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Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa! Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh! Guru Pyaree Saadh Sangat Jio, I'd like to do a humble benti and invite you all to The Word Youth Kirtan Darbar in Gravesend.... The Kirtan Darbar will be at the Guru Nanak Darbar Gurdwara Clarence Place Gravesend Kent... The Kirtan Darbar will be on the 5th of July (a day after the shaheedi divas of Amar Shaheed Baba Mani Singh Ji)... From 6pm till late... Featuring a surprise guest jatha.... For a map of the location please visit www.boss-uk.org If anyone wants more info or can help to do kirtan seva please contact the sevadars on sukh_100@hotmail.com or phone 07952558940. The Kirtan Darbar is going to be held…
Last reply by Sukha Singh, -
- 9 replies
I am Gursimar Singh, and I know some of think I am mindless because I am jus 11. But no, I went to a Sikh camp for 2 weeks in the summer. But I wish it was longer. A lot of kids my age think the same way as me but youare older, if you want me of Sikh Sangat, I understand completely. :D ) ; :D Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa! Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!
Last reply by Tejvir Kaur, -
- 0 replies
Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa! Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!In this age of fast and electronic communications, I would like to know what links do the S.G.P.C. and the different Takhats in India and all the Gurdwaras in India as well as abroad have? What I would like to know is whether all of them as stated above have been hooked up in a common server so that whatever decisions or mattas or hukumnamas are issued by the S.G.P.C. or the Akal Takhat are sent across to all through the net or the computer technology. For this to take place , all of them have to have a computer set in their premises or Gurdwaras so that the same is communicated with the Sikh masses all over…
Last reply by gupt faujaan, -
- 0 replies
Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa! Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!! Dhanaasree mehlaa 5 ghar 8 dupday (Page 679) Dhanaasaree, Fifth Mehl, Eighth House, Du-Padas: Dhanaasree mehlaa 5 ghar 8 dupday (Page 679) ik-oNkaar satgur parsaad. One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru: simra-o simar simar sukh paava-o saas saas samaalay. Remembering, remembering, remembering Him in meditation, I find peace; with each and every breath, I dwell upon Him. ih lok parlok sang sahaa-ee jat kat mohi rakhvaalay. ||1|| In this world, and in the world beyond, He is with me, as my help and support; wherever I go, He protects me. ||1|| gur kaa bachan basai jee-a naalay. The …
Last reply by gupt faujaan, -
norway ... any sikhs?
by Guest Accounting singh- 2 replies
any bros from norway? bergen .. yee reping
Last reply by Deep Singh, -
- 1 reply
Sadhsangat Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh [edit] The suggestions are as under : There is Satguru Guru Granth Sahib Ji for our guidance. ikaa banee ik gur iko sabad veechaar. (Page 646, Line 8) The Satguru Jis bani is my asset. anhad banee poonjee. (Page 893, Line 19) The Hazra Hazoor Guru Granth Sahib Ji is the living Satguru and can be realized and felt with his highness Shabads. pavan (shabad) guroo (Page 8, Line 10) banee guroo guroo hai banee vich banee amrit saaray. (Page 982, Line 10) The Satguru Guru Granth is Hazra Hazoor and is Akal (free from death). antar baahar tayree banee. (Page 99, Line 13) jis kee banee tis maahi samaan…
Last reply by joga singh, -
- 5 replies
Waheguru ji ka khalsa, waheguru ji ke fateh Sat sri akaal to all of my brothers and sisters. My name is Gurpreet Kaur, i've joined this forum as i've heard i can put my thoughts/opinions forward to all the fellow sikh youths. I am only 14 years of age, and sumthing has been troubling me for a very long time. About a week back i received an e-mail about a new film that is cuming out, called 'larki punjaban'. This film is about a sikh girl who is seperated from her family in the 1947 final cynical act of the collapsing empire. Wen she is seperated she turns to a muslim boy for help and protection, but then falls in love with him, they get married and she converts to islam…
Last reply by Balait_da_Sher, -
- 11 replies
