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plz check out the following link.

me posted this up before but the admin surprisingly enough removed it (its vanished). . . is that sayin summit, any way post ur views up, as im sure thats what this forum is for, thank you


khalistan zindabaad

vaheguru ji ka khalsa vaheguru ji ki fathe :e: :e: :e: :e:

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sorry, but whats ure point?

they arent Sikhs and they are removed from the panth anyway. by u posting up that link, why dont u just get to it and prove whatever point u wanna prove.

no use in ppl saying that dhol guy shouldnt be allowed by Gurdwaras to play dhol on Vaisakhi days etc. DO something about it then. Right to the Gurdwaras. Not being funny, but hands up if u r the pardhaan of ure local Gurdwara comittee here? I expect hundreds of replies to match the amount of Gurdwaras.

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Fateh !

khalistan_zindabaad thanks for that link ..... it is very important that the Sikh Community is alert to the ongoings of these Narakdharis.

Veer jee can you post some info on this sect. I know abit about when they were government of india promoted to ridicule Sikhi. Especially in the late 70's and 80's.

Wasn't the 13 Shaheed of Vaisakhi 1978 murdered by these Narakdharis? (they call themselves Nirankaris)

Sorry Nama, dont see your point, he has got a good point of posting it. He is creating awareness, isn't that one of the reasons for these forums ??

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sorry, but whats ure point?

they arent Sikhs and they are removed from the panth anyway. by u posting up that link, why dont u just get to it and prove whatever point u wanna prove.

no use in ppl saying that dhol guy shouldnt be allowed by Gurdwaras to play dhol on Vaisakhi days etc. DO something about it then. Right to the Gurdwaras. Not being funny, but hands up if u r the pardhaan of ure local Gurdwara comittee here? I expect hundreds of replies to match the amount of Gurdwaras.


So whats your point ?

The post was to make you all aware of what was happening, obviously you know everything and see little point in the post.

I still fail to see why admin deleted the thread. It would be nice to know. Appears to me that they do not want people to be aware that the naraqtharis are building a following in the UK. Rather than delete a thread why dont they lock a thread and indicate their reasons for doing so. I thought censorship issues were one of the reasons for these new forums.

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veerjee, although we know they are not sikhs and have been excluded and we must not talk to them under akal takhat hukamnama.

how many gorai or other people know that?

he has a turban, he got the dhari, classify him as a sikh. thats what i think gorai will think.

alot of gorai will have the impression, he is a sikh because of his appearence, and because of the government controleld media, how many outsiders will know about what the narakdharis do? (insult guru sahib).

it was exceleent how someone managed to post and tell us the info.

gustaphi maaf

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vaheguru ji ka khalsa, vaheguru ji ki fathe,

its good that some ppl are replying to this post, and that the admin are not deleting the post, because all we are doing is raising awareness and nothing else, which i am sure why this web site, forum was created, read below

i have taken the following from sikhlionz.com

"The Fanatic Nirankari Cult"- written by Independent Journalists

With the Fanatic "Nirankari" Sect, Indira Gandhi hoped to destroy Sikh unity by attempting to destroy the fabric of the Sikh religion. In the 1970s, she gave their leader, Gurbachan, a diplomatic passport so that he could travel the world and spread his blasphemous "preaching". He openly declared that he would put his foot on the Guru Granth Sahib, claimed that the 11th Guru was just a bundle of papers and that he was the real Guru. These "Nirankaris" were first thought of as a menace but ignored, then in Vaisakhi 1978, they held a procession shouting filthy slogans against the Satguru and shouting insults at the Sikh religion. About 125 GurSikhs decided to hold a peaceful protest against the procession of Nirankaris. The Nirankaris had named themselves Bibi Nanaki ji, Bhagat Kabir ji and other names to insult Sikhs. The Nakali Nirankari leader said that Guru Gobind Singh made Panj Pyarai (5 beloved ones) and so he would make sat sitarai (7stars).

Bloody Massacre at Amritsar, Vaisakhi 1978

On 13th April 1978 sikhs gathered at Amritsar for the Vasakhi celebrations. Kirtan had started from Amrit Vela and at about 10 o'clock a message was received. The message said that

the followers of Nakali Nirankari Gurbachan Singh were holding a procession in Amritsar and were shouting slogans against the Satguru and shouting insults against the Sikh religion.

All the Sikh Sangat knew very well that the Nakali Nirankaris had been doing these things for the past few years. The Nirankaris had given degrading names to some GurSikhs including Mata Tripta Ji, Bhai Gurdas Ji, Bibi Nanaki Ji, Baba Budha Ji, Bhai Lalo Ji, Bhagat Kabir Ji. They called the Siri Guru Granth Sahib Ji a bundle of papers, and they called Kar Sewa, Bikar Sewa. The Nakali Nirankari leader said that Guru Gobind Singh Ji had made 5 Panj Pyarai, I shall

make 7. Once he had even dared to place his foot on the Siri Guru Granth Sahib Ji.

