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Hate In The Oc. Tea Party Racist Republicans Vs. Muslims.


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I agree dalsingh... but prioritize. Strengthen the economy first. How can we do anything without money? Congress is having to renegotiate every couple of weeks just to get enough money to keep the government open! Maybe not the best time to go on spending sprees.

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Okay, but you've had bundles of money for a long time up until now, so why have you been putting this off?

Says a lot....

Plus you want to tax the loaded more in times like these, not give them breaks and hammer the vulnerable. Plus Americans generally being thick is something that has been said about them for a long while. You'll never play down letting a inarticulate, bumbling buffoon like Bush in power for a long while yet...

I'd say Obama was the best thing to happen to the US in a while myself. Maybe the WASPs shouldn't have been so gung ho about war and have not been so greedy and short sighted in the banking sector? They've left the black man with a hell of a job to deal with, whilst they've probably made shed loads of money from giving out contracts in Afghan and Iraq.

Face it, the country is corrupt and was just following the old WASP ways.

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Thats the thing man.... the WASP put obama into power. Check his campaign contributions... that guy was handpicked and tossed in. You don't even get a seat at the show unless a party selects you, the people that select that party havent changed... the people didnt rally for him to become president... the party did. No one had even heard of him. They picked a winner and they were right. Think about it, has he hurt bankers (they were some of his biggest donors), has he hurt the MIC (biggest doners) has it hurt israel (duh). That black man is bought and paid for, and cares about as much about the common man as I do about the fireants in my backyard. Its beautiful, its the same guy as every other election! Give him a fancy speech and black skin and the world seems to forget... marvelous!

Also, that coverage plan basically put pharm companies on cloud 9... hence the HUGE lobbying money they through towards getting it to pass. Nothing in America passes without money...so the people who financed HC reform were the guys who are gonna get rich.

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Your wrong. His whole rhetoric is infinitely tame compared to the 'froth at the mouth' warmongering Republicans. If those jerks were in power they'd probably be trying to find an excuse to start a war with Iran as well as meddling in the furore going on in the middle east lately.

Yes, every politician has something dodgy about them, but compared to the alternatives, Obama is by far the best option for a more harmonious world. As for the mess America finds itself in currently - all down to white men.

As we are told in Japji Sahib, apay beej apay kahoo...one eats as one sows.

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I thought (in my younger, naive days) that Obama was the anti-christ. :lol:

I read an (e)book back in 2000 when I was at uni, which said that if a black pope or a black U.S. president were to arrive on the scene from nowhere, be afraid. I thought to myself "Yeah right. As if The United States would ever elect a black guy". :umm:

But seriously, I've seen a side to the United States since Obama has been elected that I thought no longer existed in a modern day

U.S. The sheer hostility towards the guy is crazy (from certain sections), and the most chilling aspect of the situation is that a LOT of right-wing leaning folk are ready to swallow so much guff from their leaders and dodgy news outlets. Its like the rise of the Third Reich where the German people were fed lies and half-truths, in order to get them on-side and not object to any dodgy future policies.

Then I also begin to wonder "How on earth did he get elected?" if huge swathes of the U.S. were so against him? The aforementioned hipsters and hippies were taken in by the Christ-like rhetoric of Obama during his election, and I guess they wanted to make history, instead of wanting to make things better. He has tried to do some good, but with the Republicans now vetoing everything he does, its impossible for the Democrats to get anything done.

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He's tried to do some good, but with the Republicans now vetoing everything he does, its impossible for the Democrats to get anything done.

At least we can see them for what they really are now, behind the facade of 'civility'.

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This topic reminds me of this article I read a few years back. If you dont have a subscription you'll have to pop down to your library and dig through their copies. The main point of it is that white americans, having voted for a black president, feel entitled to be more openly racist as they feel that they have proved they are not racist. As well as leading to a continuation of the putting down of blacks it also makes many whites feel that if Obama can do it that blacks who are at the bottom of society are there because they are naturally stupid or lazy. Many are, but many are victims of their circumstances.

The article also is interesting from a sikh perspective as it explains why hindustanis feel that we should 'forget 84' as we now have a sikh prime minister, as if that makes up for all that they've done.

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The article also is interesting from a sikh perspective as it explains why hindustanis feel that we should 'forget 84' as we now have a sikh prime minister, as if that makes up for all that they've done.

I've noticed its a chestnut the BBC likes to trot-out on a few occasions.

Any fraud can tie a turban, grow a beard and look like a Sikh. Its how he conducts himself (coupled with the visual vestments) that determines if he truly is a Sikh or not.

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