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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/24/2016 in Posts

  1. Sikh Sangat Ji, Vaheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Vaheguru Ji Ke Fateh! I shall try my best to put into the smallest amount of words what I am looking for and why. As a person, I had never been in touch with my emotions, nor did I ever consider this an omission in my life. With Guru's Kirpa, I was given the ability to really understand my emotions, and I began to develop, in all directions. This was an unimaginable experience for me, but at the time, of course, I didn't stop to think of how incredible I felt, because it felt so natural and real. This probably lasted for a month or two. And that may sound short, well, it indeed does, but I was in chardikala! Time wasn't on my mind! Unfortunately everything went downhill, and I experienced the worst period of my life yet. I went from having 15 years of an average life, to a month of amazing realisations, to the worst year possible. I could write pages about all of this but that is pointless right now. It has been over a year now and I've only improved a bit in that I am not as numb and negative about life, but a bit, means a bit. I am amritdhari and as far as I can remember I haven't enjoyed myself at the Gurdwara, or willingly gone, in months. I haven't done any paath in months, probably over a year, except the rare occasion. I just can't bring myself to do anything, really. Being stuck in this limbo phase is something unimaginable, just like the time I was enjoying my life. Having experienced such chardikala (of which I am sure was just the beginning) I am gutted that I can't seem to get back there. For over a year now I don't understand how I will ever get back there. Everything has just worsened. Additionally, I am not close to any of my family nor do I have Sikh friends. I have a couple of close-ish friends, although I have realised that as I've been trying to 'get back up' I have basically just been letting myself get influenced by them and their thoughts; things that I would never ask myself or things that I would say "Why waste your time thinking about or doing that when you could be practising Kirtan, doing paath, practising Gurbani Santhiya! Writing this now I barely feel a thing. Thinking about the good times has definitely improved my mood, but it isn't enough. Pleaseeeeeeee please please, just write any of your thoughts. Your advice, opinions, experience, anything. Please. I am ready to get back up, slowly and steadily. I don't mean to offend anyone or come across as dramatic but I am quite all over the place so please don't pick at everything I say. Bhul chuk maaf
    2 points
  2. I know how you feel. When life becomes unbearable we do all sorts of things and think of deep thoughts. I know this from experience all you have when you are totally lost and isolated is Maharaj. You get to a point when you give up on everyone and everything sometimes even Rehat. I did. Somedays you really struggle. Think of it as Maharaj reminding us we are human. I spent my life on point with God's grace. Didn't step out of line until the whole world turned upside down and so on. I did the most reckless and unimaginable things. Doing bad things doesn't make you a bad person. I mean me, not calling you 'bad' or manmat at all. I punished myself for the bad things. Then I gradually realised it's a way of dealing when we're in not such a good place. I don't know what made you upset but I can relate to it in a different way. Think of Guru Ji and Sahibzade and all the shaheeds. When I lose the will I just sit and think of inspirational stories. Sometimes even that doesn't help and sometimes it feels like God doesn't listen to Ardas and Paath and I get impatient but atleast when we die we can say we tried. Atleast when we die we know we are good and wouldn't hurt anyone. We can only try our best. I've taught myself this year that it's totally okay to not be perfect. I've gone off your topic a bit but I am also all over the place. Most days I have that same feeling. Find myself staring into air. I'm amritdhari but question life everyday. Like what's the point doing this and that when all we get is hurt and broken. Even though I know that answer to that as Gurbani says 'give us strength to see past bad times' Aukhi ghari na dekhan dey. Even though I know what the Gursikhs preach it sometimes feels that because God isn't the end user of his creation he doesn't realise how difficult things can be. We look at Leaders and Preachers and when they do bad things it makes us question 'why do I keep my hair and pray and be a virgin etc'. It all becomes a bit ritualistic when there is that 'numb' feeling. I, as you, used to be untouchable in a very steady state of mind. It was that child-like state when nothing really stresses us and nothing matters. Bhenji keep going when your're down, you're not the only one. It is very hard to undertstand God and even our bad days are written for us. Even our low spirits have a meaning.
