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Brent Sikh Centre call police


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Well "TevPrasad Singh" jee, these things dont happen everyday! If you were so interested in having an apology, you shold have come to BSC to listen to it - it was done in presence of Sangat itself!

What is more important to you, words written on a piece of paper or words spoken in front of Guru ji? (If your preference is paper then I'm sorry my friend, I have nothing more to say to you.)

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Guest stopsingh2
Well "TevPrasad Singh" jee, these things dont happen everyday! If you were so interested in having an apology, you shold have come to BSC to listen to it - it was done in presence of Sangat itself!

What is more important to you, words written on a piece of paper or words spoken in front of Guru ji? (If your preference is paper then I'm sorry my friend, I have nothing more to say to you.)

Whats wrong with putting it on paper ?

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stopsingh jee, please STOP!!

Looks like you are giving more value to a piece of paper in comparison to the ardas that was done in Sangat and words that were spoken in front of Guru ji. Do you think that is appropriate? Here, everybody's "demand" was that they should apologise and now that they have done it, what else do you want? You should be happy that your "mission" has been accomplished!

And if I am not wrong, you are also part of sangat that comes to the BSC, is it not?

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Guest stopsingh2
stopsingh jee, please STOP!!

Looks like you are giving more value to a piece of paper in comparison to the ardas that was done in Sangat and words that were spoken in front of Guru ji. Do you think that is appropriate? Here, everybody's "demand" was that they should apologise and now that they have done it, what else do you want? You should be happy that your "mission" has been accomplished!

And if I am not wrong, you are also part of sangat that comes to the BSC, is it not?

What is wrong with given an undertaking to the Sikh panth that the committee acknowledge there is a Hukumnama banning taking Guru Ji to hotels etc and they will not break this ? :T:

Very simple. Will not take more than 2 minutes to do. It is the leaders of BSC who are prolonging the issue by not agreeing to this. Instead they claim it is a community centre and not a Gurdwara and offshoot onto other non related matters. :lol:

I am not part of the sanagt that goes to the community centre. :|

The Sikh panth demands answers and the leaders at Brent Sikh Centre should be willing to hold a meeting. What do they have to hide ?

I have from the outset been for taking this issue to the Akal Takht. Then we will see what new tactics Hoonjan and co adopt to avoid a summons from the Takht.


MOD NOTE : Next Time please don't use CAPS letter.

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Vaheguru ji ka khalsa

Vaheguru ji ki fateh

Dear sangat ji please do not divert the issue at hand and fall in the trap off looking at side issues. My point is that these Gursikhs have taken a bold step and a very courageous one indeed. I for one wish I had that much love for my Guru ji that I would help stop ppl taking Guruji into places where I wud not let my mum go. These socalled leaders just hate young ppl questioning them, they think they are high and might. They order Granthies around and make them do things that the Granthie knows is wrong. They all know that taking Guru ji to a pub club is BEADBI yet they call it a matter for the Sangat in Brent but sorry to blow away ur weird thinking this is a matter for the Panth to solve, and the youth are part off that Panth.

Same things where said to Sant Jarnail singh Ji Khalsa his young his hot he¡¦s got no understanding off sikhi etc etc, yet we are seeing what Sant Ji said before our eyes that ppl have NO fear of BEADBI they look upon Guru ji as a vehicle for make money and become so-called leaders off the community what a joke they are

Just to the ppl defending Brent Gurdwara Sahib look at what u r saying, u r rubbishing all the work they have done in the last few months these ppl have so much love for OUR Guruji. I think u sud be talking to the so called leaders and reminding them that

They are answerable to Guru ji and Sadh Sangat ji.

I pray to Guru ji that this issue is resolved and that no more beadbi is done across the world. I bow my head down to the Gursikhs who have in this very important year taken these steps

To admin keep this open until they say sorry.

r>It hurts them when they are NAMED AND SHAMED, but not when they abuse Guru ji ƒ¼



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ss Jhamka, you say, "I think u sud be talking to the so called leaders and reminding them that They are answerable to Guru ji and Sadh Sangat ji."