Bhai Fauja Singh heard the news from the loudspeaker when he was kneading the dough for the langar. He washed his hands and rushed to the congregation. He delivered a short speech, explaining the dire situation and drew a line, asking for those who are willing to receive martyrdom to cross it. Bhai Joginder Singh Talwara asked children and women not to go. However many "Bibian" still insisted on going. After performing Ardas, the Gursikhs bowed before the Satguru and went off to Ramdas Niwas.

Upon reaching Ramdas Niwas they found that the procession had finished. The Gursikhs then decided that they should go to the place where the Nirankaris had gathered and do a peaceful protest against the insults shouted at the Satguru. It is known that some of the Sikhs of the Akhand Kirtani Jatha and the Bhindra (Damdami Taksal) Jatha reached the Reego Bridge near Gobind Gar, where they were stopped by the police authorities. The Singhs told the police about the insults shouted at the Sikh Gurus and the Sikh Religion in the procession, and which were being shouted at their gathering, which was taking place at that time. These insults could be heard clearly from where they were standing. They told the police that they wanted to do a protest against the organisers of the gathering about the shouting of these insults. A police officer told the Singhs that he would go and stop the Nirankaris and for them to remain there. The police officer went to where the Nirankaris had gathered and the Sikhs waited for 30 minutes for him to return. On his return there were more policemen with him. Joshi D.S.P told the Jatha of Singhs to go back and that the meeting had finished a long time ago.

But at that time violence provoking speeches could be heard on the loudspeakers.

Then about 5-6000 uniformed Nirankaris rushed towards the 200-300 Singhs carrying rifles, guns, spears, swords, bow and arrows, sticks and within seconds attacked with stones, acid bottles, hand-made bombs, firing their guns and throwing spears. The Singhs that were hit with bullets fell on the ground and were butchered with swords, spears and axes. When the ground became covered with bodies of the dead and wounded, the police fired tear gas, but even that was towards the Jatha of Singhs, so the Nirankaris received even more help and the

Singhs received even more injuries.

Bhai Fauja Singh was fired upon by the Superintendent of Police, who emptied his 32-calibre pistol into Bhai Fauja Singh`s chest. These were not the only bullets he was to receive that day, but he kept standing, uttering only "Waheguru". Two Sikhs attempted to carry the still breathing and chanting Bhai Fauja Singh to the hospital for treatment, but those two were arrested by the Police. Bhai Fauja Singh`s body was taken by the Police and put into the "Dead Wagon". Again, another Sikh came upon Bhai Fauja Singh and found him breathing and still

uttering "Waheguru". He attempted to help, but half an hour later, when Bibi Amarjit Kaur arrived, Bhai Sahib had attained martyrdom.

The Eye Witness Account of Dalbir Singh.

Dalbir Singh was a former communist who had devoted himself to trade union activities for more than a decade, and is one of many who believe that the Nirankaris had fought the Sikhs with a pre-conceived plan. At the time of the clash he was a correspondent of "The Tribune", based at Amritsar.

"It was 13 April 1978 afternoon. I had returned home from a routine beat of

Amritsar. I was taking a nap after lunch when the telephone rang. Someone, who

refused to identify himself, told me that several persons have been killed in a

firing at the Nirankari convention. I rushed out to the stadium at the railway

colony. There were many dead bodies that were strewn outside the venue of the

convention. I did not yet know what had happened. I wondered around and met

Govind Singh, a son-in-law of the Nirankari Guru, on the stage of the

convention. Govind Singh first led me to a tent in which there were many armed

persons. He entered it but immediately turned to lead me to another tent in

which some Nirankaris were chatting with Deputy Superintendent of Police. I

approached him and explained that I had seen some armed men who might have been

the killers. The officer, however, ignored this information. The next day, the

police searched the Nirankari center in Amritsar for the killers and their

weapons. They had let the killers scatter, when they could still have been

nearby, to catch scapegoats one day after the incident."

Dalbir Singh maintains that the local administration had allowed the main culprits to escape.

(Courtesy :Ram Narayan Kumar)

D.S.P Joshi was responsible for shooting Bhai Fauja Singh, and not allowing any of the GurSikhs medical attention. Eventually the police took the bodies of the "Shaheed Singhs" to the morgue, and some wounded Singhs were taken to hospital.

