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Shahidi Pictures of Baba Jarnail Singh


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People have mentioned that there are pictures of Baba Jarnail Singh's body. I collect pictures and I'm going to post one of the better pictures I have come across.

They aren't the best quality. And I"m not sure if someone can or cannot reach a conclusion after seeing this, but here it is:


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Sant jee is shaheed and it's confirmed by sant jees family and relatives... and there are few pictures where you can see it by yourself.. (picture of sant is also shown in "Storming the Golden Temple" documentary by History Channel.)

Usually, I never discuss about this topic around because i do not want to offend my friends who believe that sant jee is not shaheed.. Whether it's true or not i would not like to build a Wall of seperation between me and my friends.. :wub:

Maaf karna jeeo

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Dear S1ngh..

Either last year or the year before.. Joginder singh vedanti (akal takht jathedar) love him or hate him.. did an ardas at harmandir sahib, saying that Jarnail Singh bhindranwale is shaheed.. in an atempt to put a stop to this debate.. Bhai isher singh.. one of sant ji's sons was present also and accepted a saropa..

Latter on, about a few months.. Bhai isher singh came to Baba takhur singh to ask for maafi in regards to this matter and for going against what he had said..

so you cant really say that all the family agree.. as you have not chatted to all his family..

Secondly.. This picture thanks Mann_jatt for emailing it to me.. but i have seen it before.. all the pictures are in conclusive.. you cannot say for sure that it his him or that it is not.. But if i was indian government and i just made Sant jarnail singh ji shaheed .. I would have proper pictures to prove it.. wouldn't you!??!?!? and show the whole sikh panth what you think you have done.. to shut them up?!?!?

My point being that nobody can prove if he is alive or shaheed so lets stop commenting on it.. And do more constuctive things eg.. Do paath and simran and read gurbani.. things which will actually help us and things that Sant ji promoted..

And if people do wish to spend time to talk about this matter.. then just read over previous threads on this forum and others.. and there are many many about..


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Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa!

Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!

ive seen that pic and others a thousand times

sant jes family does NOT all agree on this

as veer je said, they went to baba je and asked for MAAFI

baba je was very upset that he went

and to tell the truth my veer jes and bhenjis

i wud belive baba je over sant jes family ANYDAY


cause sant je himself said this

and ill caplock it so everyone can see clearly


thas not like a quote, but thas the thing

they said listen to baba je if anything happens

they didnt ay listen to my family

but listen to baba thakur singh je khalsa

and as taran je said, if i WAS the indian gov., wudnt i have the technology to take a nice picture

i mean i can go to walmart for that sort of stuff

and this is the indian military

not wal mart

and even if they got out a clear pic, which they havent yet, i wudnt belive its real

cause it took them so many years after 84 to bring out a clear picture

must take a long time to develop, huh?

my advise to u

stop listenin to hindoostani sarkaar

bhula chuka maf

Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa!

Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!

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Admin... please close this thread now.. as it is just getting repetative...

and the final points have been made.. to stop this debating about sant ji..

Keep an opinion and thats it.. there's no need for a debate on it every week..


everyside has had their say

the topic is closed now'


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