Well Done - good thinking and good point. Looks like you are the only sensible one! NOW, if you go back and read my message, it says that the leaders HAVE accepted the mistake, and since they are answerable to Guru ji and Sadh Sangat only (as accepted by you), they have done what should be done and apologised to both for their actions. So, what is your point? I can't see what you guys are going on about now?

Ahankar is a very bad thing. (It destroys you and your inner self!)

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Another Panthsewak,

I dont understand why Avtar does not want to meet the Sangat (Khalsa Youth), at the end of the day if the Sangat want a meeting then they get one. As a Gurdwara is the Sangat, not only local sangat but the whole world.

Mod Note : Please no Personal Attacks Thanks.

The thing is if Avtar singh met the Youth they would be no problem, as we now know from the Gianis that Avtar is using this Gurdwara as a Business.

Thats why hes scared, business closed, he will be unable to live hes rich life. As he will have to sign on.

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stopsingh jee, please STOP!!

Looks like you are giving more value to a piece of paper in comparison to the ardas that was done in Sangat and words that were spoken in front of Guru ji. Do you think that is appropriate? Here, everybody's "demand" was that they should apologise and now that they have done it, what else do you want? You should be happy that your "mission" has been accomplished!

And if I am not wrong, you are also part of sangat that comes to the BSC, is it not?

According to Harbans Singh of your committee, Avtar Singh did not to ardas in front of GuruJi anyway. As per Harbans Singh's comments 'the committee did not feel the need to do an Ardas for forgiveness.'

The Granthis were honest in admitting that they have been to Hotels and Banqueting Halls before via Brent Sikh Centre, Granthi Kashmira Singh is taken in all cases. This is not a one off.

Anotherpanthsewak, please discuss with your Superiors at the Sikh Centre, the need to close this issue by carrying out an Ardas for forgiveness and sign the declaration in the presence of the naujawaan.

We are all part of the same Sikh sangat, this effects all of us, not just the regular sangat of BSC.

Would Hoonjan have 'allegedly' apologised if Singhs and Singhnees hadn't kicked a fuss about the beadbi? He wou

ld have been happy to carry on. All he and you were worried about was the mud that will now be attached to Hoonjans name. Well he deserves everything that he gets.

This is not about ahankar this is about justice. As sewadars of the Guru Khalsa Panth we have the right to seek justice.

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Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa!

Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!

Another Panthsewak

My friend I wasn’t invited to attend this so called apology to Guruji. Quite conveniently BSC Committee kept this gupt, and now you are continuiously using to justify their behaviour.

My comments reflect the constructive attitude of the Naujawan who wish to resolve this issue. However your comments reflect a continuing childish attitude, this reflects on the Committee aswell. If you are their representative the you are doing a bad job!

When the Naujawan spoke to Harbans Singh he highlighted the procedures of the Committee. We agreed with him about the formal letter and an emergency committee meeting. Again your postings have undermined the Committee.

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ADMIN: Can I ask why my post - which I posted here last night - is not shown here? It was there last night but now it has "disappeared"!!!

I am hereby posting in again in the hope that this time it won't vanish!


Wahe Guru Je Ka Khalsa!

Wahe Guru Je Ke Fateh!!

I have been reading the topics that are doing rounds here! I am also a regular at Brent Sikh Centre and am writing now because this whole thing just seems to be getting blown out of proportion at this stage!

I was just wondering what this “Naujawan Khalsa” is? Is this an organisation or what? Do they have any “authorisation” to do the things they are doing? Who gave them the right to go around and “demand” an apology for any actions done by somebody else? Surely any apology to be asked for is from the Guruji and not from “Naujawan Khalsa”. How and why is BSC answerable to Naujawan Khalsa?

Agreed that it was “Naujawan Khalsa” that brought attention to the point and for everybody’s kind information, an apology has been asked for – from the Guru ji and in presence of Sangat. An Ardas has also been offered. The “Naujawan Khalsa” didn’t know this because they are NOT part of the regular Sangat at BSC. They have never been there (besides to stir up trouble) so they don’t know what happens/ happened. Do you all know that when “Naujawan Khalsa” came to BSC on Saturday, they were categorically informed by the Giani ji that an apology has been asked and Ardas has also been done in the Sangat. WHY was this not “published” here? Why did “Naujawan Khalsa” hide this information (from you all)?