The astonishing thing is that the gathering of the Nirankaris continued for 3 and a half hours after this bloody massacre. It has also become known that the D.C of Gurdaspur Naranjan Singh I.A.S and other senior officers were present in the gathering during the killing of the unarmed Singhs. It is clear that the authorities of the Amritsar district allowed the Nakali Nirankaris to do the procession in the Sikhs main city Amritsar on Vaisakhi. The authorities are

guilty of allowing the Nirankaris complete freedom and not dealing with them properly at the right time, and they should have been punished accordingly.

The government did make a Panel of Doctors for the post mortem of the dead bodies. It has become known that Mr Janjooha D.C ordered the post mortems of some of the Singhs to be done only by one doctor and the government orders were not carried out. The D.C was also involved with the Nirankaris.

The press also printed the news details of the incident incorrectly. The Singhs of the Akhand Kirtani Jatha and the Bhindra (Damdami Taksal) Jatha were called fanatics. Harbhajan Singh Yogi responded stating, "Today I read the newspaper report in which it was said, ‘ a body of fanatic Sikhs’. If doing kirtan and defending the good name of our father Guru Gobind Singh Ji makes us fanatics, then we welcome this allegation. Remember, those who do not defend the grace of their father are never worthy of respect on the earth. These martyrs of Amritsar have shown us that we shall live in grace; if it is not possible, we choose to die in


The killing of the Jatha of Singhs by the Nirankari leader Gurbachan Singh was a very big crime. We ask where did these acid bottles, bricks, stones, guns, pistols, spears, swords and sticks come from? By giving the order to kill the Singhs, the leader of the Nirankaris Gurbachan Singh was the main guilty party of the bloody massacre and should have been punished severely for this according to the law.

In this bloody massacre 13 Singhs were martyred and there were more than 70 wounded. Many of them left wives and children. The names of the 13 Shaheed Singhs are:

Bhai Fauja Singh s/o Surain Singh, Amritsar

Bhai Avtar Singh s/o Bhagwan Singh Kuda Kurala, Hoshiarpur

Bhai Harbhajan Singh s/o Jagat Singh, Bhattian, Gurdaspur

Bhai Piara Singh s/o Kishan Singh, Bhungrani, Hoshiarpur

Bhai Raghbir Singh s/o Nawab Singh, Bhagupur, Amritsar

Bhai Gurcharan Singh s/o Daleep Singh, New Model Town, Ludhiana

Bhai Gurdial Singh s/o Sohan Singh, Mode, Amritsar

Bhai Amrik Singh s/o Kundan Singh, Khujala, Amritsar

Bhai Dharambir Singh s/o Lal Singh, Ajeet Nagar, Amritsar

Bhai Kewal Singh s/o Amar Singh, Prem Garh, Hoshiarpur

Bhai Hari Singh s/o Gurcharan Singh, Kot Ralia Ram, Amritsar

Bhai Ranbir Singh Fauji s/o Kala Singh, Thraj, Faridkot

Baba Darshan Singh s/o Achhar Singh Ji, Mehtha, Amritsar

The funeral of the 13 Singhs took place on Saturday 15/4/78 in front of Gurdwara

Siri Ramsar Sahib in front of a large congregation of about 25-30,000 people.

All the Shaheed GurSikhs were cremated together. excerpt from the book


Unfortunately, because Gurbachan had a Diplomatic Passport he was able to go abroad into America, Canada and England spreading his filth to the Idiots willing to hear. The Sikhs decided to put a stop to this and issued a Hukkhamnama, from the Akal Takht, stating that all Sikhs should excommunicate ALL Nirankaris and permanently boycott any form of relations with them, and NOT allow these Nirankaris to flourish in any society. Now, many decades on, they flourish in Britain, the west and even control some Gurdwaras in Canada, and use the Internet to spread their propaganda. By the Hukkham of the Akal Takht, It is the duty of every Sikh to stop them…

Khalistan zindabaad,

long live' sant jarnail singh ji khalsa ji 'bhindranvale', may maharaj keep them in chardi kalaa

pull chuck maaf karni

vahe guru ji ka khalsa vaheguru ji ki fathe

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vaheguru ji ka khalsa, vaheguru ji ki fathe,

its good that some ppl are replying to this post, and that the admin are not deleting t.........................................................anently boycott any form of relations with them, and NOT allow these Nirankaris to flourish in any society. Now, many decades on, they flourish in Britain, the west and even control some Gurdwaras in Canada, and use the Internet to spread their propaganda. By the Hukkham of the Akal Takht, It is the duty of every Sikh to stop them…

Khalistan zindabaad,

long live' sant jarnail singh ji khalsa ji 'bhindranvale', may maharaj keep them in chardi kalaa

pull chuck maaf karni

vahe guru ji ka khalsa vaheguru ji ki fathe


Have you seen what these lunatic Narankari's have written about these events............talk about lieing through your teeth......