    2 points
  3. Lot's of posts on here with bits of useful information. I'm just going to keep it short and answer the op's question to the best of my knowledge. NOTE- this is just my answer and my understanding of how MInd-Body-atma works. This is very believable. It seems you were given a second chance or simply the opportunity to experience the sukham(subtle) dealings of mind and atma. No one can give you the real answer because only YOU can find this. HOW do you do that?? By going inwards. Finding yourself, Japna, simran to cleanse your inner self to find the jyot. I truly believe that the rash was your body's way of "signalling" the message to remind you again. You had already remembered and mentally highlighted the significance of the yearly date, but I think that deep down, a part of you knows that you have not made the efforts to begin your journey of searching prabh seriously. Think of the rash/body signal as a little kick up the backside for you to get cracking. Believe me, once you begin doing Saas graas, saas saas simran and then deeper meditation,.. then the necessary answers and gyaan will come to you. You will know the reason why Waheguru spared you and you will know what needs to be done in life. I also suggest that you begin reading more gurbani and start to distance yourself from worldly attachments. The universal Gobind will start making changes in your life anyway and already you may have noticed that certain friends, family members..etc. are now somewhat distant in your life and newer faces may be appearing. ( Waheguru starts breaking the bonds of all negative people in your life as stated in Gurbani) Also, old habits, desires, ambitions. etc may have began to disappear or just don't seem possible any more. This is all part of the play, but at the end of the day, you need to break away externally and strengthen internally to find your answers. It may take you a while to find the direction you should be going in but the Lord will take a hundred steps towards you for every single one you take. I know about NDE's and that a lot of accounts are not genuine in totality. I was in coma for a month from a very serious motor vehicle accident. I was resuscitated on the scene from cardiac and respiratory arrest. I don't recall anything, but they say it was a matter of seconds when they pulled me out, resuscitated and got me airlifted in helicopter to hospital. I never go in deep detail of my NDE but I do want to clarify that there are many realms, lower worlds, middle worlds and heavens as well as temporary places of suffering(hells). Gurbani has all the answers and when you begin your inner journey, gurbani will speak to you with knowledge, answers and confirmations, that you woud have never noticed before, even if you had read it thousands of times! .
    2 points
  4. You are one out of date, casteist clown. You are a dying breed. Most people have gained enough common-sense to reject the kind of ideas you spout. You talk as if greed is specific to particular caste and not a general problem amongst apnay. You're obviously deeply brainwashed by like minded people and you probably hang around with them in a herd-like fashion to reinforce your ideology, or you wouldn't dare say the the kind of nonsense you do. Any Sikh with even a shred of intelligence and foresight would reject your notions. Thanks for dragging us back to the dark ages again. We'll get nowhere with people like you in the panth.
    2 points
  5. Hello When I was a teenager, I also researched different religions. You may not know this, but Sikhism isn't a religion. Guru Nanak Ji came out of a river after 3 days after realising that there is no Hindu no Muslim, I.e no religion, Only One. Sikh means students, we are students of Truth. Truth has been taught by other religions but many of their teachings over time have become corrupted or the teachers have become corrupted.Guru Granth Sahib Ji is simply the uncorrupted Truth that other teachers have taught over time but is also in depth because the Gurus were great advanced souls who were able to teach the truth more deeply. Focus on becoming pure within and in action in your every day life. If you want the pure truth, you have it in Guru Granth Sahib Ji, but you are free to do what you want.
