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Starting University...

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blush.gif I posted the article and started the thread because some people might find it useful especially those starting university in sharing my "personal" experience and thoughts. I know there are a lot of like-minded gurmukhs who are starting universities and worrying about the same problems as i worried so i thought by sharing my story those people may have assurance that pubs and clubs are nothing major and don't have to go to these places to have fun, make friends or be "socialable".

I apologise if the article was offensive for some people. I did not wish to portray (and I hope I haven't) that I am a better Gursikh or that my article is saying my way is the best way - all i wished to convey is the fruits and benefits of having faith in Guru Ji and following Guru ji's path (not my path).

Bhul chuk maaf


Manvir Singh Khalsa (aka sher_panjabi)

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(385-6, Awsw, mÚ 5)

aisaa karahu beechaar gi-aanee.

Consider this, O wise one,

(385-6, Awsw, mÚ 5)

jaa tay paa-ee-ai pad nirbaanee.

by which you may attain the state of Nirvaanaa.

(385-7, Awsw, mÚ 5)

aas paas bikhoo-aa kay kuntaa beech amrit hai bhaa-ee ray. ||1|| rahaa-o.

All around this garden are pools of poison, but within it is the Ambrosial Nectar, O Siblings of Destiny. ||1||Pause||

all around a gurmukh is poison, but sikhi is the amrit within, living amongst this poisonous world.  just look at where sikhi was born...


Excellent quote and point made! :)

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blush.gif I posted the article and started the thread because some people might find it useful especially those starting university in sharing my "personal" experience and thoughts. I know there are a lot of like-minded gurmukhs who are starting universities and worrying about the same problems as i worried so i thought by sharing my story those people may have assurance that pubs and clubs are nothing major and don't have to go to these places to have fun, make friends or be "socialable".

I apologise if the article was offensive for some people. I did not wish to portray (and I hope I haven't) that I am a better Gursikh or that my article is saying my way is the best way - all i wished to convey is the fruits and benefits of having faith in Guru Ji and following Guru ji's path (not my path).

Bhul chuk maaf


Manvir Singh Khalsa (aka sher_panjabi)


It's not offensive at all, but left me with the impression that you had choosen to take part in all Uni activities because of where they were being held. In effect a withdrawl from society because it did not fit in with your concept of morality.

For example, if your Uni mates had asked you to something to eat at a Harvester (which is a pub, and usually smoke free), would you have gone?

Say if one of your friends was playing in a band and was playing at a club, would you go to see him?

If you had been asked to President of The Societies and University, I presume you wouldn't have attended the meetings because they would be held at the Union, where alcohol is served?

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manvir singh i my paaji, he took amrit same time as me

13th sugust 2005  :)


lollll pehnjee, hope your in Chardi Kala Guroo Anng Sang :doh:

blush.gif I posted the article and started the thread because some people might find it useful especially those starting university in sharing my "personal" experience and thoughts. I know there are a lot of like-minded gurmukhs who are starting universities and worrying about the same problems as i worried so i thought by sharing my story those people may have assurance that pubs and clubs are nothing major and don't have to go to these places to have fun, make friends or be "socialable".

I apologise if the article was offensive for some people. I did not wish to portray (and I hope I haven't) that I am a better Gursikh or that my article is saying my way is the best way - all i wished to convey is the fruits and benefits of having faith in Guru Ji and following Guru ji's path (not my path).

Bhul chuk maaf


Manvir Singh Khalsa (aka sher_panjabi)


It's not offensive at all, but left me with the impression that you had choosen to take part in all Uni activities because of where they were being held. In effect a withdrawl from society because it did not fit in with your concept of morality.

For example, if your Uni mates had asked you to something to eat at a Harvester (which is a pub, and usually smoke free), would you have gone?

Say if one of your friends was playing in a band and was playing at a club, would you go to see him?

