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young guys and girls relationship...

randip singh

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Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa!

Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!

so what is kaam, krodh, lobh, moh, ahankaar?

and are males and females allowed to have relationship with each other before getting married? . i mean liking each other in girlfreind and boyfriend way.

actually i have a friend living with me n shes a sikh not amritdharee just like me. she beleives in sikhism. n she heard that girls and guys are not allowed to love each other before getting maried as in girlfreind and boyfriend. so we were just wondering.....y???? <_< she wants to follow sikhi just like me. and she likes a guy and her parents dont know about it. so they usually hide from everyone except me. they go out on a date alot.

but no <admin-profanity filter activated> relationships.

we both know that she shuldnt do this because shes doing this behind her parents back. wut we want to know is that is it allowed to have boyfriend and girlfriend relationship?

so if it true that girls and guys are not to have boy/girl friend relationship then y are there sooooo many young sikhs out there amritdharee having relationship in girl/boyfriend way??????????

another thing i wanted to know is wut does Guru Granth Sahib ji say about gay and lesbian people. is that allowed? in my personal view i think its wrong. i know that they r also human n have human rights and all dat equal stuff...but i just think its wrong...wuts ur personal view about it?

bhul chuk maaf

Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa!

Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!


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vwihgurU jI kw Kwlsw!

vwihgurU jI kI &iqh!!

Phen ji, see the following...

According to rehet and gurbani...

ibnw AnMd ibvwh qy Bugqy pr kI joie ] sux isKw gur kih Q~ky myrw isK n soie ]25]

binaa ana(n)dh bivaah thae bhugathae par kee joe || sun sikhaa gur kehi thhaakae maeraa sikh n soe ||25||

Without having Anand Karaj those who have <admin-profanity filter activated> relationships. Listen O' Sikh the Guru states, he is not my Sikh.


iek kwmix ihqkwrI mwieAw moih ipAwrI mnmuK soie rhy ABwgy ] nwnk shjy syvih guru Apxw sy pUry vfBwgy ]4]3]

eik kaaman hithakaaree maaeiaa mohi piaaree manamukh soe rehae abhaagae || naanak sehajae saevehi gur apanaa sae poorae vaddabhaagae ||4||3||

Some are lovers of beautiful young women; emotional attachment to Maya is very dear to them. The unfortunate self-willed manmukhs remain asleep. O Nanak, those who intuitively serve their Guru, have perfect destiny. ||4||3||

A person should not indulge in relationship until they have been joined together by anand karaj and maharaj.

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At the end of the day, you can have a relationship without kissing, touching, and all that kinda stuff. And for those that believe in LOVE, then LOVE is when you wanna be with that person even without the touchy-feely kinda stuff.

You like someone? If you have to pursue it, then pursue it but do it sensibly and with ijjatt (reputation). Dont tarnish ure rep by going around with him or her touching each other up n snogging in da back of buses n wot not.

Bhul chuk maaf karna

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vwihgurU jI kw Kwlsw!

vwihgurU jI kI &iqh!!

If you're sanjog are with that person - this will be written from dhur (akaal purukh) and milni of those two souls will happen regardless of whether they go out or not.

Regardless of the kissing or any other physical aspect of a relationship - the fact that you would start something, be it with someone amritdhaari or not is against what Guru Sahiban have told us to do.

Rehet and bani tell us we should not indulge in such, so we shouldn't - if we have full parosa on our father then he will join us with the right one for us - and if that person isn't the cute one who we always wanted to get with, then Guru Sahib has ochestrated that for a reason also...?

What's written from Dhur will happen, no matter what, so we should stay within Maharaj's hukam and trust...

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vwihgurU jI kw Kwlsw!

vwihgurU jI kI &iqh!!

Dating has no place in Sikhi, i find it funny when peopel say "yeah but we can have a relationship based on LOVE no physical" << yeah right!!! the point is that Gruu ji has told you to focus on Sikhi and treat everyone one as your brothers and sisters, so if your having a relationship without annad karaj you are in theory commiting incest. The youth need to focus on there rehat and conectrate on naam simran it's easy to fall into the trap of kaam

p.s to those who think that gays and lesbians in sikhi are ok becasue "god made them " and we shoudl treat everyoen equal, would you say the same for peadophiles???

vwihgurU jI kw Kwlsw!

vwihgurU jI kI &iqh!!

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vwihgurU jI kw Kwlsw!

vwihgurU jI kI &iqh!!

