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Sikhphobia Exposed - Hundreds of RSS BJP Hindu Extremists Terrorists on social media wish for another 1984 type Sikh genocide


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I wonder if twitter and instagram will act against explicit threats of terrorism and extreme violence against Sikh communities especially religious minorities. They seem to take down legitimate journalist Sikh social media accounts at the behest of the corrupt indian terrorist establishment recently yet strangely that same indian establishment that claims to be a democracy and treat everyone equally under the constitution has not spoken out against or taken action against RSS hindu extremist terrorists and their open support to genocide Sikhs just because a few Sikhs happened to put their flags on top of laal killa without taking the main indian national flag down that was still allowed to stand flying.

People used to say it was RSS that did the genocide in 1984 not just congress party, that RSS had the resources and the manpower to murder people in such a short time like they did in Gujarat in 2002 against muslims. It is a known fact that some RSS workers in 1984 were caught who actively took part in murdering innocent Sikh civilians blending in with congress workers because RSS the Hindu terror org is active in all political parties and all institutions of the indian Union.

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The hindu rastha / akhand bharat uthopia that these far right extremists are looking to create is essentially based on the racist / caste system with small number of priestly class elites (brahmins and kyshastriya's) at the top oppressing the lower caste masses. Don't think many "lower caste Hindu's" will be rushing to sign up for such an idea nor will pakistani or Bangladeshi's want to join if they don't see any benefits for themselves. And in order to create such a society they will need to do it by force not by persuasion and reason as no man is going to sign away his life and liberty for subjugation by another based on his caste.

The RSS lot openly admit their goals in their Instagram, twitter and other social media posts. Yet ironically they try to hoodwink and call for hindu unity from the lower castes to join them in their agenda against minorities. During the recent years bheem sena (lower castes) vs karti sena (brahmin) clashes they showed that they do not care about hindu unity but brahmin/kshastriya supremacy.

They promote the krishna philosophy which dictates that brahmin is above everyone in society (as they are given authority by their hindu god krishna) and must be listened to and served as masters over the other 3 castes. They are justify genocides of anyone who opposes their ideology pointing towards krishna how he ordered the genocide of relatives of arjuna on the battlefields in Mahabharata.






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