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Gun Control debate in USA.


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What are your views? Should they ban AR's and other kinds of guns?

Personally I agree with Jesse Ventura's views that we shouldn't ban guns as that is what the established elite want to solidify their power over the people. If you look at history in relation to gun control, you'll see a pattern of restricting guns before genocide or tyranny occurs.

What confuses me is why a bunch of hippy Sikhs i.e. the Sikh Coalition support the banning of guns. I feel like the Sikhs who support banning of guns here in USA are just Sikhs for show and don't have real martial pride in them and are using their identity to further their own careers.

I'm for responsible and safe ownership and intensive background checks to ensure public safety, but at the same time I don't feel like banning guns is anywhere near the option.

Guns are meant for the people to protect ourselves against tyrannical governments and self defense. USA was founded on principles of freedom and individuality and that includes the right to bear arms. It's sad that the media (Piers Morgan - he's not even a US citizen) is trying to demonize guns as being something evil.

A bit of incoherent thoughts above, but just wanted to stir a debate so we can have an actual discussion about this. This is an issue Sikhs are too busy with their own endeavors to even think about, let alone get into marksmanship and the sport in general.

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I believe that they should limit there magazines.In Canada guns like ar15's are limited to 5 rounds per magazine.They should also change the ways one can own a gun.It should take 6 months for an individual to own a gun license and it should take a month to get a firearm.America should change there gun policy and adopt the Canadian gun policy.

They shouldnt ban all guns but should ban or restrict guns like ak47 or m4 carbines.Fully automatic weapons should be banned and guns like ar15's should be restricted.

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I believe that they should limit there magazines.In Canada guns like ar15's are limited to 5 rounds per magazine.They should also change the ways one can own a gun.It should take 6 months for an individual to own a gun license and it should take a month to get a firearm.America should change there gun policy and adopt the Canadian gun policy.

They shouldnt ban all guns but should ban or restrict guns like ak47 or m4 carbines.Fully automatic weapons should be banned and guns like ar15's should be restricted.


Restricting guns doesn't equal lower rates in gun homocide nor does it reduce crime. More gun control = higher crime/murder rates.

A lot of Canadian youth jump on the bandwagon of banning guns because they are ignorant of guns. I remember superwoman came out with a video against guns and everyone jumped on the wagon of being anti-gun.

I don't know about other countries, but USA was founded on the principles of individual liberties and freedoms. Part of this freedom is the right to bear arms without it being infringed upon by any third party entity - especially the government.

Take some time to watch this interview with Immortal Technique - talks about how the elite control what is really going on and how the media is used as a tool to control the masses into sheep.

I think awake Brits who know what's going on can vouch that leftist blind liberalism is a cancer that ends up fueling racial tension/hatred and empowers corporate elite similar to how republican "conservatives" here in USA are shameless puppets to the corporate elite (leftist democrats are as well, but don't know it).

If you end up gouging out with the media feeds you, you're more likely to be spitting an opinion you really don't believe in. The real issues behind violence is how we run society and the way it works.

The major reason for gun violence is gang violence and criminals who are allowed back on the street. The prison system does not work as it's likely if someone gets into jail they are put into a cycle of entering and leaving their entire life.

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to each there own.

Highly disagree with this thinking. There is a right and a wrong and if an uninformed individual (doesn't matter what side you are on) makes a decision it will influence other people as well.

In order to have a good outcome we need to be able to openly discuss this issue, something a lot of punjabis seem to avoid doing because we're too busy hoarding cash and chasing distractions.

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Restricting guns doesn't equal lower rates in gun homocide nor does it reduce crime. More gun control = higher crime/murder rates.

A lot of Canadian youth jump on the bandwagon of banning guns because they are ignorant of guns. I remember superwoman came out with a video against guns and everyone jumped on the wagon of being anti-gun.

I don't know about other countries, but USA was founded on the principles of individual liberties and freedoms. Part of this freedom is the right to bear arms without it being infringed upon by any third party entity - especially the government.

Take some time to watch this interview with Immortal Technique - talks about how the elite control what is really going on and how the media is used as a tool to control the masses into sheep.

I think awake Brits who know what's going on can vouch that leftist blind liberalism is a cancer that ends up fueling racial tension/hatred and empowers corporate elite similar to how republican "conservatives" here in USA are shameless puppets to the corporate elite (leftist democrats are as well, but don't know it).

If you end up gouging out with the media feeds you, you're more likely to be spitting an opinion you really don't believe in. The real issues behind violence is how we run society and the way it works.

The major reason for gun violence is gang violence and criminals who are allowed back on the street. The prison system does not work as it's likely if someone gets into jail they are put into a cycle of entering and leaving their entire life.

Okay ill dicuss with you.

When i mean restricting guns i mean that only high cartride guns and full auto guns should be restricted and prohibited.Hunting rifles and shot guns shouldnt be restricted but guns such as military looking guns such as ar15,ak47,m4 varients etc should be restricted.The us should also have a licencing system as well.In canada we first have to get a licensce to own a gun.It takes 4 to 6 months to approve it.They have backround checks and everything.After that then you will be granted a license.When buying a gun we have to give all our info and then the gun seller will check in with the rcmp and tell them that they will be selling this gun to so and so.With this license an induvidual can only buy hunting rifles and shotguns.If an induvidual wants to buy a handgun or a gun such as an ar15 they have to have a restricted gun license.That also takes some time getting.There has to be a reason for owing a handgun or ar15.You can either be a collector,sports shooter or recreational shooting.You cannot hunt with this class of gun.Full auto weapons such as ak47 or mp40s etc are prohibited.An induvidual cannot own prohibited weapons.There are many other types of guns and weapons in prohibited category.

This is just the basics but if you want to go in depth i recomened http://www.canadianlawsite.ca/gunlaws.htm

Im not anti gun.My grandfather,great grandfather,uncles used to own guns.I own a few firearms as well but there should be some set standards.There needs to be new rules in the us.

I do agree with you on the bit of the prisons and how gang members are just being released etc

PS:In canada guns such as ar15 are only allowed to have a maximum of 5 rounds per magazine.

I just didnt want to go into this topic too much.

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How will limiting it to 5 prevent crime if criminals are able to get their hands on banned magazines?

If you look at the crime rate in USA without looking at population size and the amount of guns we have in circulation without taking into account what kinds of crimes go on and the root cause of these crimes it is easy to say - hey look "europe and canada have really low crime rates because of gun control."

The issue is how we run our society and deal with criminals. We don't have open discussions as to what causes hate and bitterness as a society - from the media to public institutions.

In the current form of gun control that diane fienstein and obama are presenting isn't balanced - it seems like something a dictator would do. Obama said that banning AR's isn't enough - in order for it to be effective you have to confiscate them.

No one is against universal background checks, but on the AR issue, at least in USA citizens should be able to carry such weapons to defend ourselves.

Kalyugi sarkaraan controlled by big $ elite are inevitably bound to infringe upon the rights of the people, anyone who says otherwise hasn't properly analyzed history. If and when that time comes it's best to be prepared for the worst in my opinion. The founding fathers have warned us of a lot of what is going on today in terms of the war overseas (liberties being lost) and gun rights.

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So it all comes down to gangs etc.We got gangs in Canada but why is there more violence In the us?In Canada we have both gun control and better judicial system.Thats why Canada has less gun violence cause we crackdown on guns and the criminals.In the us if they had a a combo of those both then the us would be safe.

Who did you vote for?Obama or Romney?

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