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Damdami Taksal 2012 Uk Events

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‎**2012 EVENTS **

28 Jan - Baba Deep Singh Ji Smagam - GNP Coventry

17-19 Feb - Barsi Baba Santokh Singh Ji Joti Saroop - Gurdwara Guru Hargobind Sahib Ji Tividale - B69 2PG

10 March - Holla Mohalla Smagam - Sikh Temple Chapeltown Leeds - All day Gatka event and evening Kirtan Smagam

21st April - Vaisakhi Smagam - Gurdwara Guru Harrai Sahib Ji (dumeli) West Bromwich

2nd June - National 1984 Shaheedi Smagam - Leicester

28-30 June - Barsi Sant Giani Gurbachan Singh Ji Khalsa Bhindranvale - GNG Smethwick

21st July - 30 Years Since Start of Dharam Yudh Morcha Smagam - Tividale

23-25 August - Barsi Sant Kartar Singh Ji Khalsa Bhindranvale - Gurdwara Baba Sang Ji Smethwick

17 Nov - Gurta Gadhi Divas Smagam - Wolverhampton

24th Nov - Parkash Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji - Southall

22-24 Dec Barsi Baba Thakur Singh Ji Khalsa

** Please check posters closer to dates and websites for any updates or changes - Damdamitaksaal.org and saintsoldiersounds.com


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With the exception of te event on 24th nv in southall, does nt seem representative of the taksal in south east of England!

Can we organise programmes more geographically balanced please - happy to approach Singh saba, southall to arrange ?

Lol southall singh sabha aint gona give you the light of day.

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Veer Ji,

Its an initial approach of doing more gurmat smagams throughout uk, we are sorry if the programs are not equally balanced and hope in future years, with the help of gursikhs such as your self and others wanting to do parchar, we can have more events, in london, midlands and north aswell.

Saintsoldiersounds will be released shortly.

Vjkk Vjkf

For more information, or to help organise or with events please pm me

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    • how does he starch it? and how long does it work b4 he needs to tie it again
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