    2 points
  6. As I'm banned, much of what I've said before, say now and will say in the future, gets lost or ignored in the guest Gupt section. But, those of you that have taken the time to read some of my earlier messages here will recall 2 things I've said which tie up nicely to the point of this thread. Firstly, you may recall how a Canadian Sikh made a thread a while ago on the main page in which he asked if the 'Sikhs converting to Muslim probem' really was as bad as the UK Sikhs on this forum make out. As I couldn't reply directly to that thread I wrote a reply on this Gupt section in which I articulated that the answer was 'no'. I stated that the UK muslim conversion problem was only about a tenth of the size of Canada and America's massive Christian conversion problem but the UK's problem was magnified because the UK Sikhs, unlike the Canadian and American Skhs, are notoriously pessimistic and negative, perenially seeing the glass as half empty and habitually seeing their problems as earth shatteringly big. Secondly, you may recall that I once wrote about a few Canadian Universities that actually teach 'How to convert Sikhs to Christianity' as a full-time B.A. Degree course. I had obtained the actual syllabus for each semester of the course and I went into great detail how the course covered such subjects as "gaining the trust of the Sikhs" before going for the kill (mentioning Jesus). I stated how the course gave its students detailed knowledge about first visiting Gurdwaras as a 'friend of the Sikhs'......asking questions about the Gurus and Sikhi in order to give the impression that you are interested in Sikhi....but to NEVER mention the word Jesus until you had built up that level of trust a few weeks / months later. And so this brings me to the point of this thread. There is a video doing the rounds of some black girls in Canada speaking pure Punjabi. The video is doing the rounds among the Sikhs because the Sikhs feel honoured and proud that these girls had learned our language so well. Everyone is posting comments stating what a wonderfull thing it was nd how these girls should be role models for our own Sikh children. Call it the typical Sikh gullibility, un-padhness or whatever but nearly all, in their excitement, have either not heard or chosen to not hear, the bit in the video in which the girls state their actual reason for learning Punjabi. The state they learned it because it was a tool to help "save the Sikhs" and bring them closer to the 'Messiah", i.e convert them to Christianity. This is all very very frightening stuff. Frightening not only at the extent the Christians will go to convert us but also in the way that we as a people are generally very very un-padh and gullible: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IS0FViVbViw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IS0FViVbViw
    1 point
  7. I never judged anybody, you do. I never insulted anybody, you should actually read instead wat I wrote they have their own agenda, so? What did I say wrong? I wrote one sentence and there was no judgement but truth from my opinion in it. You have your opinions, so let me write mine and stop being all OTT. A lot of gyan of Gurbani is told to us by Guruji, Maharaj ji, Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji, to whom I bow down to as my living Guru and know that have been 10 Gurus with the same Jot in them, from Guru Nanak Dev ji to Guru Gobind Singh ji and not to humans as my Guru. I may not write essays on spirituality or have the education to give mehne to those who question. Meri mat thori a, but I also have a right to say what I don't agree with and is my thought, my opinion and nobody can change that. Dont worry about what kind of Sikh I am, because I'm not interested in what type you are. Talking about judgement, I wrote one sentence and you go and write a whole page on judging me and mirrors and what not. So, maybe you should rephrase who judged who penji. I still don't understand why you would refer somebody to their site. There's no need to get all heated up. No, I cannot apply Guruji's words 100% to my life as I'm a human and not perfect. That's quite a silly question to ask penji, when only Guruji are the only ones that are perfect. I am imperfect, and as a human with many sins. So how can I be perfect, when I look up to the perfect Lord? I would never want to be perfect or think I am as perfect as them. Guruji has graced me with one thing though, and that's being aware of Waheguru ??
    1 point
  8. To both I've been exactly where you both are, both of your words really resonated with me. I went through a phase where I woke at amrit vela, did paath and began to have the most stunning Visions and dreams, of Guru Nanak almost every night for a week or so, and experienced incredible bliss. Then they stopped for years and I went through some depressing times. You both need to accept that it's Kalyug and there's work to be done. The drop which can also be reflected in occurances in your life, is often an indicator that your calling is for a higher purpose, to Serve and Live Gurbani, detach from the illusion and Teach others how to detach. This is the REAL Service and spirituality- as shown by the Ten Kings. Learn from their examples- Truth in Action. They lived for Truth, gave everything for it, for the greater good. You'll feel the Nasha and happiness again, but you need to climb up for real this time, this is where the serious path begins, and how you climb depends on how much u want to do this (bhagti). Help other bhagats bring the world out of Kalyug and into Satyug, it only takes one star to light up the sky. Be positive, He is All that u see and All you don't, Hes there I promise, recognise Him in every action, every person, Nirboah, Nirvair. Be happy and grateful for what you have, materially and spiritually and Climb back up to the light, make your way back home. Live free of the chains of bulls*ht
    1 point
  9. Waheguru, Yes, I too recommend jkvlondon ji's advice and especially going slowly at your own pace. There a lots of other approaches to take at the same time such as well. I recommend writing a daily journal in a diary. Here, you want to try and document when the real negative bouts occur and what was you doing, who was talking, what you were thinking, was it someone that said something, ... what little event you feel gave the knock in emotions. All these journal logs will hopefully help uncover the roots of your weaknesses and negative emotions. Not sure where you are located, but I would recommend some no-medicinal therapy like CBT(Cognitive Behavoural Therapy) with a psychologist.
