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The Lights Immortal - Part I


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In this world when the downfall in religion sets in, when vis-a-vis human values, aggression, force, bigotry, political injustice, social hatred, pride and madness amidst abundance of money enter society or the political atmosphere, then, the king becomes a butcher; nothing worth the name of religion remains in his rule. The Master, the king of kings, proclaims thus -

The Age of Machines has become a cutter,

And the kings have become butchers.

Righteousness has taken wings and fled.

In the pitch dark night of falsehood,

It is not possible to see

Where the moon of truth risen be.

As oppression increases, the pitch darkness of ignorance obscures everything, man descends to the level of beasts; the power in the mind of man to know truth from falsehood, righteousness from unrighteousness, justice from injustice gets lost in the darkness of ignorance. The pain of this condition of the world reaches the Master of billions of universes. Then from His own Primal Being, he sends His very self in the universes upon universes, which assuming a human body is meant to destroy this ignorance and oppression. If the disease grows and spreads in the body of the society, an able doctor considers it necessary that those parts which have become infected, must be cut off. Amputations on account of cancer are common, as we know. Similarly when the light lighting up the world gets obscured, then, spiritual masters, teachers, incarnations of God (i.e. God inflesh and blood as Jesus is considered to be), prophets, great holy men, under the inspiration of God, in complete obedience to His will, adopt a number of methods to guide society and the powers that be.

At some places they have to be brought back to their senses by using mental powers; at others, the lives of the manmukhs (those turned away from God and the Guru) enveloped in the incurable darkness have to be finished by the use of arms; at others, by giving a message of love and affection as a Guru, the darkness is ended from inside their minds. Thus as is the need so is the personality God continues to send in the world in the form of a Guru, or an incarnation or a prophet.

The Tenth Guru (Guru Gobind Singh Ji) while telling us about his appearance in this world has said that God assigned him a special mission and ordered him to create a society based on the religion whose path is pure through and through, whose path is untouched by superstition and unaffected by the outer garbs, a path which is free from hatred, heart burning, enmity, hostility, lust, anger, attachment, ego, ill-will and calumny. Guru, the king of kings, enlightening us, says that in accordance with the will of the Timeless One, it was proclaimed that I, giving you the status of my son, send you for the fulfillment of a special mission.

In India the pain of injustice and oppression is on the increase for upwards of seven to eight hundred years; cruel rulers who come to attack and conquer India are crushing underfoot men and women of India. Neither is Indian woman shown any respect nor does Indian man get a breathing space. Pulling down their places of worship, lacs of hearts are broken. All this is done in the name of religion. In the name of religion sin is termed as purity. Stuck up in this thick darkness, people have become lifeless, they have no courage left in them. They have gone so low in this atmosphere of fear that they have forgotten their sense of pride. Said God, the Primal Lord, that I am sending you in the world so that you may start the path of truth and remove the blind thinking mixed up with righteousness. Oppression has even ended the power to know what is wisdom and what is unwisdom. Adopting unwisdom, man is suffering. Guru, the king of kings, requests, “O God, I’ve looked very carefully, the whole world is burning. Heavy darkness has spread and this path which is called the spiritual path, can make progress if You, God Almighty place your strengthening and pure hand on my back. In his own words, it reads -

“I declare thee my son.

I have made you preach the Path (Pure).

Wheresoever you start your religion,

Check the people from going astray.

Folding my hands I spoke with my head bowed ;

The Panth (The path pure) will endure in the


When you lend a helping hand.”

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Great post. Were it not for these beacons of light, the world would have fallen into ruin and utter chaos a long time ago. I give thanks to God for being merciful and sending these beacons of light into the world. May the True Khalsa, those who keep his light shining within and those pure of heart, be exalted.

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Great post. Were it not for these beacons of light, the world would have fallen into ruin and utter chaos a long time ago. I give thanks to God for being merciful and sending these beacons of light into the world. May the True Khalsa, those who keep his light shining within and those pure of heart, be exalted.

Waheguru! Nanak Naam Chardi Kala, tere bhane sarbat dah pala

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