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And So The Kumbh Mela Begins

PAL 07

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Before a new day begins, a sikh is meant to cleanse himself at amrit vela.

The problem is like I said earlier, some of us are not sure what is supposed to be cleansed !!

Is it our body,teeth, mouth or mind???

Sorry about my cursing... :unsure2: It's just that reading all the previous pages got me boiled up!

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Please don't apologise.

  • There is no need for anyone to say sorry about their feelings.- I'm a low life, the lowest of the low.

Gurbani teaches us to NOT judge others, BUT by thinking low of others(by cursing) or thinking high (by apologising), we are judging.

My personal view is that the only person we should judge among us is ourselves- AND when we judge ourselves, we should see ourselves as the lowest.

Too much ego battling is not healthy for discussion in any way.

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Please don't apologise.

  • There is no need for anyone to say sorry about their feelings.- I'm a low life, the lowest of the low.
Gurbani teaches us to NOT judge others, BUT by thinking low of others(by cursing) or thinking high (by apologising), we are judging.

My personal view is that the only person we should judge among us is ourselves- AND when we judge ourselves, we should see ourselves as the lowest.

Too much ego battling is not healthy for discussion in any way.

I don't think I quite get what you're trying to say. I really did mean to apologize, also cos I don't normally swear...

What do you mean by thinking high?

Also, how am I judging someone...if I'm apologizing?

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Could you guys PLEASE not turn every single bl**dy thread into a battlefield?

The whole point of forums is discussion.

Instead of throwing mud onto each others' faces...why don't you draw a longer line to prove your points?

At least TRY to be civilised!!!! Goodness!!!!

One poster in this topic has no uckal and always ruins the thread with his bakwaas....he's always right so how can you disuss anything with him, when he's telling you something he's not just telling you, he's giving a bachan....

These kinds of people were best described by another member as ignorant arrogant self righteous cactus jacks.

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Could you guys PLEASE not turn every single bl**dy thread into a battlefield?

The whole point of forums is discussion.

Instead of throwing mud onto each others' faces...why don't you draw a longer line to prove your points?

At least TRY to be civilised!!!! Goodness!!!!

Here i'll give you, the sangat a solution. Tell the mods to cancel n3o and my account from this site. Not too long ago i already asked the admin and mods to close/cancel my account. They did not cancel it. Since n3o is so humble and has the ability to let go of personal vendetta against Sikhi. He should have no problem telling/asking the admins the same thing.

Even get the last poster goes by the name smiles on the outside and black hearted aka Mr Doaba to write them a big letter on how hes hurt by all the arguments and how he has gone into depression over them........he can take that to his employer as well. then play COD all day for couple of months on sick leave.

But I highly doubt n30 would even for a second let or ask the admins to cancel his account because the size of his ego. He speaks of unity, now let's see if he can walk the walk. In all honestly I think of him as no different than Darshan Ragi; a good actor.

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For me message is more important than messenger and that message is puratan traditional Gurmat sikhi which I learn from sant jagjit singh harkhowal and gyani gurdev singh sarang along from taksali mahapursh gurbani katha and books. I don't mind giving up my name along with baggage that comes with it. Please rename my account to guest108.. No name... No fame.. no worries. But I do hope to continue posting here along with on sikhawareness.com website pure labor of love.. as I do consider this privileged seva gift for me right straight from Guru Maharaj and his saints.

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Even get the last poster goes by the name smiles on the outside and black hearted aka Mr Doaba to write them a big letter on how hes hurt by all the arguments and how he has gone into depression over them........he can take that to his employer as well. then play COD all day for couple of months on sick leave.

Almost every single thread you post in ends in an argument and thats because of you. Its annoying when you always ruin the discussion. Always personally attacking other members. If you just changed the way you write your posts there would be no problem Veer Ji, the thread could just carry on and we could all learn something. But no tu har vele kales pauna.

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