If you had been asked to President of The Societies and University, I presume you wouldn't have attended the meetings because they would be held at the Union, where alcohol is served?


goshhhh haha 1 article, 5 pages, LOL.gif

i knoww im asking for trouble (another 5 pages) by responing but lets see. rolleyes.gif

would head of islamic soc go to a pub to attend a meeting... we arent saying we would or wouldnt depends on circumstances.. anyway my SU do meeting in SU, or canteen not in bar.. loll

Bro get over your self really the article isnt a big deal but to help singhs and singhnee about to go uni... starting uni is stressful its just an attempt to say how a gursikh can keep his principles yet not with draw from society!

the harvester thing is just stupid mate reason being youll find that in most restaurants.. its prob best not to eat out then :TH:

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Waheguru ji ka khalsa waheguru ji ki fateh

from the bottom of my heart i apologise to the thread starter cos i dont think this was what he wanted it to turn out like or maybe he did :doh: @ lol but K_Singh peanuts and urine? I find that hard to believe but what has that got to do with going to the pub?what do ppl drink in?

veerji if u gonna post then consider the fact that their are readers like me who need everything spelt out clearly blush.gif

Waheguru ji ka khalsa waheguru ji ki fateh


sowwieee ji blush.gif but yeh, scientific research found urine samples in peanuts.. men/women dont relly wash their hands properly.. :doh: @ so erm even if u dont drink.. dont eat peanuts!!!! :)

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Waheguru ji ka khalsa waheguru ji ki fateh

from the bottom of my heart i apologise to the thread starter cos i dont think this was what he wanted it to turn out like or maybe he did :) @ lol but K_Singh peanuts and urine? I find that hard to believe but what has that got to do with going to the pub?what do ppl drink in?

veerji if u gonna post then consider the fact that their are readers like me who need everything spelt out clearly blush.gif

Waheguru ji ka khalsa waheguru ji ki fateh


Ignore it!

Only respond to sane responses, and not people looking for a fight. :TH:

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goshhhh haha 1 article, 5 pages,  LOL.gif

i knoww im asking for trouble (another 5 pages) by responing but lets see. rolleyes.gif

would head of islamic soc go to a pub to attend a meeting... we arent saying we would or wouldnt depends on circumstances.. anyway my SU do meeting in SU, or canteen not in bar.. loll


We are not Muslims, but Sikhs.

My was held in a club hall within the SU. By the resoning of some, I should be condemed to hell and damnation as a result.

Bro get over your self really the article isnt a big deal but to help singhs and singhnee about to go uni... starting uni is stressful its just an attempt to say how a gursikh can keep his principles yet not with draw from society!

the harvester thing is just stupid mate reason being youll find that in most restaurants.. its prob best not to eat out then :TH:


There's nothing to get over thanks, and if you read my responses fully you'll see who's making ridicoulous comments about strip clubs and sending 5 year old children to sleazy bars.

Thanks. :TH:

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Your last comment is totally unfair Randip, as I already said and now repeat in case you missed it, I said strip clubs when I was talking abt clubs in general- u were talking abt completely different 'clubs' and 'pubs' where its pretty respectable lol and I have to add- you and me are a completely different age so ur club and my club are worlds apart. lol. so if u talking abt harvester and i say strip club then it sounds ridiculous, If u wanna talk abt the clubs that my uni mates go to then saying strip club isnt so crazy blush.gif

Get over the comment i made, I dont like saying ur old and u keep making me say it :)

Waheguru ji ka khalsa waheguru ji ki fateh

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Randip brother, seems ilike you dont like reading my responses or even replying to them.

You really need to relax nobody is condemning you to hell because you eat at pubs etc. Just saying that your sikhi will not progress in such places and is more likely to decrease if this becomes your sangat.

In responses to your questions regarding friends eating in and playing at a club/pub then yes i would no problem is saying i dont eat/go to such places but i wish you all the best. Nothing hard in that is there?

All of ones actions must be based on his understading of his or her morals. In our case our morals need to be defined by gurmat and not society. I urge you again as it is evident that you have not done so, please go and read what gurbani says regarding this world and the truth and lies within it. To make it even easier for you just read the gurbani of Guru Tegh Bahadar Sahib Ji.

Why are you so hung up on one being detached from 'society'? Guru ji tells us constantly to seek the society of the saints and to leave that of other. Is that detaching from the world?

And for the quote given, yes the world is poison it is decitful and false and the gurmukh must shine through it. But where in that does it say that we should go to places where the poison is in greater concentration?

Fact of the matter is which you are refusing to comment on that gurmukhs do not and would not recommend going to such places. Simple. They and guru ji say go find sadhsangat. You are not going to find sadhsangat in a pub. Period.

Randip i know it is hard for you as this seems to be your chosen lifestyle which is your choice. But please try not to influence others with your own justifications which have no standing in gurmat. i say this not to offend you but in the politest way possible. I really recommend you study more, age does not always make one correct, and in this case you are not.

Ps could you send me that drawing of Sant Jarnail Singh Ji that you have as your picture, it is a very good drawing. Many thanks

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