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Kachhera Wet See-Through...showering/ishnaan

Guest Confused_gupt

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Guest Confused_gupt

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh ji

Ok so when you wash, kachhera gets wet and when it clings to your body, your body becomes visible through the kachhera. The kachhera i wear are real good quality barekaan kachheray. How to go about this? In Punjab where Singh have ishnaan at Sarover in the open, the afore mentioned situation occurs.

So should Singh have ishnaan out in the open? Or like we expect bibiya to have ishnaan in shelter, we too follow this precedent? The whole kaam arguement works both ways- bibiya are not some alien being immune to kaam.

Also the way we wear a kachhera, all the bal/val/creases should go at the front right? Less chances of visibility when the kachhera gets wet but then your backsides on show lol. Or am i doing this all wrong?! Just recently started wearing kacheray.

So a kachhera is the better more improved version of the dotti/lungi or a response to the failures of the dotti/lungi. Knee length shorts. Not underwear but shorts. Basically a miniture salvar/pajama cross. Provide ease in movement from walking to horseriding and modesty all round. So why can we not wear boxers underneath? We wear jeans/trousers over them...

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Guest interestin...

Bakwaas topic. I'm all for a laugh but this is taking the piss.

If a Singh gets kaamic thoughts looking at other Singhs bathing in a sarovar (as well as post-ishnaan when Singh has exited the sarovar) then he needs his head kicked in.

Simple solution: Don't look.

bibiaa havin kaam seeing Singh bathing. yeh simple solution, kick his head in. typical thinking of a backward illiterate villager.

some interestin questions raised 'confused gupt'. I'd agree with 'Singhni' tho, mayb your thinkin too much into it.

as for Singh ishnaan'in in the open and expectin bibiaa to be in 'parda' - think all should ishnaan in parda out of respect for one another in public places. simple modesty.

the bal/creases created by your nala in a kachera, just spread them out but more to the front, less to the back and none on sides. if they're barekaan kacheray, theres a main crease on the ponchay which should point forward- sort the bal out til the ponchay are the right way. if that makes sense :s

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wearing boxers under your kachhera is like wearing 2 boxers...whats the point? you'll get used to the 'loose' 'breezy' feeling and the change in material. they're actually pretty comfortable! an amazing invention! nice and comfortable under trousers/jeans too! Vah! Maharaj thought of everything hena ;) dont see why we can't wear trousers/jeans over kacheray...turning up for a job interview in ur kachera...hmmm

Veer in punjab men dominate in all fields. just the way the cookie crumbles out there. yeah i think Singh should do ishnaan in the sheltered structures provided like at Shri Darbar Sahib.

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Guest delhi_boy

bibiaa havin kaam seeing Singh bathing. yeh simple solution, kick his head in. typical thinking of a backward illiterate villager.

I guess everyone's someone has a link to a village ..so calling villagers backward and illiterate vlearly shows the utter disrespect the author has for people posting to the forum. Rather than being polite and giving your thoughts the reader chose to question the mentality of the post originator...I would suggest if you feel like being a personal basher please avoid posting. Thanks.

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bibiaa havin kaam seeing Singh bathing. yeh simple solution, kick his head in. typical thinking of a backward illiterate villager.

Give over, this thread is a piss-take. The guy was talking about Singh on Singh because I've never seen a Singhni in close quarters to another bathing Singh so that she can see "creases" and "folds". :blink2: Bibia are all the way over on their side (e.g. Darbar Sahib), so unless they've got Superman's zoom vision or a pair of high-powered binoculars I doubt they'll be able to see aforementioned folds and creases from their end.

The Singhnia issue was only mentioned in passing when he said maybe Singhs should have a seperate enclosure for bathing as well. This is an absolute non-issue - it's not even worth thinking about nevermind starting a topic for discussion. I'm baffled as to the thought processes of some people.

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Men and women are not divided on opposite sides of the sarovar (though women have enclosed areas to bath), from my experience men tend to bath in the open areas and anyone and everyone can walk past. The original poster has asked a valid question.

Anyone can walk past, but would everyone's attention be drawn to the crotch each and everytime?

Yep think I've contributed to this thread more than I should've. I thought it was a wind-up at first, but it's clear that some kind of ishnaan / kashera etiquette is required. Maybe someone should start a Tumblr blog to help those who find themselves in situations as described by the OP?

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