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What Is Happening With Our Youth? Please Read

Guest Pannu Sikh Warrior

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Guest Pannu Sikh Warrior

Is anyone else concerned about Sikh youth, especially abroad in Western countries?

what percent of Sikh youth can actually name the 10 gurus, let alone anything else?!!?? Not very high. These kids are CLUELESS!

It seems like parents just take their kids to the gurudwara and they just sit there, listening to language they don't understand, like it's some type of weekly chore they have to do.

Then they come home and get back to their video games, hollywood/bollywood trash, hip hop music, internet chatrooms, facebook etc for the rest of the week. And the stuff they are exposed to during this time has 100 times the influence that two hours at the gurdwara will ever have. And we wonder why so many sikh youth are out of touch with our faith and heritage.

Very few sikh parents actually make an effort themselves to teach about our faith, tell stories, and get the kids interested. They themselves are too busy watching saas-bahu crap on zee tv or the latest bollywood film and such. It is sickening!

We as sikhs, espcially those living abroad, MUST do more or our culture/faith will not survive the western world for long! WAKE UP!

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Is anyone else concerned about Sikh youth, especially abroad in Western countries?

what percent of Sikh youth can actually name the 10 gurus, let alone anything else?!!?? Not very high. These kids are CLUELESS!

It seems like parents just take their kids to the gurudwara and they just sit there, listening to language they don't understand, like it's some type of weekly chore they have to do.

Then they come home and get back to their video games, hollywood/bollywood trash, hip hop music, internet chatrooms, facebook etc for the rest of the week. And the stuff they are exposed to during this time has 100 times the influence that two hours at the gurdwara will ever have. And we wonder why so many sikh youth are out of touch with our faith and heritage.

Very few sikh parents actually make an effort themselves to teach about our faith, tell stories, and get the kids interested. They themselves are too busy watching saas-bahu crap on zee tv or the latest bollywood film and such. It is sickening!

We as sikhs, espcially those living abroad, MUST do more or our culture/faith will not survive the western world for long! WAKE UP!

We are all or should be concerned at the sorry state of affairs amongst our younger generation.

Now we know there is a serious problem, we have to look for solutions. Some highly "intelligent"

people have already found a laughable solution,"speak english at gurdwara with english parchar ,end of! "

The solution is not easy. We all have to give suggestions on how to deal with this problem.

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shut up u mug, we have had many discussions on this before, and A LOT of ppl have agreed that english parchar is the way. if that isnt the case, then tell me WHY sarb from 'rajona tv' is so succesful? why is jagraj singh of 'basics of sikhi' so succesful? why is bhai parminder singh of north america so succesful? why is bhai sukha singh (gravesend) an absolute LEGEND with his parchaar? Why is kam singh from sikh channel/sangat tv youth show on sundays the highest viewed show on sikh channel last yr? Why is bhai mohan singh (the most respectable sikh in uk right now), able to get his message across to the public ? The answer 2 all these is because its in ENGLISH, but middle class pappus like u think every1 was born with panjabi dictionary in their mind, will never understand this. Tell me when White/black/eastern european/non-panjabis etc ppl come 2 the gurdwara lookin 4 possible guidance 2 their starvin souls, wat r they supposed 2 do wen nutin is available in the worlds neutral language, english?? then they aks a giani, n he cant speak english then wat? Many ppl, who r not born in sikh families, n others who r born in sikh families. hav transformed from sinners 2 members of the khalsa, coz of the internet, which is in ENGLISH!

look at how muslims cater for EVERYONE!! they have even recently released a quran, written in gurmukhi panjabi.

U and master tara singh r of the same breed, very short sighted of potential, pappu.

Could not expect a more intelligent answer from someone who who does not have an iota of intelligence

and sense of behaving in a civilized way on a forum. Lallu,perhaps you have lost count of how many times you

have been caught doing this here. And then pleaded and bleated your way back in.

Rarest of the rare specimen like you repeat the same mistakes again and again.

But to understand this, you need something in the upper storey, which you unfortunately lack.

So we all can do nothing but feel sorry for you.

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The youngsters cannot be blamed for not learning about their religion because of the simple

fact that they there are not given any knowledge by their lazy parents. The parents are solely

responsible for not imparting the basics of Sikhi to their children. How many parents have the

time to teach even Moolmantar or names of our Guru Sahibaans to their children.

Let me give you an example here to prove my point. Every year during the month of Ramadan, our local

radio station broadcasts a special program for muslim children every morning. Can you imagine what time this starts?

It is 3AM in the morning. And children as young as three come on air to recite quran in classic arabic.

How do these young children learn to recite such a difficult language at such a tender age?

It is the hard work and dedication of their parents who spend so much time teaching their children.

Compare this to majority of today's Sikh parents and you understand why our younger generation is

growing up a totally lost generation who know nothing of our greatest religion in the world.

Every Sikh who has love for Sikhi has to do something to change this trend.

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