on the news, did you see how they said islam was a demon religion? and some racist battered an asian up. and described his body was limp and that bnp guy was happy.

tell me, is that guy a kutha, or is that guy a kutha (who beat up the asian)?

The guy they beat up was a Muslim fanatic who along with others had been abusing people in a pub and looking for a fight. The documentary says that even though he was beaten up he still got taken to court and found guilty of affray

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