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"a New Earth" By Eckhart Tolle


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Echkart tole works is amazing and very spiritual uplifting, he provides direct method self inquiry- who am i (which supposed to answer itself in experience in meditation -naturally fall back into awareness and let supreme awareness take care of rest) , adhashanti and mooji spiritual saints teaching are in similiar lines.. All of these guys are inspired one way or another by intial teaching by zen buddhist masters. ramana maharishi/advaita- who am i spiritual quest.

To put it contrast echkart tole core works relates to advance level sikhi which is dhian/gyan aspect of shabad (gurmantar/mool mantra/ikongkar etc) within gurmat (according to my research there are three main aspects/stages in gurmat blended beautifully-bhagti, shabad surat, and gyan) .

This type of advance/gian aspect of shabad is only taught to advance seekers in samparda's-traditional orders - taksal and nirmale, we have classic traditional sikh literatures which needs to be basic understood before meditation- which addresses key questions and answers on nature of ego, mind, thoughts etc, some of classic sikh literatures are vichar sagar, adhiatam parkash, vichar mala, soraj parkash granth-atam gian chapter, they are talking in similiar lines what echkart tole is saying in his books, we have gurbani compositions such as gyan parbodh, akaal ustat questions/inquiry meant to be asked in one spontaneous meditation experience to draw seeker in into more profound experience leading to different level of spiritual awakenings shift in one's identity), man tu jot saroop hai apna mool painchain, jaap sahib etc alluding/indicating to serious sikh seekers to find out their mool(essence)-taste atam ras (bliss of self).

You might notice, he will use terms like awareness, consciouness, supreme awareness, universal awareness interchangably its all same, from sikh stand point Vahiguroo gurmantra is that ...simple- Vahi-Esctasy Guru- Pure light awareness/consciousness..!!, just incorporate core teaching of sikhi- gyan of Vahiguroo mantra in expereince- Vahiguroo you won't find any conflicts what tole is pointing towards.


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SO glad to read your post. Thank You.

I had understood deep within me that there is no conflict between Eckhart Tolle's works and Guru ji's, however... I did (my mind did) notice something which is the reason I was searching for a sikh who has read his writings. I realized this yesterday after going to gurdwara and listening to kirtan.

Gurbaani is FILLED with pyaar. So much intense pyaar and it is oozing with devotional emotion in every word.

Do you think Eckhart and his writing's transmits this pyaar?I have been watching webcasts and youtube clips of him speaking. I sense that his words are aligned with a Truth, but I do not sense what I sense in the Gurus and that is: not only a sense of True self, but a sense of the Greater Self, or the totality of all True selves which as I relate to: Waheguru ji. Yes he mentions supreme awareness, consciousness etc. But...Our Gurus speak of a relationship with consciousness. A relationship that is filled with love, with service, with submission. Whereas Tolle maybe speaks of just an awareness of it. Yes? The Guru's bring another level, which I just feel is higher than that of even what Tolle says. I think maybe I feel that Tolle is so...objective... And that the Guru's not only speak of an awareness that we must understand is our True self but we must...blend our egos into it...bring all things the ego uses (forms like thoughts and emotions) into service of "the universal awareness".


Waheguru! my mind is amazed.

so so so so glad you have read Tolle!!

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Tole works as i mentioned just show small glimpse of gyan in similiar lines of puratan text like vichar sagar, vichar mala, adhitam parkash, chapters in soraj parkash granth.. gurbani expands on that gyan aspect fully in sikhi. Gurbani is supreme as it caters to all, universal there is no conditioning or pre-requiste for anyone as gurbani relates to everyone including gianis- advance seekers, tole works however relates to estoeric group of people who are meant to be introvert who goes naturally in meditation- in expereince with universal self-awareness its not meant for intellectual conceptual minds who don't move fwd.

In gurbani one does not to be advance introvert to show emotions or feel universal love, emotions just come out in pyar and devotion /gurbani(supreme consciousness) draw seeker(consciousness) in automatically with pure love, if seeker allows it, everything happens automatically if one see (in expereince-sehaj patt/meditation) with gurbani as innocent child without any pre-conditioning, preconceived notions.

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Tole take on ego- pure raw - don't associate with ego as its not your true indenity at the first place stop identifying with it.

Gurbani take on ego- with steady spontaneous sehaj, prema bhagti towards guru (supreme universal cosmic consciousness) love,devotion of seeker(consciousness), seekers jaap on vahiguroo NAAM leading to automatically NAAM- gyan aspect of vahiguroo shabad, ego falls away bit by bit gradually automatically. No real effort is necessary.
Gurbani way is safe and natural- nature taking its course, bit by bit ego falls away like leafs fall away from tree (eventually all forms of ego/tree is gone as they are fall off bit by bit), tole way is bit like- don't indentify with tree at the first place its direct but radical(works but radical not meant for everyone), if caution is not paid, during process of unindentifying with one notion of ego (tree) one ends up creating more indenitifation with another form notion of ego(tree) during process of unindentifying with the first one.
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hmm. ok.


i see the difference now thank you for explaining so clearly!

am still in the middle of reading the book so...will continue with these things in mind.

would you mind sharing with me some of the readings you referenced (english preferably)? I would like to read them also.

thank you so much.

Gur Fateh

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hmm. ok.


i see the difference now thank you for explaining so clearly!

am still in the middle of reading the book so...will continue with these things in mind.

would you mind sharing with me some of the readings you referenced (english preferably)? I would like to read them also.

thank you so much.

Gur Fateh

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