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How To Tell Panj Pyare About My Deed

Guest HelplessKaur

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Guest HelplessKaur

Waheguru Jee Ka Khalsa Waheguru Jee Kee Fateh

I have done a horrible mistake and wish to take amrit. I have not had sex but me and another amritdhari individual engaged in mutual manual sex (hand jobs, fingering...). My punjabi is not too good and I am SO ridiculously ashamed. Please someone help me and explain to me how I would word this in Punjabi to the Panj Pyare - what do I have to say? How in the world do I say this?

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You would tell them that you did a bujjar kurehit with another individual - "Mai kaam vich uni ho ke ik par-purush/par-istri (depending on your situation) naal shareerik sang kitaa" - being blinded in lust, I engaged in sexual acts with another man/woman" -or some similar variation. It meets the definition of sex in that you were having a physical sexual interaction with another individual - per what you have outlined, lesbians do not engage in sex and that would be incorrect . Shareerik sang, bhog bilas, musli yudh - all describe the same and there are other words (guman I believe)..

The Punj Pyare can pursue further details, question you further or otherwise to assign you a tankah for your violation of maryada and advise you further (not inclusive, Guru Roopi Punj Pyare are in their right to handle the situation as is appropriate).

That being said, many sevadaars doing seva in the Punj Pyare are usually knowledgeable in English or the local language and Guru Sahib knows all. Guru Sahib will make the proper arrangements to ensure that his erring daughter is provided a platform for forgiveness and learning/growth from this incident (provided you capitalize on their guidance).

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You would tell them that you did a bujjar kurehit with another individual - "Mai kaam vich uni ho ke ik par-purush/par-istri (depending on your situation) naal shareerik sang kitaa" - being blinded in lust, I engaged in sexual acts with another man/woman" -or some similar variation. It meets the definition of sex in that you were having a physical sexual interaction with another individual - per what you have outlined, lesbians do not engage in sex and that would be incorrect . Shareerik sang, bhog bilas, musli yudh - all describe the same and there are other words (guman I believe)..

The Punj Pyare can pursue further details, question you further or otherwise to assign you a tankah for your violation of maryada and advise you further (not inclusive, Guru Roopi Punj Pyare are in their right to handle the situation as is appropriate).

That being said, many sevadaars doing seva in the Punj Pyare are usually knowledgeable in English or the local language and Guru Sahib knows all. Guru Sahib will make the proper arrangements to ensure that his erring daughter is provided a platform for forgiveness and learning/growth from this incident (provided you capitalize on their guidance).

"lesbians do not engage in sex and that would be incorrect ".

They do. Why are you writing this?

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To _HelplessKaur_

I know after reading what I have to say that alot if not most people on here will shoot me down but I will say it anyway. Your young, this stuff happens. You and your God already know whats happened, learn from it and move on. If you and this other guy are serious then maybe you should think about having a serious reltionship - i..e inform your parents about your wish to get engaged / married.

I personally think you need to think about what you want, this is all natural and part of life - Amrithdhari or non-Amrithdhari, we're all human at the end of the day so dont beat yourself up over this too much. Rather have a deep think t yourself and make up your own mind as what you want out of this and then take the appropriate steps.

Alot of people here would say tell the Panj Pyara's but I dont think you need to do that. If the Panj Pyara's consisted of women then that would be an avenue in which you could discuss whats happened but ads theyre most likely going to be male I would'nt advise it.

Seriously just get over this and move on, learn from it. Its all a part of natural life.

You can message me directly if you prefer.


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Guest Satwinder Singh

It's me again, I meant to say retake amrit***

Are u joking with Amrit?

Amrit has not failed, it is you who have crossed the lines of morality under the influence of kaam vaasna .

Just be serious, if with your first having Amrit, could not stop you from doing something immoral, how can you think, that retaking Amrit will prevent you from any other shameful acts....

It is our strong resolution after taking Amrit, even otherwise, before Guru Jee, to stay in His bhaana at all times, by keeping Him in our mind through His chintan, which is like a fence around us, protecting us from the wild animals(vaasnas, vikaars).

We as humans tend to fall, but if we are sincere, we should get up with redoubled faith and devotion, and keep a vigil eye on the mind, in order to not get duped by it.

Be constant and regular in your devotion, Wahiguru Himself will assist you and make you pure and paviter.

God bless you.

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Sorry, I think my language may have caused confusion. The statement as a whole is below.

" It meets the definition of sex in that you were having a physical sexual interaction with another individual - per what you have outlined, lesbians do not engage in sex and that would be incorrect . "

The OP stated, " I have not had sex but me and another amritdhari individual engaged in "mutual manual sex" - I wanted to make sure that nobody was under the impression that the "mutual manual sex" is somehow classified differently from sex in terms of a bujjar kurehit. Perhaps my wording (and trying to be avoid being too graphic with details) led to confusion. Any physical sexual acts with a partner with each other, as outlined by the OP that is not a spouse, is a bujjar kurehit. I wanted to make sure that someone did not start classifying "mutual manual sex" as a separate category to sex and somehow not see as a bujjar kurehit (take the example of Bill Clinton, who did not classify oral sex as sex and used it as an excuse for lying to the american public).

Sorry for the confusion.

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Sorry, I think my language may have caused confusion. The statement as a whole is below.

" It meets the definition of sex in that you were having a physical sexual interaction with another individual - per what you have outlined, lesbians do not engage in sex and that would be incorrect . "

The OP stated, " I have not had sex but me and another amritdhari individual engaged in "mutual manual sex" - I wanted to make sure that nobody was under the impression that the "mutual manual sex" is somehow classified differently from sex in terms of a bujjar kurehit. Perhaps my wording (and trying to be avoid being too graphic with details) led to confusion. Any physical sexual acts with a partner with each other, as outlined by the OP that is not a spouse, is a bujjar kurehit. I wanted to make sure that someone did not start classifying "mutual manual sex" as a separate category to sex and somehow not see as a bujjar kurehit (take the example of Bill Clinton, who did not classify oral sex as sex and used it as an excuse for lying to the american public).

Sorry for the confusion.

No worries, thought it sounded a bit odd that sentence. Thanks for explaining it.
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Guest kalyug

Ahh Kalyug is truly here

This is why there's no point in the amritdhari roop anymore, I know people with cut hair who are a million times more pure and dont even fall.

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Guest Jacfsing2

This is why there's no point in the amritdhari roop anymore, I know people with cut hair who are a million times more pure and dont even fall.

There is importance in taking Amrit, falling doesn't make you bad; what makes you bad is not admitting up to your mistakes.
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