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Twisted Islamo-Facist Pakistani Drama About Sikhs 1947


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This is how they view us and teach their people in propagandist drama's. They do not show how Muslims instigated the violence, raping and kidnapping of our girls/women, looting of property, desecrating of our holy places and bloodshed and how Sikhs were outnumbered and a minority compared to the vast numbers of Muslims in the region. How Sikhs survived the genocide to this day can only be a miracle.

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I find this very cringe worthy. Depicks Kaum in a bad way. Singho, this is what we get for not being media savy. If we are too lazy to make dramas about our history, and leave it to others, how can we complain how we are portrayed.

We complain RSS, etc is re-writting Sikh history, but who of us has written a movie script/TV serial?

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Guest KopSingh

sikhs did amazing well during partition rioting, sikhs formed armed bandit groups and showed the muslims whats what! im not saying it was right, but more muslims died during partition than anyone else, but ultimatley sikhs lost the most (land/businesses/historical places/power). our grandparents obviously have 2 live with the shame that a lot of our ppl did raping, looting, burning and killing, but will kind of deny it and say that the muslims did it, and then the muslims (jus like in the video) will likewise say the exact same and deny their involvement and make us look like barbarians.

both were as bad as each other, but racists (like my dad) will make muslims look like sole purportrators and persons involved.

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sikhs did amazing well during partition rioting, sikhs formed armed bandit groups and showed the muslims whats what! im not saying it was right, but more muslims died during partition than anyone else, but ultimatley sikhs lost the most (land/businesses/historical places/power). our grandparents obviously have 2 live with the shame that a lot of our ppl did raping, looting, burning and killing, but will kind of deny it and say that the muslims did it, and then the muslims (jus like in the video) will likewise say the exact same and deny their involvement and make us look like barbarians.

both were as bad as each other, but racists (like my dad) will make muslims look like sole purportrators and persons involved.

I have never heard anywhere that Sikhs "lot of our ppl did raping, looting, burning and killing, but will kind of deny it and say that the muslims did it."

Where did you get that from?

Please do not make up stories here, talk facts.

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Guest KopSingh

I have never heard anywhere that Sikhs "lot of our ppl did raping, looting, burning and killing, but will kind of deny it and say that the muslims did it."

Where did you get that from?

Please do not make up stories here, talk facts.

come on mate, u think our ppl were squeeky clean? look at places like amritsar/jalandhar where muslims had huge populations (majority in jalandhar), but were butchered n bullied away. <banned word filter activated>-for-tat attacks, in the bbc docu,"the day india burned", satish gujral, an artist described how a muslim girl school was raided and all were stripped naked and systematically raped. u can look for yourself. ppl were picking up each others women and running away with them, as they knew this would be the last time they'd hav the chance 2 b lawless, as the british left next to nothing in police officers. my grandad told me of horrible stories like these too. lisen 2 jathdar shingara singh in the bbc docu aswel.

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This is how they view us and teach their people in propagandist drama's. They do not show how Muslims instigated the violence, raping and kidnapping of our girls/women, looting of property, desecrating of our holy places and bloodshed and how Sikhs were outnumbered and a minority compared to the vast numbers of Muslims in the region. How Sikhs survived the genocide to this day can only be a miracle.

My friend, more muslims were killed by sikhs than the total number of dead sikhs and hindus added together. They were the massive majority in the city of Amritsar as well as the villages most of us come from in district Jalandhar. They suffered terribly my friend. Brutally.

The only first hand knowledge of partition violence I have is from what my elders used to tell me. They all used to tell me about how they, and all the other sikhs in doaba, would form into jathas each day and go hunting for muslims to kill.

We all suffered.....sikhs, hindus and muslims. But......we are supposed to be an educated community my friend. The facts speak for themselves ; You can add the total number of Sikhs killed and the total number of hindus killed...during partition, and it still doesn't equal the number of muslims killed.

Partition was a madness. That madness sickness affected our people just as much as it did them.

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Guest KopSingh

My friend, more muslims were killed by sikhs than the total number of dead sikhs and hindus added together. They were the massive majority in the city of Amritsar as well as the villages most of us come from in district Jalandhar. They suffered terribly my friend. Brutally.

The only first hand knowledge of partition violence I have is from what my elders used to tell me. They all used to tell me about how they, and all the other sikhs in doaba, would form into jathas each day and go hunting for muslims to kill.

We all suffered.....sikhs, hindus and muslims. But......we are supposed to be an educated community my friend. The facts speak for themselves ; You can add the total number of Sikhs killed and the total number of hindus killed...during partition, and it still doesn't equal the number of muslims killed.

Partition was a madness. That madness sickness affected our people just as much as it did them.

exactly, thats what i wrote, im on QC, so my messages r not coming up straight away

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My friend, more muslims were killed by sikhs than the total number of dead sikhs and hindus added together. They were the massive majority in the city of Amritsar as well as the villages most of us come from in district Jalandhar. They suffered terribly my friend. Brutally.

The only first hand knowledge of partition violence I have is from what my elders used to tell me. They all used to tell me about how they, and all the other sikhs in doaba, would form into jathas each day and go hunting for muslims to kill.

We all suffered.....sikhs, hindus and muslims. But......we are supposed to be an educated community my friend. The facts speak for themselves ; You can add the total number of Sikhs killed and the total number of hindus killed...during partition, and it still doesn't equal the number of muslims killed.

Partition was a madness. That madness sickness affected our people just as much as it did them.

Yes there was madness on all sides, however thats not the issue. The issue is that this propaganda material is brain washing naive average pakistani muslims to show our people and faith in a bad light and theirs some how better. It's like what the Palestinian muslims show on their tvs of Jew's looking nasty and devious whereas the Muslims as innocent bystanders suffering unwarranted persecution whe truth is both sides commit atrocities on each other. This kind of material they are showing in Pakistani tv's feed into the hatred and violence that is all to common against non-muslims in muslim occupied lands. You just have to see what goes on in Pakistan to realise these people are easily lead by the nasty demonic jihadi mullahs to do their evil bidding.

So Sikhs should object strongly to such propaganda material that demonises our community. These kind of materials are being used by islamo-fascists like Zaid Hamid who is trying to radicalise Pakistani Muslim youth into thinking its ok to hate and harm the non-muslim community as they did this to ours in partition, etc. Maybe if we radicalise our youth against Pakistan and muslims and present counter propaganda it will balance things up...

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