Dating has no place in Sikhi, i find it funny when peopel say "yeah but we can have a relationship based on LOVE no physical" << yeah right!!! the point is that Gruu ji has told you to focus on Sikhi and treat everyone one as your brothers and sisters, so if your having a relationship without annad karaj you are in theory commiting incest. The youth need to focus on there rehat and conectrate on naam simran it's easy to fall into the trap of kaam

p.s to those who think that gays and lesbians in sikhi are ok becasue "god made them " and we shoudl treat everyoen equal, would you say the same for peadophiles???

vwihgurU jI kw Kwlsw!

vwihgurU jI kI &iqh!!

Yes i agree but lets come back down to earth and the reality of things today. We cant stop guys n girls having feelings for each other. THEY are the only ones that can stop it. And if they CANT stop it then they need to CONTROL it at least. This is practical advice and i think if u do start to think of someone in a non-brotherly or non-sisterly

way... go approach their parents, who inevitably are their Guru. It amazes me sometimes.. i hear of sooo many so called "aashiqs" who claim their eternal and total love for someone and even say they would die for them YET they aint got the guts to go to their partners mum n dad n ask for their daughters marriage! Love?! yeh rite.

Thing is MEDIA at the moment is ruling the world. People are getting more n more influenced by media. The way that the stars dress, is how the youth wanna dress. The way they act, is how they wanna act. Thing is, does Sikhi fight the media or adapt to it? N if we adapt, how can we adapt? I will raise this in a seperate topic neway in da future.

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My personal belief is that the reality of today is such that we allow these things to go on. I will not disagree that these things go on, people have relationships based on "love" and nothing physical. They know they shound't, but feelings and emotions are hard to control. Of course they are - the way we are, the way we've been bought up we learn to make attachments - and love is one of those.

However, the question is are we allowed to, then the answer is no, for the quotes from bani I have posted previously.

It is practical advise to say if you are going to indulge in such, then go refrain from the physical aspects, but then I personally think we could apply that to everything. It's against rehet to intake intoxicants, we will not however, bring down the boundry and say, "do so in moderation" we try and live by hukum and bani, what our Guru Sahib's have taught us. - Therefore, as maharaj has said we shouldn't - therefore we shouldn't.

I agree with Aman (Paji or Phen ji - sorry I don't know!!) The media is currently ruling the world - of course. We live in the most technological era of our time, where the 5 vices almost are accessible at the click of a button, the sensor of a remote etc - but again, it's up to us to refrain from these things. Kaljug - each person is in control of what they do etc.

When something is against sikhi rehet, we should try our utmost to refrain from it - it is difficult however, because of the world in which we live in today - however, maan (mind) is like a horse, eventually is will tire of worldly goods and attachments, but getting to that mind set is hard...

Sorry to go on, just my two penc

e worth...

Bhul Chuk Maaf Karnaa.

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My personal belief is that the reality of today is such that we allow these things to go on. I will not disagree that these things go on, people have relationships based on "love" and nothing physical. They know they shound't, but feelings and emotions are hard to control. Of course they are - the way we are, the way we've been bought up we learn to make attachments - and love is one of those.

However, the question is are we allowed to, then the answer is no, for the quotes from bani I have posted previously.

It is practical advise to say if you are going to indulge in such, then go refrain from the physical aspects, but then I personally think we could apply that to everything. It's against rehet to intake intoxicants, we will not however, bring down the boundry and say, "do so in moderation" we try and live by hukum and bani, what our Guru Sahib's have taught us. - Therefore, as maharaj has said we shouldn't - therefore we shouldn't.

I agree with Aman (Paji or Phen ji - sorry I don't know!!) The media is currently ruling the world - of course. We live in the most technological era of our time, where the 5 vices almost are accessible at the click of a button, the sensor of a remote etc - but again, it's up to us to refrain from these things. Kaljug - each person is in control of what they do etc.

When something is against sikhi rehet, we should try our utmost to refra

in from it - it is difficult however, because of the world in which we live in today - however, maan (mind) is like a horse, eventually is will tire of worldly goods and attachments, but getting to that mind set is hard...

Sorry to go on, just my two pence worth...

Bhul Chuk Maaf Karnaa.

^_^ good viewpoint.

yes, we are not allowed to and i think from wot ive seen a LOT of Amrit dhaari people do refrain from these things. HOWEVER, it shouldbe a LOT.. it should be that ALL amrit dhaari's refrain from this but this is the problem - western world has too much of a great influence on many. What people need to realise is that this influence wont get them newhere. We should have no influences other than the Word of the Guru - GurBani

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