    1 point
  10. . TBHain ji Waheguru ji ka khalsa, Waheguru ji ki fateh, I know you have landed with a bump back into nowhereland but it does not mean you cannot regain lost ground with Guru ji's kirpa , start slowly building up start with doing Japji sahib by listening to katha and doing much vicharna , ardas for help from Guru ji goes without saying .Take it slowly read itihaas and whenever you can do naam jap, even a few mini sessions add up. +
    1 point
  11. It's ok paji LuckySingh99, I didn't get offended. Maybe Lionesswoman penji isn't aware of why I don't agree with the site or about the in depth reasons.
    1 point
  12. All I've heard is that this bani was compiled by babas and deras for seekers coming for their dukhs and treatments. Maybe it prevented a few from diverting to other paths and getting ripped off by fake healers/pandits?... ..I would hope so! The important fact is that ALL GURBANI can HEAL.... Gurbani is the TRUTH, the ultimate TRUTH revealed by Guru. For some of us and our buddhi, it is easier to read and contemplate shabads that somehow feel directly aligned with words like Dukh, Sukh, suffering, pain.,illness..,There is nothing wrong with this as long as it brings the suffering devotee closer to akaal purakh. We all come across certain pangtees or verses in all paaths that seem to stick with greater affinity. These seem to give an elated feeling of joy and connection. Therefore, it becomes easier to do repetitive jap or kirtan of these shabads..This is how gurbani works and why there are different raags. If someone feels a stronger connection with certain shabads or compliation of shabads, then there will only be benefit if that person dwells further and further into that bani. What I don't like is when people start slating banees like dukh bhanjani by associating with babas and deras. At the end of the day GURBANI is the TRUTH, bani is Guru and Guru is bani. No matter what verses are sung in random order, you can never harm or hurt the untouchable truth. The goal is ultimately to get to that state where pain and pleasure are actually just the same thing.. Fact is that after you die, you realise that all the events and what you deemed as obstacles and sufferings in your life, were in fact divine blessings! Such is the wondrous play of Waheguru.
    1 point
  13. There was no reason to snap at Simran345. If you weren't aware of the sites background then you could have said or admitted. Don't think that I'm poking or pointing at you but I know that sometimes we can find useful snips of information from other sources regardless of their agendas. Take what you find is of benefit and then ignore the rest.
    1 point
  14. Is that the real reason? Does Christianity say other religions will go to hell? ....I never knew that! What does the hair really have to do with it? I'm saying this because I never took steps to go forward telling myself to keep my hair. I just went searching within using the Sikh methods of simran and then bam!!! ....I suddenly had this urge to NOT cut my hair, I felt a spiritual connection and didn't want to break it. You look in the mirror and tell yourself that the hair has to remain cut and styled, but there is also another mirror inside you that you have to find to reflect on. This mirror is the truth and much more powerful that any mirror in the world. I suggest that you try doing bandgee as suggested by harsharan and lionesswoman. The hair and all other matters will start coming towards you.
    1 point
  15. A definite No, and I highly theyd let non-citizens vote in a referendum concerning their nations affairs. Its only every few years everyone gets all riled up, yells Khalistan Zindabad, then go back to their usual life. Examples being Rajoana, Beadbi cases, Ludhiana killings in 09.
    1 point
  16. discussion of NDEs heaven and hell from gurmat angle : http://gurmatbibek.com/forum/read.php?3,15842 http://www.wahegurunet.com/hell-is-real https://www.sikhnet.com/discussion/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=3732 http://www.sikhspirit.com/khalsa/news50.htm and a book on prem de teer (arrows of love): https://www.scribd.com/document/70255992/Arrows-of-Love-Prem-Dey-Teer-Naam-Net-Book-1
    1 point
  17. Please don't direct people to false bankrupt so called spiritual teachers. They are lost and don't know the way, how can they direct others to the truth.
