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"Sangat Tv" More Like "Hindu Tv"

Guest Sikh

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I am very dissapointed to see that so called "Sangat TV" is shamelessly promoting the caste system. The matrimonial show today under the guise of "what the sangat wants" basically gave a free reign to followers of caste to corrupt this channel with their anti-Sikh views. Saying they are simply following the Sangat, they have said that the form to complete for this show will ask for the Gotra and what pind you are from. Also nanake and dadke pinds. It is understandable to some degree that people are interested in pinds to ensure wider gene pools/they consider one pind to be the same family. However, the asking of Gotra is simply unacceptable and frankly totally anti-Gurmat. They should be ashamed to be calling themselves a Sikh channel when they are going to allow for such anti-Sikh views.

The presenters were even happily reporting that they had recieved 95% approval for including caste in this matrimonial system. The presenter actually said, all people wanted to marry into caste and so they would follow this.

I would request all Sikhs to email Sangat Tv and kick up a fuss about this issue. They should either rebrand themselves a Punjabi channel and continue with their ridiculously backward and anti Sikh ways, or if they wish to remin a Sikh channel should ensure that they adhere only to SIKHI.

They may say that they only following what the sangat wants, but firstly people who believe in caste do not deserve to be given the high status of "Sangat" and seconldy with an issue such as caste, if you are not part of the solution you are part of the problem. Is Sangat TV not here to bring the true message of our Guru to the sangat as opposed to pandering to this anti-Gurmat plague that is rife in our society?

If Sangat TV had banned caste from this matrimonial show, they may have been able to bring out those who do not believe in caste but still give into it because it is the status quo and is expected in all other matrimonial mediums. There is a silent majority who do not believe in caste but only give it because it is expected of them, a matrimonial show where caste was banned (as according to Guru Nanak's true Gurmat principles) could have greatly benefitted the TRUE sangat as they would have had a place where they would be free not to use caste.

Sangat TV Email: info@sangattelevision.org

Request:Can a moderator/admin please move this to the general section so people can see. Thanks.

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Well, we have to face up to the fact that despite bulls**t posturing to the contrary many apnay are caste obsessed, this includes Amritdharis.

We've never had the courage to face up to that and deal with it conclusively - so we have the fake scenario going on like Singhs aren't into caste when hordes are.

In light of this scenario I'm not surprised at the TV channels actions. Hell, I bet you most of the people running it are probably procaste too.

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i won't be too surprised if they are trying to do this; I have felt this channel is funded by Badal Agencies Or Indian govt. agencies.

Has anybody seen Sangat TV asking for any Direct Debit funding? OR Membership as SikhChannel OR SikhTv? How come they are able to meet the running cost of approx. £40K+ p.m.? Is Badal family funding the Channel?

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From what I have observed since the inaugration of Sangat TV from Akal Takht Sahib in presence of Southall's Malhi , it is definitely a Badal's channel. Obviously funding is not a problem for them. Though they do have to show some good programmes to gain credibility. With all its share of problems Sikh channel is still best bet for UK sikhs at least.

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I didn't see the programme but if caste issues were raised then the controllers should consider whether it is worth doing such programmes in the first place. The live show format has its limitations in any case and there should be a debate about whether Sangat wishes to continue down this road

Jas Singh and Harminder Singh, it is a little outlandish to suggest motives or conspiracy theories about the channel owners. Sangat trust is a charity and the identity of the trustees is not hidden. They are various wealthy UK based Sikhs who have come together to fund a channel without constantly appealing for direct debits from viewers. They sought a merger with the Sikh Channel but this was not achievable for various reasons.

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We have to face up and accept that the community has caste issues or the matriomonial show will not work ,nothing wrong with putting surnames if you ask me as long as singh is in the middle,lets deal with it caste is there and will take years to remove,

Channel is funded by crook Malhi Southall Club Owner -Leader of Sher Party who lost recent election at Singh Sabha Southall,said live on air on Sikh Chnl when asked why he claims to be panthic and khalistani when he goes to India Independence events and so on he said on Sikh Chnl in the leaders debate he would salute the Indian Flag always as its 'his' homeland,welcomed the Indian High Commisoner to Singh Sabha ,even Sohi whos come back now ddnt do this Owns several clubs and has recently converted the Southall Community centre in to a dinner and dance place,tried to get his own comapnies to get the contract for Khalsa School - was told he could not do this by the Singh Sabha President as a result of Malhi trying to control the commitee main players left and said they would not run for re election ,Malhi loyalists remained the rest made their own party which is why Sher Party lost and Sohi another anti sikh thug is now back in power

- Malhi is a sly person who cannot be trusted and does not believe in Khalistan he says it should be in your heart as seen on Sikh Chnl,a whole host of business thugs whos names are no longer on the site also help fund the channel to look good.

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a whole host of business thugs whos names are no longer on the site also help fund the channel to look good.

Who are business thugs and why?

As far as I have seen Sangat TV has had a number of programmes on 1984, shows footage of Sant Jarnail Singh's speeches every week and has given the Federation time to raise awareness of the Sikh lobby. What more do you think they should be doing?

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the underlying truth...well said. Racism, Casteism, Sexism is a huge part of punjabi subcultures

Well, we have to face up to the fact that despite bulls**t posturing to the contrary many apnay are caste obsessed, this includes Amritdharis.

We've never had the courage to face up to that and deal with it conclusively - so we have the fake scenario going on like Singhs aren't into caste when hordes are.

In light of this scenario I'm not surprised at the TV channels actions. Hell, I bet you most of the people running it are probably procaste too.

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