How can anybody support an “organisation” that does not give full, correct and proper information to their supporters? This just goes to prove that they are just they using the power of congregation to achieve their personal goals. How do you know that BSC called the police – as claimed by you? It could so easily have been one of you trying to “glamorise” your gathering to gain more publicity!

Since they are not an approved/ authorised by Akal Takth, they cannot “demand” an apology from BSC and BSC is under no obligation to give them a “personal” apology. How can they even think like that? While we are on the topic, will “Naujawan Khalsa” apologise to the sangat at BSC for trying to cause unrest in the Sangat?

Regarding the other issues they raised, if they would have seen properly, there are notices stuck all over the Gurdwara, asking Sangat to PLEASE cover their heads while in the premises and NOT to wear shoes in the Langar Hall. Its not possible to keep a Sewadar there on the door 24 hours asking everyone to follow the rules. Can I suggest that they come here and to every other Gurdwara every Sunday and stand by the door to request every one to follow the rules, because that will really help us as well – and their cause. It’s easier said than done!

Regarding somebody saying that they “heard” that there were people with shoes on the carpeted area, well, I DARE anybody to come forward and show the “proof” - that you are so found of gathering – that it happened. It has NEVER happened. (All the carpeted areas are on the first floor where you go after climbing the stairs!) There might have been wine glasses at the wedding BUT what was in it???? A glass is a glass – the thing that is in the glass should matter and not what the glass looks like! (There was no wine in the glass or anywhere else!)

Regarding a person smoking a cigarette, like mentioned earlier, you cannot supervise each and every person in the building at all times. People coming to the Gurdwara shoul

d know how to behave inside one and if they don’t, they are politely told. If we can stop the local construction works from smoking while the building was still under construction, how can you even imagine that we will let people do it now? So please stop meddling in others affairs and stop urging others by making these invalid points.

People who take the Guru ji out, surely some responsibility lies with them as well! Has the “Naujawan Khalsa” gone to those people and demanded an apology? I don’t think so? While they are at it, would they mind actually going to the Gurdwara’s and talking to the “Naujawan” that they seem to represent? If you take a good look around yourself, how many Sikh do you actually see? Sikhi is vanishing fast in this country. Why? Because the (majority of) “Naujawan” Sikhs of this country feels that it’s not “cool” to wear a turban, keep Kesh and Beards. They feel that they will not be “accepted” in the social environment here. They think that if they look different, the locals of this country will shun them! So they try to “appear” similar to them. Even the girls – especially those of marriageable age – ask them and over 90% of them will say that I want a “clean shaven” boy. Even the boys are going around, clean shaved or keeping a beard as if they haven’t shaved for 2 days!! Or will have a beard as if somebody has drawn a line with an eyebrow pencil on his face!! Is THAT Sikhi? Do they think that, that shows “respect” towards Guruji’s teaching that they are asking for? These are more important issues that need to be addressed. Let’s see them make an effort for curing this and we ALL will join in for such a thing.

As you all know we the Sikhs are a minority here in this country so we should all be acting as one and not fight among ourselves. We should be setting an example for others. What will you gain by involving police and other agencies in this matter? We should attract attention towards ourselves by doing good deeds and not doing wrong things.

As it is you know that there is already a case going on in Canada against “certain people and/or organisation” – and they know who they are – related to such topics that they raised in the past. Why are you asking for more trouble?

Of course this is not an “attempt” to divert the topic because the original topic is no longer valid – as mentioned, an apology has been asked and Ardas offered so PLEASE back off and leave everyone in peace and enjoy life.

I would like to request the Admin to kindly close this topic and not to let any other message appear in this context. People are just using this site to gain advantage for their personal use. They are using the site as a media to create and stir up trouble for their personal gains. As it is you (the Admin) say “Controversial issues are not allowed”!!!

Wahe Guru Je Ka Khalsa!

Wahe Guru Je Ke Fateh!!

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