    1 point
  18. and they also are Not counted as SIkhs as they use gurbani to entrap aspirant sikhs to following a living person/s instead of Jug JUg Atal Guru Granth Sahib ji
    1 point
  19. To this your question Guest Gupt Jee, Dhan Dhan Satguru Arjun Dev Maharaj gives us the answer in a couple of verses from His paviter Bani Dukh Bhanjan Sahib. *First of all He says: ਸਤਿਗੁਰੁ ਪੂਰਾ ਭੇਟਿਆ ਜਿਨਿ ਬਣਤ ਬਣਾਈ Sathigur Pooraa Bhaettiaa Jin Banath Banaaee सतिगुरु पूरा भेटिआ जिनि बणत बणाई I have met the Perfect True Guru, who has done this deed. *Here He is telling us, that Guru Jee has done His job, of showering His kirpa on us. *Then in this next verse, He says: ਰਾਮ ਨਾਮੁ ਅਉਖਧੁ ਦੀਆ ਏਕਾ ਲਿਵ ਲਾਈ Raam Naam Aoukhadhh Dheeaa Eaekaa Liv Laaee राम नामु अउखधु दीआ एका लिव लाई He has given me the medicine of the Lord's Name, and I enshrine love for the One Lord. *Though Satguru Jee is one with Akal Purukh, and is pooran by Himself, but even then, He places Himself as our mirror, and tells us, that when He got the message of Truth from Guru Jee by His apaar kirpa, He meditated on it, He did Simran of that aoukhad Naam, and the result of it was, that He developed and enshrined Love or prem for the Supreme Lord Wahiguru Akal Purukh. So, here we can clearly see, that Guru Jee is telling us, you complain for not having prem for Him, do not worry and reverse your inner state, from a empty one, to the full one of His Love, by just doing the bhakti of His Naam Simran. God bless you. Sat Sree Akal.
    1 point
  20. It would be a big fat 'no' if there was a vote tomorrow. If you went to the panjab you would see why (go villages and cities). I've seen the Punjab change since my first visit in the 80s (go every few years). The youth (majority) are more concerned with being 'cool', being Bollywood types or working on how to escape the punjab. The media is tightly controlled and people take what the media say as 'gospel'. Panjab has also become more heterogeneous in its make up with lots more Muslims and bihari types living their now , whilst the educated Sikhs have left the region. I'll give you an example in the 80s I don't recall any visible mosques in Jallandhar, last time I went there were a few which were visible. A demographic bomb has been unleashed in panjab and the demographics are only going one way and it's not towards strengthening khalistani views in panjab. Add to this the extremely corrupt and 'picked' political and civil structure of panjab, which is intrinsically opposed to khalistan. The only way khalistan would win in any vote would be to offer lots of money for each vote as that's central to so many people's lives there. Don't believe me? Go there and meet and chat to a wide variety of people there and you'll see what I mean. I also realise that the people of panjab are just victims of all this as they have been played to suppress any repeat off the past where they could be a strong independent region.
    1 point
  21. You went to a 10 day retreat to learn all this ? How we run around looking for this and that when all the time it is all right at home - Its all there in Guru Granth Sahib Ji
    1 point
  22. I agree rural based sikhs have some shortcomings but there is no doubt that rural based sikhs are the backbone of Sikhi. Shaheedis given by rural based sikhs were far far more compared to urban based bhaapaas. Even RSS knows this and is opening their shaakhaas(centres) in villages of Punjab and not in cities.
    1 point
  23. Bhaji/Benji, You have to become zero, absolute zero. There is no room for any ego. Don’t even think you are going to be a Gurmukh because that is all ego, become lowest of the low. Remember that Guru Nanak Dev Ji was called a Gurmukh ( Gurmukh kall vitch paragat hoe-a ) so Gurmukh is a very high stage. See an old bag lady pushing all her worldly belonging in a supermarket trolley down the road? regard yourself even lower then her. See a tramp sitting on the pavement drunk and puke coating his dirty clothes, regard yourself lower them him. Gurmukh is not easily achieved. See Him in all, regard all on one level, not easy. Jaap His name. But is that enough? We all do it, Gurdwaray across the world are full of smagams and naam simran divans, people jaap His name but who has had darshan of Him? How many can say they have had darshan of Guru Nanak Dev Ji? Guru Amar Das Ji says: Goojaree, Third Mehla: Everyone chants the Lord's Name, Raam, Raam; but by such chanting, the Lord is not obtained. By Guru's Grace, the Lord comes to dwell in the mind, and then, the fruits are obtained. ||1|| It is not just a matter of japing His name we all do it to a greater or lesser extent. You need HIS grace – Gurparsadh. Without this you will not get anywhere. So how do you get gurparadh? By pleasing Him by following His Hukam. Not easy. But above all PREM. This is prem-dhi-khade. You need total prem.love of your Guru. Unconditional and total.
    1 point
  24. lol that's quite the statistic you have there..."All Marriages Between Sikh Women And Non-Sikh Men End In Divorce." How many couples did you have in your racist, backwards and sexist "study"? Dude if you have personal issues, keep it to yourself. A large part of Sikhi is acceptance, that's a step above tolerance, and buddy you are not even close...
    1 point
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