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endemic hatred of sikhs in India (past 50 yrs-present)

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Just a list of ways that Hindus have shown active hatred towards Sikhs in recent history (with proof).

The point of this thread is not to promote hatred of Hindus.  Hatred is against religious all tenets (God is Nirvair, so sikhs should strive to be too), and also obviously not all Hindus are bad/hate Sikhs.  A lot of Hindus have spoke up for Sikhs, both in the past and now, even at risk to themselves and their careers.  Also, alot of Hindus have interest in Sikhi and Gurbani and go to Gurdwara, I would not like those Hindus to feel bad or put off at all.  In fact they may also find this enlightening.

1.  Santa Banta / Sardarji Jokes

throughout the 80s, 90s and early 2000 it was common for hindu media and popular culture to promote vicious 'jokes' trying to ridicule Singhs and always frame them as stupid.  the whole tenor of these jokes was nasty.  i wish some one would compile them to show the world what kind of 'humour' was being promoted.  the whole aim was to belittle sikhs and insult them in the public imagination.  this compares to how Nazis targeted Jews in their media.

3.  Bollywood depiction of Sikhs

again, I wish someone would compile the blatant nastiness shown against sikhs in cinema from 80s up until present, and put it on youtube to show the real nature of 'bollywood'.  I have been quite disgusted by the amount of times my aunt has been watching some bollywood film and i have randomly sat down and seen some sort of ridicule or put down of sikhs (always with a turbaned character to make it clear).

4.  Sunny Leone- Bollywood had to go all the way to Canada to get Sunny Leone.  Why?  Aren't there Hindu girls in India who work as pornstars?  Of course there are, but Hindu audiences don't want to see that...

5.  Dharendra and Dara Singh had to convert to Hinduism (Arya Samaj) in order to have film careers.  (though not sure why Dara kept 'Singh' in his name?)

6.  Hindi Dramas- in Hindi tv dramas Hindu woman are always depicted as ideal wives, doing religious ceremonies and running around after their Hindu husbands.  Where as Sikh women are shown as devious, running around with their 'bf' behind their parents backs etc.  again, why the double standard?

7.  Subramanium Swami-  theres footage on Youtube some where of him addressing some Hindus in USA I think, where he says Manmohan Singh "was only good at taking orders" and the audience start laughing exaggeratedly and hysterically (diss at Manmohan SIngh).  He also admits working with some other 'Singh' in his speech but lowers the tone when he mentions his name.  basically trying to take credit for Singhs work.  i can't find this anymore i suspect he had it taken down because it was at a small function in USA (he didn't want anyone to see it).

8.  Amrita Pritam vs Kamala Das

Indian media loves to hype up Amrita Pritam.  Pritam got famous for one (!) poem.   After she won a literary prize (which gave her money) she dumped her husband and started running after the most famous male poet at the time (a muslim).  he slept with her once then dumped her without telling her and got a hindu girlfriend instead.  she spent the rest of her life running after him.  now is a man acted like this after a woman people would say he was a loser and a creep, but Pritam is some how praised as some romance figure and great poet (for one poem?)

meanwhile, there was Hindu lady poet - Kamala Das, at the same time.  Das was very famous for a number of books (not just one poem).  After her husband died, she fell in love with a muslimsand converted to Islam.  And guess what?  She was blacklisted.  No one even bothers to mention her name anymore.  

Again, double standard?

9.  Master Madan- child prodigy at music.  Natural gift for singing.  was murdered by poising at age of 15.  funny, no one ever tied to poison any hindu or muslim singers?

10. Ishmeet Singh-  winner of Indias first national TV singing competition.  Found drowned in a swimming pool with signs of violence of his body (basically murdered) whilst on tour with other Hindu singers and crew.  Again, nothing like this has happened to any Hindu winners?  Btw, Ishmeet couldn't swim, so would not have gone into the pool by his own accord.

11.  Joyce Pettigrew- anthropologist working in India in the 80s.  When she suggested the situation with the Sikhs would be suitable for study, she was beaten and raped.

12.   Chandigarh- Panjab has to 'share' Chandigarh with Haryana.  No other state in India has to do this. 

guys add more points if you think of any.



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Yh Amrita pritam is very overrated. She's more famous for her affairs than her actual work. Media always mentions her affairs. Shiv Kumar batalvis work is a lot better than hers yet nobody outside of Punjab has heard of him. Amrita pritam was a slapper. 

Theres many indian pornstars  sahara knite, priya rai   etc   yet they got sunny leone and then they released that movie about her with kaur in the title when she doesnt even use kaur in her name. 

Currently theres a drama on colors tv called choti sardarni and it's about a sikh female who gets pregnant before marriage and then her mother forces an abortion and gets her married to a respectable sardar. 

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I’ve long seen what Bollywood promotes and it’s stuff like sex before marriage, “living in”, boyfriend/girlfriend relationships, alcohol, tobacco, drugs, and putting down Sikhs. It’s why i abhor it and don’t watch it.

I see many apni girls who look up to Bollywood. They are influenced by it, heavily so. Bollywood is a force of evil. 

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Shiv Kumar Batalvi is probably the most famous and bets known punjabi poet.  but this isnt a surprise since he is a hindu brahmin.  

if you read the guy's biography, halfway through his life someone gave him a job at a bank at Chandigarh.  in what way does being a 'poet' make you qualified to be a bank manager? lol.  (i.e. he just got that role based on his religion and caste.  typical of post-'independance' indian corruption.)

he also romanticised alcoholism and his poetry is very narcissistic.  

i saw an interview with him on youtube once and he was clearly drunk.  how is that respectable?  he cannot even show up to an interview sober.

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hindu guys, both in india and the west, also target sikh girls to use for sex and then dump.  i have seen it numerous times.

hindus see sikhs are lessor people, and see sikh women as ripe for exploitation.

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