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Sikh Converted To Islam!


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Please complain to the student union for why they (an academic body) let an event which is in direct breach of UK Law by causing racial hatred.

In the meeting, an "Aman Daliwal" the former Sikh, announced he was never a Sikh before he embraced islam.

Leaflets were handed out to let people know. Coventry Singhs no longer attend the uni therefore we were unable to intervene before but it has not come to attention.

Please lobby and complain to the student union and pass the message on for others to do the same so the uni can now pay for their incompetence.


Jo Thompson, manager

024 76 795205


we CAN NOT allow to this to happen again!

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

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Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa! Waheguru Ji Ke Fateh!

sorry im stupid i didnt understand

could you please explain???

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa! Waheguru Ji Ke Fateh!

Basically the islam society held an event to downgrade sikhi.

They had someone from a sikh punjabi background, claim to embrace islam.

More details are on the way.

another email address to contact is


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What attempts have been made to sort this out without spreading this all over forums and text messaging everyone?

I know Student Unions and I know they are normally professional about such sensitive matters. I cant believe all these telephone numbers have been pasted above without the Cov Sikh Society themselves trying to sort the situation out.

Whats done is done and its too late to stop the events which have past but i am sure that if this is carried out in a professional manner, the SU and the University will give us a bit more credit.

Just my two cents.

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What attempts have been made to sort this out without spreading this all over forums and text messaging everyone?

I know Student Unions and I know they are normally professional about such sensitive matters. I cant believe all these telephone numbers have been pasted above without the Cov Sikh Society themselves trying to sort the situation out.

Whats done is done and its too late to stop the events which have past but i am sure that if this is carried out in a professional manner, the SU and the University will give us a bit more credit.

Just my two cents.

Cov Sikh Soc this yr is not yet set up formally as said, singhs are not at the uni to do the seva. Not many people opted to do the seva due to the sanatan influence in previous years. Talks are underway with the uni to resolve and re establish the society for the coming new academic yr.

THe numbers above are direct to the students union, they have a responsibilty to now investigate.

The above was only discovered today, AFTER the event had taken place.

What attempts do you suggest, awareness needs to be made, hence the need for the prevention of this happening again in other unis.

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What attempts have been made to sort this out without spreading this all over forums and text messaging everyone?

I know Student Unions and I know they are normally professional about such sensitive matters. I cant believe all these telephone numbers have been pasted above without the Cov Sikh Society themselves trying to sort the situation out.

Whats done is done and its too late to stop the events which have past but i am sure that if this is carried out in a professional manner, the SU and the University will give us a bit more credit.

Just my two cents.

Cov Sikh Soc this yr is not yet set up formally as said, singhs are not at the uni to do the seva. Not many people opted to do the seva due to the sanatan influence in previous years. Talks are underway with the uni to resolve and re establish the society for the coming new academic yr.

THe numbers above are direct to the students union, they have a responsibilty to now investigate.

The above was only discovered today, AFTER the event had taken place.

What attempts do you suggest, awareness needs to be made, hence the need for the prevention of this happening again in other unis.

Sikh Soc still has nothing to do with this. What response have you had yourself from the SU? Why not talk with them first, meet with them first, before going and spreading fone numbers and emails on forums, etc?

The SU will see it as a <admin-profanity filter activated>-for-tat thing, the way you guys have gone about this. You could have tried to sort this out humbly with the SU first. "When all other means of communication have failed, it is then righteous to withdraw the sword". You begin with basics which is liasing with the SU first on a smaller scale and get bigger if those actions do not work.

In terms of awareness... well, its our own fault for not having a Sikh Soc setup there, no one elses really. We should tackle the issue of parchaar on its own merit, not do it because he is saying this or she is saying that.

I am just giving my suggestions here, please dont take it the wrong way that im dictating to you what to do and please forgive my mistakes.

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Guest militant singh

They are also doing one in Central London at a medical college,and are inviting this stupid girl called aman dhaliwal or whatever shes called ,its on Thursday 1st Singhs make sure you make your way there its based in Russel Sq Central London more info on its way,.......................................The college dnt care the dean of the college/uni dont care either this is causing racial hatered and we wnt stand 4 it !!..she will be appearing with a host of radical talkers inculding the ''tipton 3' sum terrorist guys 4rm Guantanamo bay,and will be degrading da Sikh Faith.............MORE INFO COMMING YOUR WAY...........................Any1 got the Number for Sikh awareness society guys, we need 2 chat 2 'em

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They are also doing one in Central London at a medical college,and are inviting this stupid girl called aman dhaliwal or whatever shes called ,its on Thursday 1st Singhs make sure you make your way there its based in Russel Sq Central London more info on its way,.......................................The college dnt care the dean of the college/uni dont care either this is causing racial hatered and we wnt stand 4 it !!..she will be appearing with a host of radical talkers inculding the ''tipton 3' sum terrorist guys 4rm Guantanamo bay,and will be degrading da Sikh Faith.............MORE INFO COMMING YOUR WAY...........................Any1 got the Number for Sikh awareness society guys, we need 2 chat 2 'em

I have obtained a copy of the leaflet being handed out at the Medical College in Central London and it reads as the following: ISLAMIC AWARENESS WEEK 2007 '''My experience in Guantanamo A first hand account of the ex detainees at the Guantanamo bay camp Monday 26th Feb The Tipton Three JHLT 5PM Hey mum i'm a Muslim! A former Sikh & Christian tell their story of how they chose to become a Muslim Thrusaday 1st March 2007 Omar Abdullah Kate & Aman Dhaliwal JHLT 5PM Women in Islam -the reality of women in Islam as opposed to prevalent stereotypes Friday 2nd March Haytham Tayeb JHLT 5PM Everyone Welcome There will also be a charity stall selling cakes,sweets, and other snacks outside the refectory during the same week More Info: available at the stall For More info email sop_brothers@yahoo.co.uk or sop_sisters@yahoo.co.uk ''' Sadh Sangat Jiyo This is just one leaflet i have got hold of there is another one circulating which has content of what i can call ''incitement to racial hatred not only does it disrespect Sikhism by calling it false but also other faiths,but they are bragging about this Aman Dhaliwal, I will try and get the other leaflet as well as the one above scanned and t you ASAP WjkkwjkF!

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