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Correct Date Please

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According to Jail Chithiyaan, Bhai Sahib Bhai Randhir Singh ji met Bhagat Singh on October 4, 1930, which was exactly 77 years ago from today as today its October 4, 2007. Bhagat Singh wrote an article "Why I am an atheist" and the date given is October 5-6, 1930. I ran a number of searches on Google and a number of sources have the date as October 5-6, 1930. Certain sources also say that Bhai Sahib lost his temper and failed to convince Bhagat Singh, and said to him "You are giddy with fame and have developed and ago which is standing like a black curtain between you and the God". It is believed that Bhagat Singh wrote "Why I am an atheist" in response to Bhai Sahib.

I need the correct date as to when did Bhagat Singh actually wrote that article, as the media and historians use their dates to discredit Bhai Sahib. Jail Chithiyaan states the meeting took place on October 4, 1930, and so the article should have been written before that date, not after as what has been fed to the world.

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Anyone have any idea about the date? I am asking because this is something which is of concern. Bhai Sahib says it was October 4, 1930 at 6:00 PM, and most other sources on Bhagat Singh, some of which don't even his meeting with Bhai Sahib have the date of Bhagat Singh's article as October 5-6, 1930. There is a clear contradiction and we have to find a real date that should be before October 5-6, 1930, otherwise those guys can get away with their argument that Bhai Sahib failed to convince him, and so Bhagat Singh wrote his article on atheism the very next day after he met Bhai Sahib.

So please understand the seriousness of the contradiction and find me the actual date.

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Right, I've researched on this and this is what i found out...

Sahib Magazine, (a punjabi magazine published from the UK) had a special issue commerating Bhagat Singhs Shaheedi in March 2007. According to the Articles by people in that Bhagat Singh NEVER wrote that article.

According to the article, There was a deal with Gandhi and the British to release all Political prisoners from jail. The Britsh however did not class Bhagat Singh as a political prisoner but as a terrorist (throwing bombs in assembly and the murder of sanders)!! As a terrorist He was not allowed any facilities which were available to political prisoners. These included books, paper writing material.

Bhai Sahib Bhai Randhir Singh WAS a political Prisoner. They mention that political prisoners who were allowed these facilities, including themself, still had their letters censored, books seized and writing materials taken away. The theory goes that Bhagat Singh did not write that article or any other as he was not allowed to!!! Instead, Comrades (Communists) who planned to outline Bhagat Singh as one of them and a follower of Arya Samaj wrote these articles and used Bhagat singh's name!! (Just so you know, communists don't believe in God)

According to Sources, Bhagat Singh accepted his mistake for cutting his hair and after meeting Bhai Sahib Bhai Randhir Singh Ji, Bhagat Singh decided to grow his hair back!!

Hope this helps...At the end of the day, this MAY just be a theory!!!

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