Vahegurooo jee Sadh sangat...i was on www.sikhnet.com, and i saw this... it disturbed me quite a bit....see for your self.. "From traditional Raag to Western-style chants, SikhNet brings you the finest in today's music. Now, take that music home with you through our Sikh Music Club. Take those words and the sacred sounds of Gurbani with you wherever you go. Snatam Kaur's highly acclaimed, newly released Album, is now available! Deep, powerful and resounding, this Album is without a doubt Snatam's best ever. Shanti means peacefulness; That inner peace that comes when one is living truth, existing as one with the entire creation. This CD embodies and imparts that peace a…
Last reply by S1ngh, -
- 2 replies
Author: Kulbir Singh Date: 04-17-03 15:53 One day Guru Sahib - Guru Gobind Singh jee asked sangat who the king was during the time of Bhagat Kabir jee. One Sikh said that the king was Humayun. Another Sikh got up and said that the king was in fact Babur. Another Sikh suggested that the king during the time of Bhagat Kabir jee was Sikandar Lodhi. Many other guesses were made. All this time Guru Sahib kept smiling and did not approve of any name. In the end, Guru Sahib said that the purpose of his question was to tell that the bhagat (devotee of Vaheguru) is greater than any other person in the world. He said that this is a perfect example that all of the sangat kno…
Last reply by me moorakh mugadh, -
- 15 replies
Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ke Fateh! How come Singhnees always have to wear pajamis with their cholas and Singhs dont have to? Like how the Singh's just wear their kachera under their cholla but singhnees have to wear pajamis. I am just wondering because I have never seen a Singhnee do that before. Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ke Fateh!
wana take amrit need help 1 2
by Guest abhilakhi- 13 replies
vaheguru ji ka khalsa vaheguru ji ki fateh i need help. before i was sure i wanted to take amrit from akj, but now talking with so many other people, they have told me not to. im so lost. they have told me things that i never thught or knew about akj. why is this happening to me. i want to take amrit, as soon as possible, and was so ready to take it at TO samagam.now so many problems have arised. my mind is asking so many question .."are u sure u doing the tight thing by taking amrit from akj? are u sure they follwo the true rahet? are u sure u will be able to follw teh rahe?...dont u think the way they have "akj" thing...is simler to Bahramnism?" and so many mo…
food for thought
by Guest anorexic singhnee- 8 replies
hey man i cant eat any food in the langar hall cause im anorexic does that make me a paapi?
Last reply by Son of Guru Gobind Singh Ji, -
by Guest SikhForLife- 7 replies
i think we should make a separate section for articles.. everyone is posting way too many in this and other threads! - a request thax
Last reply by Blazing Singh, -
one after another
by Guest mehtab- 2 replies
sometimes its a freaking stupid movie like ladki punjaban then its a dam game like hitman then its ppl like kala afghana then those like narinder grewal if nothing else, bollywood is always there to disgrace the Sikh identity and on top of this, people mistake Sikhs as Muslims and target them :g :v :g :v man there are so many problems facing us today i m getting sick n tired but as Sikhs we have to fight them n keep moving forward for that we need to unite first n foremost the general Indian public is also fed up of watching Sikhs portrayed as clowns, as they know it for a fact that Sikhs are hardworking and smart people movie banaan ton fer ni…
Last reply by Blazing Singh, -
- 4 replies
Vaaheguroo jee This is a poem i wrote a while back...when i was in much pain and confusion...it means alot to me, so i thought i would share this with the sangat...let me know what you think of this....for i am merely a helpless paapi in this world... O My Waheguru O My Waheguru Help me see the light O my Waheguru Help me clear my sight Help me meditate on the name of the Lord Help me overcome the meaningless importance of the world For time is nothing I can afford O My Waheguru Help me see the light O My Waheguru Help me clear my sight Help me from getting caught Help me utter your name in every thought Help me and save me from this fight that I have fo…