Quite predictably, the voice of truth first raised by Baba Buta Singh Ji and Baba Avtar Singh Ji and now spread by Baba Gurbachan Singh Ji was opposed by the orthodox. The rapid progress of the Mission under the divine leadership of Baba Gurbachan Singh Ji, in fact, upset these elements to the level of desperation. Baba Ji called upon them to first understand the Mission and then point out if there was anything wrong. But all his gestures fell flat on them. Nirankari congregations were disturbed at many places. Violent attacks were also reported from several centers. The worst in the chain was the attack on the Baisakhi Samagam in Amritsar on April 13th, 1978. Baba Gurbachan Ji was scheduled to address the Samagam. But before he arrived, about 200 fanatics attacked the congregation. The police opened fire. Eighteen precious lives were lost. The incident was followed by a court case. Several Nirankari saints remained in judicial custody for more than two years before they were acquitted honourably. The case was declared to be false and fabricated. The court passed severe strictures against then government for filing a totally false case against innocent Nirankaris. The court held fanatics responsible for brutal attack on peaceful Nirankari congregation.

While the case was on, Baba Gurbachan Singh Ji did not sit back due to the turmoil. He declared that such opposition Truth had always to face and the greatest quality of the saints is that they do not feel frustrated realising that the Truth is on their side and it must triumph in the long run. There was, therefore, no let up in the activities of the Mission.

The opposition, however, did not end with the historic Karnal verdict in the Amritsar case, acquitting all the accused Nirankaris, including Baba Gurbachan Singh Ji, honourably. The fanatics made Baba Gurbachan Singh Ji personally the target of their violence. They made an attempt on his life first in Kanpur in Uttar Pradesh and then near Durg in Madhya Pradesh. Ultimately, Baba Ji fell to their bullets in Delhi on April 24, 1980. Naturally, every peace-loving person lamented and condemned the senseless act of the fanatics as an attack on love and peace by the forces of hatred and violence. " An Apostle of God's glory, a Messiah of human unity and a true social reformer, had fallen prey to religious intolerance", commented newspapers. It was another blot on human history, said the intellectuals. And the peace-loving humanists felt that humanism had been ravaged.

Mere condemnation of the brutal act would, however, not suffice. The entire Nirankari world was in dismay. Their sense of tolerance as also the patience was under severe stress. It was only for His Holiness Baba Hardev Singh Ji Maharaj to come to their rescue. He put aside his own worldly sentiments usual for a son on the tragic demise of his father and consoled every follower of the Mission to face the tragedy boldly and without any feeling of vengeance.

v2.gif .........Bunch of lieing scum bags............

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vaheguru ji ka khalsa, vaheguru ji ki fathe

thats wat i wud expect the narakdharis to write, its soooo typical of them, now they try to act as tho they have done nothing wrong, they have actually got quite alot of political power in england aswell as india, they have got quite alot of info about themselves on the bbc website, wat r the sangats views about these pple

vaheguru ji ka khalsa,

vaheguru ji ki fathe

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    • Bro, reciting a shorter Chaupai Sahib is hardly "anti-Dasam". It's fine to argue that the longer Chaupai is more traditional, but the short one isn't anti-Dasam. That's like claiming shorter Rehras is anti-Guru Granth Sahib ji just because there are fewer selections from Guru Granth Sahib. It might not be traditional, but it's not anti-Guru Granth Sahib. I prefer the longer versions, but let's not exaggerate. Every tradition has a slightly different Rehras version. Nanaksar vs Taksal vs Nihangs and so on. The basic template for Rehras is at the beginning of Guru Granth Sahib ji. Later, Chaupai Sahib was added and Anand Sahib always follows as the end of a process. Then some sangats added more saloks to start Rehras and others were added at the end. Some additional selections from Dasam Bani were also added, but it wasn't the same ones for every sangat. The important thing is to not hate on each other for these variations.
    • Umm, so you're upset that this jatha did Chaupai the same way it's being done at Harimandar Sahib for 100 years? Shouldn't you be upset at the manager of Darbar Sahib? I'm not saying that Sikhs who are aware of certain issues shouldn't do the longer Chaupai, but there are only so many battles you can fight. Instead of calling some jatha traitors because they're doing the (for better or worse) "standard" Chauapai published by the SGPC, it would be better to change things from the central point. You can't fault the average Sikh for picking up the average Gutka and doing paath.
    • It's the same here in Toronto. Alot of the gudwaras here are political orientated and get tons of funding from the government-probably want them stay hush hush with all the BS that has been happening with India.  These guys are skewing gurbani. A complaint was sent to a ragi singh a couple of days ago in regards to a hukamnama. 
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