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My landlord is total sham

Guest Stupid Sikh

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Guest Stupid Sikh

Premise: If you rob some one , you get repaid according to Karma

Premise : That was in reply to me

Conclusion : I am am being repaid

Assumption : I may have robbed someone

My position : What of the number of times i have helped others .

What about those occasions when i have returned the extra change given to me by mistake by a careless shopkeeper

What about those times when i have helped someone when asked for help


what about the tendency inside me to do good in general

This is like i am being paid for my crimes which i have committed and not getting paid for the good that i have wanted to do .

This guy i pay him a grand out of trust to make him feel happy and stop bugging me all the time

This guy acts pious and says he is bestowing his "MEHR" upon me by not charging me eleven hundred .

The bloody point is that i have no idea whether i am getting , for what i am paying

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Thanks for the Kind words , Sadh Sangat Jee . I have now started believing that goodness no longer thrives among people . Its as if the only entity that i can trust is the Guru , bt i cant see him so literally speaking good people are in deep <banned word filter activated> , floating about on a tiny raft in the big ocean in the face of the sharks and the whales

Beautiful- The Guru is above the 5 thieves- that's what you're feeling, none of us fools can Ever say we're sinless b/c we sin just about all the time, we are all dirty, we think bad thoughts, we try to cover them up by pretending to be pure- don't ever trust another human for we live in slavery to maya/five theives, why would you trust anyone or hold anyone in high regard who lives as a slave to vice?

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I am a stupid sikh . I call myself stupid because i am trying to be nice .

How do i deal with an amritdhari seventy five year old <banned word filter activated> who has 2 sons 12 years elder to and has 3 grandsons .

This guy is my bloody landlord and he is trying to cheat me and a few others .

This guy has been lying to us about electricity bills and has totally lost his credibility .He has now made me sign an agreement . I signed out of simple trust.

Whom do guys like me believe , now that even amritdharies have started this conning business . This has broken my trust in guru's bani . This <banned word filter activated> goes to the gurudwara everyday .

When amritdharies start doing this , what can be expected of the rest of the diseased lot .

I dont believe in the bana and the bani cos , the world is no longer a fair playing ground for those are trying to be good and believe in fairness .

This religious fanaticism is just

Mod Note: To answer your question about your post not appearing when you post. All posts under GUPT section requires approval. Topic title edited - it was bit offensive.

Khalsa Ji

As in all communities there will be good & not so good. This forum is not for personal slander. Will amin please delete this post , thank you.

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Most Amritdharis I know have this uncalled and absolutely irrational superiority complex , and people think its good !

Most Amritdharis think of themselves as the "chosen people" .... pathetic ! but again I don't treat them any different than normal people ! cursorstab.gif

I would sit and type out your mistakes and your disregard of Sikhi and the Khalsa.. but *deleted*, I'm not gonna waste my time.

@_Stupid Sikh_

Singh, Pm me - if you live in/around major Cities I'm sure I can find some elder or senior members of the community to approach your landlord and solve this issue.

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Guest Stupid Sikh

You object to this post because you are not going through the ordeal that i am going through.

Again i come across someone who appears to uprighteous .

I am not indulging in personal slander . I am expressing my disappointment with the lofty ideals that some people ensconce but fail to stick to .

And who the hell is going to know that whom i am talking against and why do you care when this guy doesnt seem to care .

You seem to be just another hypocrite . There are 10 people who have tries to understand my point and i appreciate them .I hope you too go through what i am going through

Some people dont have it in them to offer an iota of consideration to others . Only a guy who is afraid of being slandered against will speak against personal slander .

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Guest Stupid Sikh

Dear SarabhaPunjab ,

Thanks for the kind words.That you offered to help is just enough for me . The reason that i was so hypertense is that my studies are suffering because of this . People who have been house hunting will know how difficult its to change house . I tried to change house before too but i didnt find one .

Thank You sangatji , I am very grateful to you for understanding my point and i apologize for any strong words that i have used .The words just come out when you see time running out of your hands

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